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Grab a stick & beat a dead horse - The Merged QB Threads


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Both sides of the issue are as predictable as as the sunrise in the morning by now. One can insert the same comments made by the, ( plug in sweeping generalization of choice for those that don't believe Ramsey will be all that here), every bit as easy as the, ( same for those that believe Patrick will do well), in threads such as this. Nothing too difficult there. Both sides have pretty much a 50/chance to be right base on what they think they see.

It's not about being right, it's about offering the most reasoned, informed opinion on the issue. For instance, the other poster here would have us to take into account Ramsey's whole pre-season as a barometer for his worth. This is, well, stupid because Ramsey has progressed and you can't judge where he's at now by where he was some three weeks ago.

Also, there's the fact that the third pre-season game is the best such game to judge how far an individual and team is. And Ramsey made a pretty darn showing in that game.

I could go on, but you get the point.

Will Ramsey tank in the regular season? Who knows? As of this time, there may be opinions on Ramsey, some good ones and bad ones. And I think, by a country mile, skinsfan4life's opinion doesn't fall into the former category.

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On every PR thread its the same thing EXCUSES. Play football. The Bill would have won 4 super bowls "IF". Judge PR on what you see not on the excuses you can make for him. Yes, he is starting, but who feels confident? If you do please call PR and give him some of yours b/c he plays without any!

What the F???What do the BIlls have to do with "ifs." They were in FOUR Super Bowls. "if" has nothing to do with why they lost except maybe the first one.

And who says we aren't judging on what we see? The TD pass last weak was a great example of the lengths some will go to to criticize the guy. Almost every thread I have to correct a critic on BASIC NUMBERS and facts(from film review), let alone their selective use of said stats(not wanting to differentiate starting stats vs. overall) There isn't much credibility based on what I read, in terms of what you 'see.' You are teh same cats who were talking about how Ramsey threw the pass to Cooley last week in triple coverage. If you guys can't get that stuff right, why should anyone listen to you on anything else on this matter?

I also notice there were far less of you last week. Feel free to pop you ugly heads up any time you see somethign to scrutinize.

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Ummmmm, did you notice how he progressed? The last game is the truest reflection of what he's done so far since the third game is when you make the biggest push in the pre-season and Ramsey did pretty damn well in that game.

That was PR best performance ever in the preseason and he still threw a pick. Look, I'm not trying to down the kid I wish he showed me something but he didnt really inspire me he can command this offense. I know Brunell sucked last year. I know he played against 2nd string but, he never complained, he always produced every week not just one and he commanded the offense when ever he stepped on the field. PR need help reading defenses.

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What if Brunell comes in and dosen't live up to expectations then what will happen will call for his backup Ramsey. Oopps that already happened so get over it Ramsey is the starter and we don't need to make excusesbecause a hall of famer is the coach and he makes the decision and unless he see fit then guess what Ramsey is the starter.

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Both sides of the issue are as predictable as as the sunrise in the morning by now. One can insert the same comments made by the, ( plug in sweeping generalization term of choice for those that don't believe Ramsey will be all that here), every bit as easy as the, ( same for those that believe Patrick will do well), in threads such as this. Nothing too difficult there. Both sides have pretty much a 50/50 chance to be right based on what they think they see at this point.

I think Patrick's predictable inconsistancy is what makes the arguement redundant Park City. Right now, and throughout his career he's shown enough flash to keep the PR(public relation) team in spin control, but not enough to keep the prognosticators looking over his shoulder.

If Pat had the preseason that MB had, I would have the upmost confident that he was our guy. Right now, I just hope he makes a few plays each week, and doesn't make a game changing mistake. I'm basically rooting for Trent Dilfer.

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If he had Moss and Patten the offense would have put fear in a lot of defenses this year. But, we want to roll with indecisive Ramsey. Please can this dude make a decision! PR is part of the problem people have us ranked last in the division. The offense looks the same as last year with PR's SLOW QB development. We play Dallas wk 2 and I we cant go to Texas with R. Williams blitzing us every play and Ware sacking us the rest hoping Portis breaks one for a win. Pull the plug on PR you play how you practice and what you see PR doing now is all your going to see during the season. For every good play PR has you can count on 2 bad ones just look at his TD to int ratio. WE CAN NOT LOSE TO DALLAS AGAIN!

You don't say?


Enough with the Ramsey vs. Brunell threads, can we just merge them all into one topic?

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who cares Ramsey is starting! Just accept it and stop making these useless threads.

Just cause Ramsey is starting doesnt mean we have to hide the truth.

The truth being that Brunell looked much sharper and decisive all around by FAR. We as fans have the right to those type of debates. Not saying that I wont be routing for Ramsey when he starts the season. But lets give credit where its due.

And some of you lamers can keep feeding this "he's playing against 2nd string" all you want... infact cuz its true. But, the point is, he has been on target and has been nearly perfect this whole preseason as far as his accuracy and decision making is concerned on every throw. Mistake free, getting the job done. Alotta Qb's in the nfl 'not gonna mention specific names' couldnt make these throws as consistently as Brunell has been doing even against 2nd or 3rd or even practice squads.

And please, dont put the emphasis on that its 'Just preseason'. Records dont matter, but performances do.

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It's only a question of wheter or not Gibbs has the guts to make the change. Brunell is the better quarterback, and he knows it.

:laugh: Like he had the 'guts' to not make a change until the Skins were basically out of the playoffs last year?

So, last year he stinks beyond all accounting and this year he's the better QB than the guy who actually proved he was better LAST YEAR during LIVE ACTION REGULAR SEASON.

it's a mirage. last year, everyone was confident Brunell was the better option, to START the season. He was NOT the better option after about a month or so.

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You started to post--but didn't because opposing viewpoints were going to be posted?

That sounds kinda weak.

No, you misunderstand me, I started to post, then proceeded to post. It was intended to preceed yours, but your Ramsey meter was quicker on the draw. Read page one, I saw you coming from a mile away.

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What the F???What do the BIlls have to do with "ifs." They were in FOUR Super Bowls. "if" has nothing to do with why they lost except maybe the first one.

And who says we aren't judging on what we see? The TD pass last weak was a great example of the lengths some will go to to criticize the guy. Almost every thread I have to correct a critic on BASIC NUMBERS and facts(from film review), let alone their selective use of said stats(not wanting to differentiate starting stats vs. overall) There isn't much credibility based on what I read, in terms of what you 'see.' You are teh same cats who were talking about how Ramsey threw the pass to Cooley last week in triple coverage. If you guys can't get that stuff right, why should anyone listen to you on anything else on this matter?

I also notice there were far less of you last week. Feel free to pop you ugly heads up any time you see somethign to scrutinize.

One TD pass in 4 games. Hand PR back his Jock strap b/c you have your mug all in it. I'm not going to take away what ever good plays PR had he has the ability and potential but as far as I know the only thing potential gets a coached is FIRED. You can't wait for the light to click on for everyone just like it hasnt clicked on for a lot of people here who wants to believe what they dont see.

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Goldenstar, I'll admit that the comment was made more for Streator more than anyone else and maybe I should have quoted. However, not much of a reason for that since it was still a fairly obvious one. I am not commenting on the seemingly endless number of opinions given or their being right or wrong. Nor am I commenting on whether they are reasoned or not. Again, that's obvious. I am commenting on the fact that after the scrimmage and the preseason games, there have been so many threads about this with opinions that have by now, not really changed all that much. Could be a slightly different take on things, but things have now become redundant. No. I don't have to click on thread nor take part in it, but then, neither does either side by now. It's all pretty much the same now. I could to on, but you get my point. Sometimes, it's okay to realize that it's up to the guy playing to do the arguing for you and let things go. then say Oops or I told you so.

Edit. If you don't believe me, take a look at the new title of the thread. :)

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:laugh: Like he had the 'guts' to not make a change until the Skins were basically out of the playoffs last year?

So, last year he stinks beyond all accounting and this year he's the better QB than the guy who actually proved he was better LAST YEAR during LIVE ACTION REGULAR SEASON.

it's a mirage. last year, everyone was confident Brunell was the better option, to START the season. He was NOT the better option after about a month or so.

Your argument is useless. LAST YEAR THIS, LAST YEAR THAT. Get over last year.

According to Mcpimpin, everyone will be the same as last year. If one person was better then another LAST YEAR, they will be better forever.

Also, according to mcpimpin, preseason doesnt mean anything for those players who make rosters and move up the depth charts every year in preseason games.

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That was PR best performance ever in the preseason and he still threw a pick. Look, I'm not trying to down the kid I wish he showed me something but he didnt really inspire me he can command this offense. I know Brunell sucked last year. I know he played against 2nd string but, he never complained, he always produced every week not just one and he commanded the offense when ever he stepped on the field. PR need help reading defenses.

Nice of you to start making things up. Yeah, he threw a pick, but that pick wasn't his fault. And that "best performance" by PR, which should have gone without any picks, just happened to come over the BEST defense in the NFL last year. And, as stated before, he did so in the game which offers us the most credible gauge of how he's doing now and how he'll do in next year.

On the flip side, you make some utterly incongruous argument about Brunell and how certain facts -- specifically, a reference to his ghastly play last year and the fact that he faced second stringers this year -- somehow support your view that he's actually better than Ramsey. Let's put it this way, Brunell not only stunk up the joint last year, he did so against teams that averaged six wins.

Face it, you've got, at best, a flimsy factual predicate upon which to base your argument. Live with it, man.

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*insert Ghost or BoobieMiles Ramsey rhetoric here*


Ive been saying it all preseason. Brunell looks different.

Joe T is all over it.

We are still a better team is Ramsey can play well but, as I said before, I you wanted to win one game, right now, you woud play Brunell.

He gets all aspects of the possition, Ramsey doesnt.

Lets see what the Rookie does in the second half. There is a small small chance that Ramsey is in huge trouble if the rookie can play. It wouldnt be Gibbs first choice but what if Brunell started and the rockie backed him up.

Ramsey's development has just been so slow. And he can move in the pocket.

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Nice of you to start making things up. Yeah, he threw a pick, but that pick wasn't his fault. And that "best performance" by PR, which should have gone without any picks, just happened to come over the BEST defense in the NFL last year. And, as stated before, he did so in the game which offers us the most credible gauge of how he's doing now and how he'll do in next year.

On the flip side, you make some utterly incongruous argument about Brunell and how certain facts -- specifically, a reference to his ghastly play last year and the fact that he faced second stringers this year -- somehow support your view that he's actually better than Ramsey. Let's put it this way, Brunell not only stunk up the joint last year, he did so against teams that averaged six wins.

Face it, you've got, at best, a flimsy factual predicate upon which to base your argument. Live with it, man.

haha im sure EVERYONE knows by now that Goldenstar is a PR Jock sniffer.

Anytime anyone ever says anything other then positive about Ramsey, he pulls out his digital gun and gets on the defensive. :laugh:

Typical quote ... " Yea he threw a pick , but it wasnt his fault " awwwww :rolleyes: its okay... you'll be okay! :laugh:

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2 series? Your joking right! I'm talking about the ENTIRE preseason. Here we go with the excuses " 2 series" "he only played 2 series" right 2 series and he did what? Come back with some facts GS.

Dude, he isnt going to listen. They why they have a block list. Use it.

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One TD pass in 4 games. Hand PR back his Jock strap b/c you have your mug all in it. I'm not going to take away what ever good plays PR had he has the ability and potential but as far as I know the only thing potential gets a coached is FIRED. You can't wait for the light to click on for everyone just like it hasnt clicked on for a lot of people here who wants to believe what they dont see.

I'm not sure where your tone-deaf logic starts and stops, but it's clear that instead of taking issue and/or rebutting points raised that foreclose your view about Ramsey, you simply resort to time-worn rhetoric about Pat that you parade around as rationale. Instead of regurgitating tired arguments like some erudite magpie, you might want to meet certain points, such as the fact that Ramsey played damn well in the most important pre-season game there is and one that was played against the best NFL defense last year.

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haha im sure EVERYONE knows by now that Goldenstar is a PR Jock sniffer.

Anytime anyone ever says anything other then positive about Ramsey, he pulls out his digital gun and gets on the defensive. :laugh:


Typical quote ... " Yea he threw a pick , but it wasnt his fault " awwwww :rolleyes: its okay... you'll be okay! :laugh:

Ummm, hardly. I'm a logic jock sniffer, not someone who acts upon primal instincts and thinks he's a genius. Too bad you can't resort to that and, typically, rely on the namecalling.


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Nice of you to start making things up. Yeah, he threw a pick, but that pick wasn't his fault. And that "best performance" by PR, which should have gone without any picks, just happened to come over the BEST defense in the NFL last year. And, as stated before, he did so in the game which offers us the most credible gauge of how he's doing now and how he'll do in next year.

On the flip side, you make some utterly incongruous argument about Brunell and how certain facts -- specifically, a reference to his ghastly play last year and the fact that he faced second stringers this year -- somehow support your view that he's actually better than Ramsey. Let's put it this way, Brunell not only stunk up the joint last year, he did so against teams that averaged six wins.

Face it, you've got, at best, a flimsy factual predicate upon which to base your argument. Live with it, man.

I'm not trying to make up and I see you dont know anything about football. Why wasnt the pick his fault? Did he throw it? If the Wr broke off his route how would you know? I'm sorry you knew the play or is it another EXCUSE! BINGO, we have something here. Also, why was the Pitt game "the most credible gauge " O, b/c you said so? or b/c you know nothing about football. You dont make a credible gauge over one game. I'm wasting my time talking to you your another jock strap rider. Get back to me when your football knowledge grows up!

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