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Grab a stick & beat a dead horse - The Merged QB Threads


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My opinion is this, people are over-analyzing the preseason, especially ONE PRESEASON game.

If you look at actual REGULAR SEASON GAMES that count, Ramsey has been a better QB then Brunell has been for the Washington Redskins.

Can we please, stop talking about how great Mark Brunell was in 1998, because it has nothing to do with how he looked in 2004, when we were all begging for him to get pulled after the 2nd week of the season.

Now whether or not Ramsey does good this year, gets benched after week 1, or ends up being the legit future, is an entire seperate issue in regards to just how bad Brunell was last year in the regular season.

One dissapointing preseason performance by Ramsey, and wow how typical, people are already ready to switch back to Brunell, when they seemingly have forgotten just how bad he was last season.

All I am asking is to compare the QB play from the regular season, and unless you are willing to say Ramsey regressed from last year, then I think he would make a better starter in 2005 then Brunell.

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Since when is 8-of-12 for 77 yards bad? Yeah he had an INT. But if this was a real game he would of had played the entire game. We don't know what would happen from there. I think some people are taking the fact that Ramsey didn't score on one of the best starting defenses in the league as a sign he doesn't have it. Like I said, we don't know what would of happened if this were a real game, he could have lit it up. He could have thrown 3 more INTs..

I'm not saying Ramsey DOES have it. However there are some people that just want ramsey out (the same people a year ago that was screaming for him to be put in) and it doesn't matter how good or bad he does, nothing will change their opinion and from here on out will be bias towards his performances.

If by the 4th game he's not doing anything, he'll need to be pulled, no more wasting games on ineffective leadership. However I'll hold off judgement after I see him work the offense for an entire game..

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Originally posted by illone

Look guys, not trying to be an ass here and not trying to say I told you so, but this thread WILL be around until Ramsey is pulled or until everyone else "gets it."

I always knew Brunell was FAR better than Ramsey in every facet of the game. Now it appears a ROOKIE has more poise than him. No more excuses for a 4th year QB. Serious. I want the Skins to win MORE than any fan out there which is why I know in my heart that trusting Ramsey behind center is futile.

If Ramsey starts this offense is doomed.

I can't wait to bump that Brunell thread from last season:laugh:.

So I take it you have multiple offers from several NFL teams for coaching jobs correct? You must, since you seem to know what's better for our team then Joe Gibbs...

Three time Superbowl winning HoF coach Joe Gibbs..

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Originally posted by NoCalMike

My opinion is this, people are over-analyzing the preseason, especially ONE PRESEASON game.

If you look at actual REGULAR SEASON GAMES that count, Ramsey has been a better QB then Brunell has been for the Washington Redskins.

Can we please, stop talking about how great Mark Brunell was in 1998, because it has nothing to do with how he looked in 2004, when we were all begging for him to get pulled after the 2nd week of the season.

Now whether or not Ramsey does good this year, gets benched after week 1, or ends up being the legit future, is an entire seperate issue in regards to just how bad Brunell was last year in the regular season.

One dissapointing preseason performance by Ramsey, and wow how typical, people are already ready to switch back to Brunell, when they seemingly have forgotten just how bad he was last season.

All I am asking is to compare the QB play from the regular season, and unless you are willing to say Ramsey regressed from last year, then I think he would make a better starter in 2005 then Brunell.

THANK YOU!... dude where do you live, I'm buying you a beer.

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People tend to forget, this offense revolves around PORTIS not Ramsey. We're a run happy not pass happy team. This preseason Patrick will probably pass alot just so him and his TWO NEW wrs can get more comfortable, but in real games....we'll be running down people's throats, which will in turn improve our passing game.

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People tend to forget, this offense revolves around PORTIS not Ramsey. We're a run happy not pass happy team. This preseason Patrick will probably pass alot just so him and his TWO NEW wrs can get more comfortable, but in real games....we'll be running down people's throats, which will in turn improve our passing game.

I disagree that the offense revolves completely around Portis. I am not saying Portis is not a big part of this offense and very valuable. However, the offense needs a QB that can execute the offense, spread the field and get the ball downfield. If the QB cannot get it done, teams will simply stack the line like they did last year daring the QB to beat them.

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I feel as if Ramsey has always been a slow starter. Even when he first starting playing here, I noticed that it takes him awhile to get things going.

That said, he had an entire half to find his rythym, and he didn't.

But, I am not worried. I hope that he will be able to show some flashes this preseason, but just because he is rusty doesn't mean he'll have a terribe season.

Campbell is the future of this team though; this much I know...

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He threw one bad pass. I'm worried about the offensive scheme, not Ramsey. We have to get the ball to the WRs, and that has not been happening yet with Coach Gibbs...

Last year, some of the blame was on the coaching staff. This year I blame the QB's for not getting the ball downfield. Gibbs and his staff adapted, brought some new players in and have developed a scheme that can have success in the NFL this season. Football still comes down to executing basic fundamentals that have been around for a long time. Gibbs can still call a good game. The QB, however, needs to execute those plays. If receivers are consistently getting open, but not getting the ball, is that the scheme or the QB not getting them the ball. I will also add that the QB does have time to actually get them the ball.

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Yesterday after the pre-season game...I started thinking...U know how Gibbs keeps saying that Ramsey is his QB and all of that stuff...I was wondering y they drafted Jason Cambell...I mean Ramsey is a pretty young guy its not like he is as old as Brunell...I thought maybe that Gibbs wanted to draft a QB so he could bring him up in his system and end up putting him in eventually...bc look at Ramsey he was drafted my Spurrier and was pretty much polluted by his system...Im my opinion I think that Cambell really is meant to be our future at QB...I do want to see Ramsey do well but if Cambell is goin to be our starter of the future..i do not have any problem with that..I like what I have seen so far with Cambell....

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Originally posted by Fred Jones

Last year, some of the blame was on the coaching staff. This year I blame the QB's for not getting the ball downfield. Gibbs and his staff adapted, brought some new players in and have developed a scheme that can have success in the NFL this season. Football still comes down to executing basic fundamentals that have been around for a long time. Gibbs can still call a good game. The QB, however, needs to execute those plays. If receivers are consistently getting open, but not getting the ball, is that the scheme or the QB not getting them the ball. I will also add that the QB does have time to actually get them the ball.

My point is that the receivers are not consistently getting open. I'm as much of a supporter of Joe Gibbs as anybody else, but I don't think he and the rest of his offensive coaches have yet proved they have their act together for the 21st century. If things don't improve, the answer is not another QB, it's to do what Dick Vermeil did in STL...hire an offensive coordinator and head for the Super Bowl...because Gibbs is still a great leader.

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what exactly qualifies Campbell as the future of our organization? He was lucky enough to have a two headed monster in the backfield at Auburn so Defenses had to watch the run - therefore making his passes easier to complete. This guy is a second stringer at best in this league. We made the biggest mistake of the draft by sacrificing picks for this guy.

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I can't say I was satisfied with Ramsey's performance, but I wasn't unhappy with it either.

Statistically, he was good (8-12 77yds. 1 INT). He seemed to make smarter decisions and was looking people off, not just staring down a receiver.

In fact, the 2nd and 3rd drives he had that were killed really wasn't his fault. The people he threw to on BOTH drives DID NOT go out far enough. I mean, if its 3rd and 7, make sure you go out 8 yards so you'll pick up the first. Don't go out 5 yds. You may catch the ball, but you aren't keeping the drive alive. That happened twice, and it killed both drives. I don't really put that on Ramsey.

But I am concerned about the kinda dancy feet he was showing (he was better about it in his third drive). Hopefully, he'll settle down out there. :)

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It was a mistake. He might have been worth taking in the second round if we had had a pick there, but giving up what we did for him and drafting him way higher than anyone else rated him? I still don't get it. And now you have idiot fans calling for him to start, on the basis of jack squat. Bad move all around. Bad move.

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Guest sith lord
Originally posted by e-basham

what exactly qualifies Campbell as the future of our organization? He was lucky enough to have a two headed monster in the backfield at Auburn so Defenses had to watch the run - therefore making his passes easier to complete. This guy is a second stringer at best in this league. We made the biggest mistake of the draft by sacrificing picks for this guy.

Gibbs drafted Campbell because our current QB isn't all that good.

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Originally posted by e-basham

what exactly qualifies Campbell as the future of our organization? He was lucky enough to have a two headed monster in the backfield at Auburn so Defenses had to watch the run - therefore making his passes easier to complete. This guy is a second stringer at best in this league. We made the biggest mistake of the draft by sacrificing picks for this guy.

Maybe the Skins should fire JG and everyone else in the FO and hire you since you sure know your S#$#. Give me a break, if you watch JC you can see that he is going to be a great QB in this league. His comfort level in the pocket is much better than PR and he sees the whole field with ease. Just because he had a great RB in the Auburn doesnt mean he was a so so QB, that dont even make sense!! We have a great Running back, but I didnt see our QB's do Jack S#$# last year.

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Originally posted by AJ_Skins

He threw one bad pass. I'm worried about the offensive scheme, not Ramsey. We have to get the ball to the WRs, and that has not been happening yet with Coach Gibbs...

He threw more than one bad pass, the two out routes on third downs to Patten were horrible. He doesn't have that pass in his arsenal. The eight passes he completed where by no means tough routes. Dump off and check downs mostly.

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