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Don Banks on Morning Czabe


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Listened to this drivel on the way in to work this morning. Banks was doing his take on the upcoming season (he predicts the Cardinals to make the playoffs - nuff said) and Czabe couldn't resist asking him about the 'Skins. "They're never boring" he replied and proceeded to go on about how Ramsey needs to have a strong year, the young players need to step up and improve, etc. Then he noted that the Skins had to show improvement this year, maybe not playoffs, but at least provide eveidence of growth and a plan, to squelch the rumors about Gibbs leaving early. "They can't be talking about whether he's staying at the beginning of next season." (paraphrased)

I couldn't help but think "You jackass, the only reason those stories keep coming up is because you imbeciles in the media refuse to take Gibbs at his word when he says (repeatedly) that he intends to honor his contract. "

He also took a shot at Portis, intimating how unhappy he was with the offense last year.


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That actually sounds kind of accurate, except for the deal about Gibbs leaving. I can't hear Banks inflections, obviously, though. As sold on Ramsey as a cross-section of this forum may be, the fact is he is the key to the success of the Offense and he still has questions surrounding him.


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My only problem with the Cardinals pick is that all the reasons he provided for their success (young hungry defense, exciting RB, decent quarterbacking) could easily be applied to the Skins. Why shouldn't they be a dark horse pick too?

He also said he didn't think Philly would make it back to the Super Bowl, picking Carolina instead. Projected the Iggles for 10-11 wins, tops.

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It is funny that the media feel that it's important to improve in order to "squelch rumors". They cannot accept the reality that he's not going anywhere. He's told them that every time they've asked him.

It's important to improve because you're building something. Your whole goal is to improve, and it has absolutely nothing to do with what the gossiping ladies in the media have to say.

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The Cards are a trendy pick to win the west because of how ho-hum the rest of the division is. I'm sure Berman and Co. will act all shocked if the team is sitting at 9-6 going into the final week of the season but it still won't necessarily impress me since SOMEONE has to win that division. 6 games against Seattle, St. Louis, and San Fran is just kinda unfair.

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Gosh, I remember last year all those clowns told us the Lions were ready to turn the corner, and nearly every one of them had them down as the 'surprise' team.

And those that didn't told us the surprise team would be the Jaguars.


None of them know what they're talking about.


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Originally posted by McMetal

My only problem with the Cardinals pick is that all the reasons he provided for their success (young hungry defense, exciting RB, decent quarterbacking) could easily be applied to the Skins. Why shouldn't they be a dark horse pick too?

I cant speak for anyone, but my best guess would be their division. The NFC West does not have a Eagles type team to compete with. Therefore, the Cardinals would have a easier time winning their division.
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Originally posted by Bang

And those that didn't told us the surprise team would be the Jaguars.


None of them know what they're talking about.


The Jaguars went from being a 5-11 non-factor in 2003 to a solid 9-7 team that just missed the playoffs last year. This doesn't register as a "surprise team" to you?

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No, it doesn't. I don't buy the Jags.

They are yet another of the sportswriters darlings,, now they all proclaim Byron Leftwich has arrived based on what I would consider a completely Ho-Hum season. The guy threw 15 TDs in 16 games and he's arrived? (For some perspective..in 6 games last year, Ramsey threw 9 TD.. . Anyone in the media calling him anything BUT a bum? Not that I've seen. By all accounts, he's a dog who won't win 5 games this year. Yet, somehow Leftwich has arrived. Explain?)

They Jags won about half of those games by scoring once. Two times they scored that one on the last drive. In two games they never got into the end zone at all.

Who didn't know they had defense? Any surprise their defense can make ten points stick?

A surprise team is only a surprise if they can put a finish to the surprise,, like make the playoffs. Sitting home is no surprise. What do you know,, they did that the year before.

Most importantly a surprise should be a surprise, and if EVERYONE is calling for it to happen,, not much of a surprise, is it?

The point to my post is that these idiots just get in line and say whatever the last guy said. The recycle the same old tripe from column to column, from writer to writer.

Very RARELY do any of these jokers exercise their own thoughts on this stuff.

I think these guys jumping on the Cards nuts forget that the Rams are still a potent team. They have a run game, they have outstanding receivers, and Bulger puts up the numbers.


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Originally posted by Bang

No, it doesn't. I don't buy the Jags.

They are yet another of the sportswriters darlings,, now they all proclaim Byron Leftwich has arrived based on what I would consider a completely Ho-Hum season. The guy threw 15 TDs in 16 games and he's arrived? (For some perspective..in 6 games last year, Ramsey threw 9 TD.. . Anyone in the media calling him anything BUT a bum? Not that I've seen. By all accounts, he's a dog who won't win 5 games this year. Yet, somehow Leftwich has arrived. Explain?)

They Jags won about half of those games by scoring once. Two times they scored that one on the last drive.In two games they never got into the end zone at all.

If you're going to compare the two QB's based on TD throws alone, then you're missing the point. While both QB's are young gunslingers with solid arms, amazing toughness, and lackluster footwork, Leftwich has a leg up on Ramsey.

Take a look at the bolded sentence. The fact that the Jags won two games on Leftwich's last-minute drives while Ramsey had zero 4th quarter heroics signals a stark difference in their repsective seasons. Maybe if Ramsey hadn't thrown that killer interception in the 2nd Philly game, maybe if he had an outstanding game against Dallas, his season wouldn't be so non-descript when compared to Leftwich's.

Therefore, it's easier to be more optimistic when discussing Byron's 2005 season. He has the inpalpable "it" that can't be measured by numbers alone. This doesn't mean Ramsey won't have a better season; maybe the Jags will collapse into 5-11 obscurity. Or maybe Byron will develop into one of the NFL's elite signal-callers. No one really knows, including the sportswriters. On this we can agree.

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How can anybody trust anything that Gibbs says? I love Gibbs as much as the next guy, but he is anything but forthcoming with his information regarding the Skins. He'll always give the standard lines, but he never gives any real information.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Gibbs just does hand out any info. If he were planning to retire, he would still be saying the same things.

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Originally posted by The Dude

If you're going to compare the two QB's based on TD throws alone, then you're missing the point. While both QB's are young gunslingers with solid arms, amazing toughness, and lackluster footwork, Leftwich has a leg up on Ramsey.

Take a look at the bolded sentence. The fact that the Jags won two games on Leftwich's last-minute drives while Ramsey had zero 4th quarter heroics signals a stark difference in their repsective seasons. Maybe if Ramsey hadn't thrown that killer interception in the 2nd Philly game, maybe if he had an outstanding game against Dallas, his season wouldn't be so non-descript when compared to Leftwich's.

Well, I'm not basing this purely on numbers. I think an inherant difference between you and I is you see last minute heroics, where I see 59 minutes of nothing. In both games, congratulations to a defense that didn't allow any points to make the last minute wins possible.

(it's kinda like seeing Darrel Green run down Tony Dorsett.. everyone sees him make a great play.., I see a 70 yard run and ten other guys in red getting beat. I HATE seeing that play. It's a TERRIBLE play for the Redskins. Altho, seeing replays of Tony D's reactions on the sidelines is fun.)

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not down on Leftwich, and no one is comparing him to Ramsey (except me in that post).. I just think that based on what we've actually seen him do, for all of these sportswriters to be slobbering over him is a bit much. I think based on what we've actually see of him in the NFL, to expect he is going to step up and become a 25-30 TD passer is a bit of a stretch, and that is where I consider a QB 'arriving'.

With that said, he should be better this year, even if it's for no other reason than his younger receivers will be better.

To the topic at hand, the Cardinals are the darlings this year, but Kurt Warner is a HUGE question mark.

The guy has no grip left,, he ruined his thumb in 03. His passes aren't sharp anymore, and they wobble like crazy. Compared to the Warner of 99-01, he's a ghost of what he was.

I do like their receivers, and Denny Green is a known winner, but I think that Warner's question is a big enough monkey wrench for me to think they won't be winning the west.


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Originally posted by Bang

Gosh, I remember last year all those clowns told us the Lions were ready to turn the corner, and nearly every one of them had them down as the 'surprise' team.

And those that didn't told us the surprise team would be the Jaguars.


None of them know what they're talking about.


Add the Seahawks to last years list of "sexy" picks. The Cardinals won't be able to get passed Kurt Warner. From what I saw last year, he's through.

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