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What's more important to you?


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What's more important to you:

(1) Being right, or

(2) Being diplomatic?

The two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive, but I'm curious which you prefer in yourself and in others and why. As the thread gets going, assuming it does, I'll throw in my two cents.

Note: this is a slight ****ization of the first year law school question of would you rather (a) win or (B) see justice.

Let me know what you think.

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Originally posted by Monte51Coleman

I prefer to be right although I try very hard to be so in a non-abrasive manner. It is important for all concerned to be able to have their dignity left intact.

PS- If you don't agree then **** off.


What he said.

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Doesn't matter whats more important to me. My curse is, if I really think I'm right about something, I'm going to say it, and usually a lot more bluntly and aggressively than necessary.

Then I feel bad afterwards.

Although I take solace in knowing I was right :)

Btw Sol, whats the answer to that 1st year Law School question? :)

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Well, if I'm talking to friends out here, I much prefer being right but not at the cost of maintaining the friendship. With some friends, being right at all costs (e.g., remembering Ryne Sandberg's HR total) is most important. Outside the close friend circle, I think it's more important to be charismatic as you lay on the facts.

There's nothing worse than trying to discuss something with someone and instead of trying to discuss it, all that exudes is self-righteousness--even when, they are, in fact, right.

Tar, I don't know if there is a right answer. I will say that in my small section of 40 students--when the professor gave us that question, more than 75% (including my own hand) went up in favor of winning. I guess the hope is that the people that want to win are also on the side of justice. Whether that's true is a whole 'nother thread though.

But I think you guys are all right and (alright :)). It's as much about being right as knowing how to convey the message.

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(2) diplomatic and (B) justice

On the vast majority of things in this world, there is only one right answer, and if people don't agree with me on those, I will gently persuade or simply let them be.

On the small number of things on which reasonable people disagree, the only reasonable thing to do is to be diplomatic.

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I guess I will present my side of a disagreement, and upon hearing the other side, decide whether I'm right or wrong. If I'm right and the other person or party still doesn't agree, then usually it matters little to me. So, in the interest of peace, I'll resort to diplomacy.

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When discussing things with people I either don't like or I'm competitive with, it becomes a lot more difficult to admit being wrong, even when the facts (and/or law) seem to go against me. On the other hand, when I'm right and discussing things with those kinds of people, it makes the victory pretty sweet. :)

Does it frustrate you guys when your opponent/advesary/co-conversationalist doesn't concede defeat? Does it matter that only you know that you are right or do you need some level of affirmation from a third party?

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Originally posted by iheartskins

When discussing things with people I either don't like or I'm competitive with, it becomes a lot more difficult to admit being wrong, even when the facts (and/or law) seem to go against me. On the other hand, when I'm right and discussing things with those kinds of people, it makes the victory pretty sweet. :)

Does it frustrate you guys when your opponent/advesary/co-conversationalist doesn't concede defeat? Does it matter that only you know that you are right or do you need some level of affirmation from a third party?

I think both are related in a way. No one here knows everything, that is impossible. The problem also is some of the debates that happen here have nothing to do with facts but personal agendas or feelings in that case it would be hard to say you were wrong if that is what you truly believe or think.

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Sometimes you just have to do what is right even if it unpopular and can be viewed as "undiplomatic"

I dont think Reagan was very diplomatic when he said "Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall" in reference to the Berlin Wall. But it needed to be said...

I don't think Truman was very diplomatic when he authorized the use of the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But despite the human toll it probably saved lives and sped the end of the war.

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