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When the Skins start 'winning' will Extremeskins be overrun?


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Eventually (hopefully this year) when the Skins DO start winning footballgames, whether it be this year or 10 yrs from now (it has to happen eventually) will this Site be run over? In other words do you think that a surge in our record will translate into a surplus of members invading the ranks, so to speak? (both redskin and other teams fans alike)

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Between Bandwagoners, Media, Trolls, and others it is entirely possible.

We should all be hoping for that day to come soon. I am pretty sure Blade, Die Hard, TK, Tarhog and Art wont mind all of the advertising too much.

Personally, I have seen Extremeskins links at some point or another on every football MB including college over the last few years. Some just come to visit and read, others want to participate.

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It’s hard for me to go to other forums it really is.

The format the style yes EX is the best in that.

But the people and just the way everyone

Talks to one another and respects one another.

I love this site. And if you would see the know the time I spend here.

I wish I was timed by how long I was on this site. Surely I would have a special avatar.

And yes I plan on donating in the next week once I can convince my dad to let me use papal.

BTW I like the idea of "marking who the true fans are.

Or we could just look at the date you signed up.

Hail Skins and EX!

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Many bandwagon fans I'd call casual fan. This is the majority of fans. People who would never pull for any pro-team (they may even have some Redskin gear) but the Redskins but have little interest. Several winning seasons may turn them from casual fans into die-hards. Also, dont' forget young fans who are still forming their long-term favorites or their level of faniticism (maybe their more fanatical about BB now). Several exciting seasons will generate more new hard-core fans than the previous 10.

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Originally posted by footballhenry

Eventually (hopefully this year) when the Skins DO start winning footballgames, whether it be this year or 10 yrs from now (it has to happen eventually) will this Site be run over? In other words do you think that a surge in our record will translate into a surplus of members invading the ranks, so to speak? (both redskin and other teams fans alike) [/quote

This site will be run over by so called fans when our skins get back into their winning ways this season. A winnning season will come ,but to wait 10 yrs for it?I couldnt take that.:doh:

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No doubt we will get hammered. Look what happened with two of the big events for the Skins in the last 5 years.

Spurrier hired..........................lots of new folks............some infighting too between the Skins, and so called "Gatorskins" fans.

Gibbs hired.........even a bigger influx of new members............

We start making some noise on the field, and people will come out of the wood work like roaches when the bug man comes.

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I dunno man, as from a thread I made a while back, I hate fairweather fans, and I realized a buncha you all do too. I joined extremeskins february 2004, I guess sorta after Gibbs came back, but more cause I kept hearing the name thrown around on the washingtonpost forums which I tried doing for 4 months and it sucked.

I know you mods want this to be an open message board/community, but with a potential overflow of people, thus slowing the servers down, I think we should have a way to restrict membership/access. Hard and probably not possible to do, but should be needed, unless they are younger fans in their teens who wanna join, need to set them straight right off, and this site easily increases die-hardedness, definitely worked for me as before i watched all the games, but that was pretty much it.

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Originally posted by Mr. S

I dunno man, as from a thread I made a while back, I hate fairweather fans, and I realized a buncha you all do too. I joined extremeskins february 2004, I guess sorta after Gibbs came back, but more cause I kept hearing the name thrown around on the washingtonpost forums which I tried doing for 4 months and it sucked.

I know you mods want this to be an open message board/community, but with a potential overflow of people, thus slowing the servers down, I think we should have a way to restrict membership/access. Hard and probably not possible to do, but should be needed, unless they are younger fans in their teens who wanna join, need to set them straight right off, and this site easily increases die-hardedness, definitely worked for me as before i watched all the games, but that was pretty much it.

yeah, im just most worried about server slow-down, and lots of nonsense or repeated posts. you cant really blame someone for when they start posting on this site, hell I didnt find this site till a year or so ago. but it would seem suscpicious as far as more fans entering as we start winning, suscpicious in terms of "NOW you show up, type deal". I am sure the MODS will have a shorter leash for everyone the more and more this site grows, thats not a negative its just that with growing numbers of people to manage you have to accomodate, Id be curious to hear what the all-powerful ones have to say.;)

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Ha! Good thread. If the fair-weather fans come out in droves. They should be relegated to thier own forum so as not to taint the quality of the discussion for those of us who have toughed it out.













ok ... maybe not.

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It's just like the local watering hole. Here in Delaware, at the begining of the season they're Skin fans every where. If it ends up being a losing year, by the end of the season, I'm the only one in my jersey rooting the team on.

The good part of this: more space to stretch out, not as long a wait for beer (which I love), and quick delivery of my wings.

Tickets to the games are easier to come by.

Merchandise can be found on the close out racks for next to nothing.

And Extreme Skins isn't over run.

Am I ready to see a change? Why not. :cheers:

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good points, and because I have the sneaky feeling that I do

I plan on buying all memorabila prior to season starting.

Talk about pissed off. The skins start winning and here come the bandwagoners buying everything up, and Id be left scrounging.

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Originally posted by SkinsForLife260

It’s hard for me to go to other forums it really is.

The format the style yes EX is the best in that.

But the people and just the way everyone

Talks to one another and respects one another.

I love this site. And if you would see the know the time I spend here.

I wish I was timed by how long I was on this site. Surely I would have a special avatar.

And yes I plan on donating in the next week once I can convince my dad to let me use papal.

BTW I like the idea of "marking who the true fans are.

Or we could just look at the date you signed up.

Hail Skins and EX!

:notworthy great way to put it

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