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Everything posted by Hooper

  1. My buddy is a Raiders fan and said JDR's tweeting issues goes back to his Head coaching job days in Oakland and that his tweets divided the locker room. How can he not simply stay off social media? Why can't Ron simply tell him to or else? Bizarre.
  2. This isn't the first time. The fact that Ron can't just tell JDR to stop tweeting while he's on the staff is concerning.
  3. I don't care what Del Rio thinks, but how hard is it NOT TO TWEET? Especially when your defense has drastically underachieved and the linemen don't think the philosophy and techniques being taught are good. Good Lord.
  4. The Watson signing looks a straight-out disaster for the Browns. It's so bad I'm just shocked it's not the Commanders that are involved. At this point, their best hope may be something coming to light that will allow them to void the contract.
  5. I've been waiting for a politician -- either in office or wanting to be in office -- would take this kind of stand. It's a damn good one. Making it clear that you will not help build the Commanders (god, what an awful name, it still hurts) a stadium as long as Snyder is the owner is a no-brainer. It will just increase the pressure on him to sell. If DC, Maryland, and VA basically say no stadium as long as Snyder is the owner, the NFL will have to do something.
  6. I guess other countries don't have mental health issues, or porn, or first-person shooter games, or social media. Wait, they do. What they don't have are easy access to firearms or mass shootings. Hmmm, could those things be connected? Nah. Better to get teachers guns and body armor!
  7. A big reason we have a lot of police shootings is because cops know so many people are armed and are understandably worried about this. I know I would be. Guns are the root cause of so many of our problems.
  8. Young still doesn't get it. Are we even sure he's good? Flashed in a couple games late in his first season. Was dominated by journeymen tackles before he got hurt last year.
  9. Scary is right. And this is not something that happens in other countries. We are the outlier. A horrible one.
  10. Just insane. So many of our country's major problems have the same common denominator: too many damn guns.
  11. Running a NFL team into the ground financially was supposed to be impossible. But our Danny, he found a way. Hail!
  12. Dude had one thing at least kinda going for him -- he could overpay to get players. Now he can't even do that. Can't even offer a competitive longterm deal for Terry because he isn't liquid enough to fund it. Unbelievable.
  13. Snyder has cash flow issues -- he would have to put at least 60 million in cash in an escrow account to cover the fully guaranteed portion of Terry's new deal. The team's plan is to franchise him is my guess.
  14. Given the last 25 years, I fully expect Carson to flame out here. That said, it amazes me how the media has basically ignored the Jim Irsay of it all. I mean, has anyone listened to Jim Irsay? Seen him lately? This is a pill-addict (clean now, allegedly) who seems the furthest thing from stable. Yet no mention of that in most articles. Look, he's nowhere near the travesty Snyder is, but watching the media downplay the role the crazy Colts owner played in this has been bizarre. Is it far-fetched to think Irsay made it clear Wentz had to go or Ballard and Reich were gone?
  15. There is clearly something going on. The team implying Bradberry cost too much -- when it cost very little in the grand scheme of things -- is just the latest piece of evidence. So our terrible owner who used to be able to at least throw around cash to overpay players and convince them to come here... is now no longer capable of even that. It really is amazing how just when you think Danny can't become any less terrible... he comes coming up with new ways!
  16. You could very well understand this better than me. I do know the owners HATED the massive fully guaranteed contract the Browns gave Watson. The Ravens owner made it pretty he doesn't want to have to put 150 million plus cash in an escrow account in order to pay market value -- the fully guaranteed part -- for Lamar Jackson. Cash in escrow earns you nothing. That's a lot of money to have sitting around doing nothing. Be will an interesting thing to follow with the Commanders and Snyder. I think our draft was very telling.
  17. Hear ya. But I'm talking more a liquidity issue than him being in financial trouble. I would definitely pay attention to big deals -- or lack there of -- going forward. Simply put, because of league rules, Snyder can't finance those like he can a a new facility. To pay Scary Terry, he would have to put ALL the fully guaranteed money into an escrow account. There's reason to believe that has become tough for him. Have we doled out one big fully guaranteed signing bonus since Danny bought out his investors? I believe Allen came right before. Could be wrong, for sure.
  18. Would be shocked if we signed this guy -- unless no one else is offering decent money. Snyder's precarious financial situation won't allow it.
  19. Dan is apparently cash poor right now after buying out the minority owners. His plan was to sell to new minority owners, but shocker, no one wants to be in business with him! So just think about that for a second. Somehow Dan has become even more terrible. Before he could at least sign players. Now don't be surprised when we let Terry walk (team already has said Payne is gone) because the league's worst owner is no longer liquid enough to fund guaranteed contracts. I hope the NFL saw this coming and let him buy out the minority owners because they knew Dan would eventually be forced to sell. But hope and this team don't go hand and hand.
  20. Our terrible owner now doesn't even have the money to fully guarantee big contracts. Hilarious.
  21. Snyder must not have the money to extend anyone -- only thing that makes sense.
  22. Terrible pick. Man, Ron is bad at this.
  23. I'm sure Willis is so excited about the possibility of being drafted by Detroit or Washington, the places where QBs go to die.
  24. Willis has Snyder pick written all over him.
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