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Everything posted by Hooper

  1. Let's just cut to where this is headed. Snyder still owns the team because the allegations will be too hard to prove and NFL owners don't want their own dirty laundry aired by an inevitable Danny Boy lawsuit. But Snyder has somehow made this dumpster fire even bigger and absolutely no one will give him money to build a new stadium. Wentz somehow actually looks good.... and then a giant sinkhole in Fed Ex swallows him whole. The end.
  2. Unbelievably sad. He seemed like such a sensitive soul -- a kid who loved his family and came from a great one. Can't even imagine. Also, can we finally put Gil Brandt to pasture after his disgusting remarks today?
  3. Wentz. Huge arm, good off-script. I kinda hate him, but I get the move more and more. At least you know he could be good -- because he's shown it before. Baker is so limited physically. I would legit rather roll with Taylor and a rookie than bringing him in.
  4. ARod holds the cards because of his contract/cap hit. Why would he leave Green Bay for Washington? I mean, I know he's a little off, but he's not dumb. It's click-bait nonsense. Russell Wilson... I could possibly see that happening. Watson is the guy they could get, I think. The PR fallout would be bad, but as long as Snyder owns the team, the PR is always going to be bad so might as well roll with it. And he's the youngest of the bunch with a contract in place to boot. But let's be honest here. It will most likely be Mitch T and a rookie, probably Willis. Mitch T will win the job, not because he's earned it, but because Ron knows Taylor's physical limitations and Willis will be a year away -- at least. Mitch struggles... Ron is forced to go to Taylor early because he still gives the team the best chance to win. Bank on it.
  5. No way Arod leaves GB to play for Washington. He'll retire first. Chris Russell... I mean, LOL.
  6. Billy B better hope TB12 doesn't win another one without him! Those hot takes will just get hotter!
  7. My two cents -- Will try to trade for Carr. Don't see Raiders moving on from him. Will then sign Mariota AND draft a QB.
  8. At least we didn't take Trey Lance. Or worse -- really plan on taking Mac Jones -- and then let the media talk you out of it like Shanny did.
  9. Carr would make sense. Not sure why the Raiders would move on from him. Class act, top 15 Qb. Who are you replacing him with? Mayfield would be the worst possible thing ever so we will probably do it.
  10. So what's the gameplan? Rest as many starters left that you possibly can? Hope you have everyone back and healthy for the last three games? Taylor will benefit from the week off, I think.
  11. Taylor is going to get killed. The NFL seems wildly unprepared for this. Wow.
  12. This is nuts. Not sure how they can play this game. Won't be surprised if the NFL suddenly says vaxed players with no symptoms can play or something like that.
  13. This is brutal, brutal, brutal. What Ron was must think of Montez -- yikes.
  14. Montez and Chase have been massive disappointments on and off the field this year. I thought they were going to dominate too.
  15. Taylor H is slowly doing something that is darn near impossible in this day and age -- changing the narrative about him. Sometimes the only thing that's harder than playing well in the NFL is getting a sustained shot to do so -- especially if you are an undrafted QB. Yes, his lack of arm strength will limit him. No one is denying that. But he keeps making plays in the biggest moments. And his QB instincts are special -- dude just looks comfortable. Playoffs or not, if he keeps playing at this level, this off-season would be the perfect time to extend him. Try to tack on a year or two at eight to 10 million a year. He would have a hard time saying no and there's no risk for the team, no matter what this long-term future with the team ends up being. Also, as someone who lives in LA and adopted the Rams as my second favorite team, the Stafford thing... well it doesn't look too good right now. He's the exact opposite of Taylor when it comes to big moments -- he shrinks.
  16. Great story -- at least makes watching the offense fun. And he's making the offensive line look damn good, which is not always the case with QBs who can run. His pocket presence is outstanding.
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