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Everything posted by Hooper

  1. Danny may have the cash to fully fund a huge deal at signing. Or maybe he doesn't. If he thinks there's a chance he could be forced to sell, wouldn't he drag this out as long as possible until he knew for sure he wasn't? Having to put 60 million in an escrow account... and then having to claw it back? How would that work? There has to be a reason he hasn't doled out any kind of serious guaranteed money since Allen.
  2. What Danny has done to this franchise is mind-blowing. He is a cancer that won't stop spreading. He has already destroyed this franchise. But it wasn't enough. Now he's making life hell on other people outside of Washington. If I was Roger, that would be my biggest selling point when it comes to getting the other owners to oust him. If they don't, he will just keep dragging them down.
  3. Snyder is such a disaster for the league. Hiding out on his yacht while Roger takes bullets. I can only imagine how little Danny gets treated at owners meetings.
  4. Gtd money debate would lend credence to Snyder not being exactly thrilled with having to put 50 million in an escrow account immediately. Not predicting the market... keeps happening here. Good teams lock him up their core players -- even if it looks like they are overpaying at the time -- as soon as possible. You do that and a short time later it generally looks like a bargain.
  5. He'll never testify. It really is amazing how his reputation keeps sinking even lower and lower. Like, there is no floor. He is really really good at being terrible. I would love if the league stepped in at some point and pushed him out for incompetence basically, but that seems like wishful thinking.
  6. Snyder is so cool, hiding out in another country on his Yacht, never showing his face or speaking for the team he owns, laughing at all those low-salaried losers in Congress while he does an unbelievably amazing job of finding new ways to destroy the franchise each year. Dude is a BALLER.
  7. Herbert is proof that no one knows anything when it comes to drafting QBs. You look at him and think how in the hell was Tua universally considered a better prospect? I live in LA and have watched almost all of his games. He's a freak. If I was starting a team, I would probably take him one. Mayfield is the guy I think is really overrated. So physically limited.
  8. It will get done at some point, I think. Unless Dan really does have major cash flow issues that ultimate good soldier Ron doesn't dare reveal. That will be clear if no formal offer is ever made or if they just tout the yearly average Terry turns down, not the GTD money Snyder would have to fully fund. Even that would be hard to do nowadays -- the truth always comes out.
  9. Have been banging this drum for a while. Snyder fully funding a guaranteed deal -- 50 million or so -- the day the deal is signed could be a problem for him. If it all comes down to money to Dan, well daring Terry to play out his deal would make sense. To franchise him next year and the year after would be 50 million, and it doesn't need to be fully funded -- can be paid in installments. Of course, Terry would demand a trade or end up sitting out most likely -- as long as he could and still get a qualified year. VOR has been right about that IMO. The really rich owners have such an advantage now. I live in LA -- Kroenke paid for that stadium with his own money. A couple billion easy, all said and done. And he's not even blinking at all the fully funded deals he's given out this year alone. We'll see what happens. Barring Snyder really having cash at hand issues, I don't see how something doesn't get done.
  10. I'm having a hard time believing it's Ron. But all any of us know for sure is the Commanders haven't made any big money guaranteed deals since Allen. Everything has been cheap, cheap, cheap. Even Wentz is on the cheap side for a starting QB, all things considered, and the guaranteed money isn't much -- and does not need to be fully funded in an escrow account like Terry's new deal would be. Also, we are talking about Dan Snyder. This guy literally overruled his scouts and coaches and made a first round pick -- a terrible one it turns out -- just a few years ago. If this thing goes sideways, it's going to be because of him.
  11. Great post, VOR. Did you hear Michael Phillips on Keim or Stading's podcast the other day? He said Terry has not received an offer of any kind yet and he didn't understand why -- it made him lower his odds of a deal getting done. Of course, he may be working off bad or incomplete info, but it was interesting.
  12. 1. You're right. That said, I do think there's some smoke. They have made one deal this offseason that required any kind of spending. And that was Wentz. Even that doesn't need to be fully funded. Unlike signing Terry, which would require Dan to immediately put a check for whatever the guaranteed amount is into an escrow account. Not sure the amount -- 50 million at least, right? For a market deal? 2. Sorry -- I wasn't clear on the timing of the tag. I meant that the plan could be to let Terry play out his deal this year -- if they can't get him to take a severely below market deal -- and then franchise him for the next two if need be. Then let him go. Basically, make it a year to year decision, payment funded week to week, which Snyder has done before. It rarely is a good move -- causes drama and the money can't be spread out cap-wise over numerous years. But then again, it doesn't mean fully funding guaranteed 50 to 60 million in guaranteed money immediately. Everything you say makes complete sense... if we were dealing with almost any other organization. Why is it taking so long? We'll see. The team seems to have all the leverage, for sure. Again, you are probably right about all. How they use their leverage is a whole other story. And what if they decide they simply don't want to pay Terry anything close to what it will take?
  13. If this was a rational organization with a respected owner flush with cash, everything you said would be right. But I don't think any of those things are true. We'll see. As a fan of the team and the player, I hope I'm wrong. EDIT: just saw your post about Terry demanding a trade if no fair deal offered. I could see that happening for sure. Good point.
  14. It's not the first time he's opened his mouth -- or tweeted controversial stuff. Goes back to his Oakland days. Team had to do something.
  15. Because of Dan's financial issues, they will franchise him, possibly two years in a row. It will cost less than 50 million for two years. And you don't have to put the money in an escrow account. It's a terrible idea, of course. Will anger Terry and be non-stop drama. So bank on it happening.
  16. Wow. It's a good thing you can't get smartphones in other countries. Then they'd have mass shootings too.
  17. If they don't indict him, the Dems should give up. I'll have given up on them for sure. Good Lord.
  18. Worrying about what the GOP will do when they get power is hilarious. They're gonna do it no matter what.
  19. to franchise Terry, it would cost under 50 million for the next two years. That's where this is probably going and it will be non-stop drama as usual.
  20. He did the same thing in Oakland. I don't care about his politics -- and we're in the stadium thread. It's the fact that he can't stop blabbering and tweeting. How hard is it not too? All it does is bring unwanted attention -- something he knows because again, it happened to him before in Oakland. It's nuts. Also, are we even sure he's a good DC?
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