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Everything posted by Hooper

  1. Chase got away with a hit earlier. He’ s not playing well or smart.
  2. Matt Ryan sure seems scared of last year's ROY. LOL. But hey, good thing you got on Family Feud, Chase.
  3. The Packers just hired Joe Barry as their DC. Aka the same Joe Barry who has failed at a historic level the other two times he was a DC.
  4. Getting the Lions to take that contract is a massive win for the Rams.
  5. Who cares if a lot of these people didn't think they were doing anything wrong and that they weren't being violent? They still 100 percent participated in the storming of the Capitol! They must be punished. Every. Single. One.
  6. 2021 makes 2020 look sane so far. And these people are terrorists. They may not see themselves that way, but neither did the guys who crashed planes into the WTC.
  7. It is nearly impossible to get a shot if you are guy like TH. Not drafted, you have to beyond impress in the QB room and with the three reps you get in practice to make a team. When he finally did get a shot, he got hurt. And there is no patience for interceptions, much less injuries for a guy who wasn't even drafted. Sounds like mentally he had moved on from football. I bet he had a blast yesterday.
  8. Floyd has money issues -- have it on good authority from friend who has auctioned off some of his stuff. He needs to keep making millions and millions because he spends like crazy. Fighting LP is easy money (unlike getting in the ring against a real contender and risking his perfect record/legacy).
  9. I've been a huge Baker basher, but he is playing really well lately. Good for the long-suffering Browns fans. Will be fun to root for them in the playoffs.
  10. Both o-lines are a liability. If Dallas loses another linemen, yikes.
  11. In North Dakota, where cases have increased 60 percent in the past month, Republican Gov. Doug Burgum said that the state’s hospitals are at capacity and are so strained that the state will allow its doctors and nurses to continue working after they test positive for the coronavirus.
  12. https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2020-11-11/covid-19-risk-thanksgiving-2020-what-to-expect?_amp=true&__twitter_impression=true Middle of the country... yikes.
  13. Toobin apparently had closed his laptop during a break in a meeting, but it wasn't closed all the way. He was watching porn on another computer and the camera from his not fully closed laptop was pointed right at his junk. The other people in the meeting had to tell him to stop. Brutal!
  14. Fun fight. Would love to see a rematch.
  15. Or a ring of honor/shame. Come on, let's kickstart this bad-boy.
  16. Gase is a disaster. He should be gone ASAP. Both NY teams are just dumpster fires. Not a lot of great young talent either.
  17. How many games wins the nfc least this year? I think 7 could do it.
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