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A poll I need all to participate in........


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Before I get to indepth on the ins and outs of football for the site, I wanted to get an idea of what people want to see first and so on.

When you vote, if you could also give a little blurb of things that you would like to have discussed or things that you don't understand about the game. All of that will help me put the whole package together and in a orderly fashion.

Thanks guys.

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1. I picked coaching because thats where it ALL begins and ends.

2. This is my 1st post and would like to say hello to all and I can't wait to be sharing my opinions with others on this board. I've been a Skins fan as far back as I can remember and even landed a job as a Store Manager for the Redskins at the Springfield Mall location. Once again, hello to all. HTTR!!!

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I'd like to learn more about the different stunts that are run by the D-Linemen and LB's; also the different blitz packages. Also, I'd like to know more about cover 2, the nickel packages and dime packages as well (responsibilities of the defenders).

Thanks, Utah! You're the greatest! :cheers:

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i like reading anything about football. Ill start off with offense though, especially blocking schemes. Though not realistic, when I play madden, i focus on blocking more even when a big play happens.

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the details or nuances of coaching...pretty vague I guess..but the process of game planning week to week etc. I find the preparation, team preparation etc. I guess I really enjoyed when HBO did that nfl hardknocks some years back even if it was the cowgirls and the ratbirds.

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Defense, defense, defense - I just don't get why certain defenses are called for certain situations, or (often) why the defense-type is called what it is called (cover 2) etc. Given that Ramsey's ability to read the defense is going to be a big part of our success (!!) this season, I'd like to try to really know what I am looking at.

Thanks a ton Utah !!

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Originally posted by Nomadskin11

Defense, defense, defense - I just don't get why certain defenses are called for certain situations, or (often) why the defense-type is called what it is called (cover 2) etc. Given that Ramsey's ability to read the defense is going to be a big part of our success (!!) this season, I'd like to try to really know what I am looking at.

Thanks a ton Utah !!

I voted defense for the same reasons as Nomadskin11.

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I picked defense. We've all heard the saying and it seems to be somewhat true so why do defenses win championships?

Is it because good defenses are more consistant than good offenses or is it really a field position battle won by the defense and special teams?

Or something else altogether that depends upon individual matchups?

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Guest BleedinBurgundyandGold

definitly offense, especially with audibling at the line of scrimmage by the qb with respect to what the defense is showing....if possible.

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