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I Love Krispy Kreme

E-Dog Night

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  • 1 year later...
Fast metabolism is a boon...I can down 8 Krispy Kremes in a matter of minutes, and not gain a pound. I've been like that my entire life...sucks for you guys who gain 20 pounds with one dounut, because those things are freakin' good.

I hate you. I seriously hate your guts. :laugh:

Dunkin' Donuts coffee is the jam. I used to drink a ton of it. Krispy Kreme donuts are good, but they are really sweet. I have the monster of all sweet tooths, and they're almost too sweet for me!!

Plus, does it piss anyone else off that they spelled Crispy and Creme with K's?? That annoys me...:laugh:

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The ironic thing is, the size of krispy creme donuts compared to other donut shops is crap. They are half the size, twice the calories. I mean don't get me wrong, I have had Krispy Kreme donuts and like them, but I just don't think they are far above and beyond better then your standard donut shop, in order to justify the price.

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you all ever read that poem by Poetri?http://poetri.com/poetri_the_performer.htm



by Poetri

All I want to know is

Where did Krispy Kreme donuts come from?

What sick man invented this?

I see the sign every day!

‘cause I’m in there every fricken day!

This black militant fella once told me

that Krispy Kreme

used to be called Krispy Kreme Kroissants…AHA!!

Kroissant spelled with a K…

Just like the rest of their names

meaning KKK!

They were started to keep the black man

down and round

so when the revolution comes back around

all the black men would be too fat to fight,

going through withdrawl symptoms,

addicted to the KKK

made to order glazed drugs…I mean donuts.

But everyday, I see white people inside

Krispy Kreme,

‘cause I’m in there every fricken day!

I even saw the black militant fella’

in there one time

so I think it’s safe to say that he was lying.

All the same Krispy Kreme is still trying to

kill me,

just like the KKK, the CIA, and the devil

Their stock has jumped leaps and bounds

since they met me

or should I say, since I met them

on that cold rainy night.

it was love at first taste…

glaze melted into my mouth

like a waffle from Roscoe’s.

And I remember thinking in Shakespearean,

“What fresheth taste hath fallen

from grace into thine mouth.”

They know me by a first name basis

when I come in,

I’m like NORM from CHEERS…POETRI!!!!

When I go through the drive-through,

they know my voice,

“What’s up Poetri, the usual?”



I try to disguise my voice at times

and I think I’m pretty good,

you should hear my Fat Albert, but

they know it’s me,

‘cause I can only do fat people!

it’s not fair, I already have

French fries to deal with,

now this!

I must forever fight the temptation,

of the creation of the perfect fattening donut…

Krispy Kreme!

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I taught myself to hate donuts my freshman year, as everyone would go to "Daylight Donuts" in Auburn late at night & feast....in total fear of the Freshman 15. It actually worked. For years I'd look at a donut and think "I hate it" and feel nauseated. Mental power at its best.

Nowadays, I may eat a donut once every 5 months or so, only b/c I'm not a sweet tooth and would much rather divulge my calories as Big Macs, French fries, or pizza.

Does anyone remember Montgomery Donuts? Now those were the bomb. A Chocolate Twist would make my day. Too bad now they are closed. Good childhood memories....

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I taught myself to hate donuts my freshman year, as everyone would go to "Daylight Donuts" in Auburn late at night & feast....in total fear of the Freshman 15. It actually worked. For years I'd look at a donut and think "I hate it" and feel nauseated. Mental power at its best.

Nowadays, I may eat a donut once every 5 months or so, only b/c I'm not a sweet tooth and would much rather divulge my calories as Big Macs, French fries, or pizza.

Does anyone remember Montgomery Donuts? Now those were the bomb. A Chocolate Twist would make my day. Too bad now they are closed. Good childhood memories....

Hell yeah!! I only had MDs once...but they were the bomb!! I didn't know they closed!! :( I've been away from the area too long!! :(

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Hell yeah!! I only had MDs once...but they were the bomb!! I didn't know they closed!! :( I've been away from the area too long!! :(

I know, I know. I was deeply saddened to find that out. Gude drive held many a blessings.....remember that roller rink "Wheel-a-while"? And O'Brien's Pit BBQ is still there (dang good). Just Montgomery Donuts.......my mom would treat us by taking us there after swim practice before school. As swimmers we ate up to 6000 calories a day and were twigs!! I hated being away from the area the past 8 years then to come home and find out places like that were closed. Still good to be back. But jrockster---I wouldn't trade Hawaii for anything! You are blessed!

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I know, I know. I was deeply saddened to find that out. Gude drive held many a blessings.....remember that roller rink "Wheel-a-while"? And O'Brien's Pit BBQ is still there (dang good). Just Montgomery Donuts.......my mom would treat us by taking us there after swim practice before school. As swimmers we ate up to 6000 calories a day and were twigs!! I hated being away from the area the past 8 years then to come home and find out places like that were closed. Still good to be back. But jrockster---I wouldn't trade Hawaii for anything! You are blessed!

Yeah...Hawaii is the bomb...but I spend a ton of times indoors (grad student). I miss the DC/Metro area a lot, believe it or not. I don't see myself staying out here forever.

But you sure can't beat the weather!! :)

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Yeah...Hawaii is the bomb...but I spend a ton of times indoors (grad student). I miss the DC/Metro area a lot, believe it or not. I don't see myself staying out here forever.

But you sure can't beat the weather!! :)

I understand. Did you grow up here? The roots, man, the roots.....there is something about living where you grew up that is just right. And after being back up here after living in South Georgia for 8 years, it sure feels gooood...to be near all the action at the Capitol, the heart of the country, but especially to FEEL it in the air---the Redskins Fever!!! :helmet: (plus I got to go to two games-Bears & San Fran-when I'd never been in my life.)

But while you're there, please enjoy the beaches for me......I always wanted to live by the water. Heaven.

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I understand. Did you grow up here? The roots, man, the roots.....there is something about living where you grew up that is just right. And after being back up here after living in South Georgia for 8 years, it sure feels gooood...to be near all the action at the Capitol, the heart of the country, but especially to FEEL it in the air---the Redskins Fever!!! :helmet: (plus I got to go to two games-Bears & San Fran-when I'd never been in my life.)

But while you're there, please enjoy the beaches for me......I always wanted to live by the water. Heaven.

Yeah...lived in Arlington for most of my life.

The Skins doing well is one of the reasons why I miss it so much!! I remember in the late 80's and early 90's everyone was Skins-crazy!! So good to be a fan. And since I left ~8 years ago, they haven't been that good, or good enough to get excited about (I knew they'd screw it up in 99).

Ah well...such is life! I'll be back one day!

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Yeah...lived in Arlington for most of my life.

The Skins doing well is one of the reasons why I miss it so much!! I remember in the late 80's and early 90's everyone was Skins-crazy!! So good to be a fan. And since I left ~8 years ago, they haven't been that good, or good enough to get excited about (I knew they'd screw it up in 99).

Ah well...such is life! I'll be back one day!


Those were the days. I remember IF you were lucky enough a kid to get to go to the Superbowl parade, our school accepted that as a valid excuse to miss school!!!! I'd tell my GA friends about it (re: Redskins fever up here) and they'd say, "WOWwww".

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Krispy Kreme is crack cocaine in disgues. I don't care what anybody says. I get a 12 pack, it's like straight smack. I CAN'T STOP!!!!

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Dude, you are so right!! I don't even buy them anymore - I eat one, and next thing you know the box is empty.

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Krispy Kreme....i first had one maybe 10 years ago down in south carolina, my dad practically flipped when he saw the store...

one of the few rare cool things to come up to northern virginia, fairfax county...those of you who live here know that there's no sonic, steak n shake, checkers, in n out, sheetz or anything of that ilk...however, krispy kreme does represent. thank god.

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Krispy Kreme....i first had one maybe 10 years ago down in south carolina, my dad practically flipped when he saw the store...

one of the few rare cool things to come up to northern virginia, fairfax county...those of you who live here know that there's no sonic, steak n shake, checkers, in n out, sheetz or anything of that ilk...however, krispy kreme does represent. thank god.

Ughh...Steak 'n' Shake. :toilet:

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Krispy Kreme....i first had one maybe 10 years ago down in south carolina, my dad practically flipped when he saw the store...

one of the few rare cool things to come up to northern virginia, fairfax county...those of you who live here know that there's no sonic, steak n shake, checkers, in n out, sheetz or anything of that ilk...however, krispy kreme does represent. thank god.

i have lived here all my life, and i couldn't find the krispy kreme if my life depended on it. hook a brotha up yo!

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Dunkin Donuts is far better than Krispy Kreme. DD has much better coffee and a much better selection. KK's stated opening up here in CT a couple of years ago and were the talk of the town. You would wait in line for an hour to get a donut. Now, they're all going out of business.

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Dunkin Donuts is far better than Krispy Kreme. DD has much better coffee and a much better selection. KK's stated opening up here in CT a couple of years ago and were the talk of the town. You would wait in line for an hour to get a donut. Now, they're all going out of business.

I love all fresh donut shops :) Good thing I don't have any local. That would be bad news.

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They had two in Boston open up last year, they're already closed. THey just can't compete with 80 dunkin donuts in a 9 mile radius. . . and I'm serious. From my old house, there were 80 Dunkin Donuts within 9 miles :laugh: Dunks coffee is crack for the suburban working stiff in Boston ;)

Same here in CT :)

There are 2 Dunkin' Donuts within one-half mile of my work place...and they are located on the same street :laugh:

...the Starbucks crowd thinks DD coffee is disgusting, but I love it...you are right Chom...it is like crack :). I'm known at every DD on the CT shoreline.

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Dunkin Donuts is far better than Krispy Kreme. DD has much better coffee and a much better selection. KK's stated opening up here in CT a couple of years ago and were the talk of the town. You would wait in line for an hour to get a donut. Now, they're all going out of business.

SkinzRool - the one that opened in Milford is still, to this day, one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen. They had traffic backed up down the Boston Post Road with cops directing traffic....people standing in line under tents setup in the parking lot with propane heaters to keep them warm because it was 20 degrees outside...and they are standing in line for 2+ hours for doughnuts????????

...but you are right...today, there is never a soul in that place when I drive by...

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Like Krispy Kreme but want to avoid the weight gain? Try the Krispy Kreme Challenge.

In 2004, NC State Sophomore Chris McCoy came up with a challenge. He would gather some friends at the NC State belltower and begin a run toward downtown Raleigh. His jog would take him two miles downhill to the Raleigh Krispy Kreme bakery. There they would each consume 1 dozen of the legendary hot glazed doughnuts. The group would then run back to the belltower to finish the race.

All in less than an hour.

The run was only a rumor, until December 2005. The Saturday before exams, while most were recovering from the traditional Hillsborough Hike, Peyton Hassinger and Greg Mulholland gathered some friends to complete the Challenge. About 10 students participated and the day’s winner was Ben Gaddy, who completed the Challenge with a record time of 34 minutes, 27 seconds. Now that the Challenge made it into the pages of Sports Illustrated: On Campus (see #85), the organizers hope to have hundreds participate for this year’s race.

The Krispy Kreme Challenge is more than a gastric and physical endurance test. Any proceeds will go to support the North Carolina Children’s Hospital. Come and take the challenge: run for the kids.


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