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Screen name origins


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Originally posted by Resurrection

No, everthing's fine from that end. I've been dating a good girl for the past 4 1/2 years, that I don't deserve. She's great. (Engagement pending :) )

Basically, there's two things. I've had to start over a couple of times with my career choices, and go in completely different directions. Things don't always work out the way you want, or plan, and I've had a hard time dealing with that sometimes.

I also battle my weight. Back in 2000 I lost approx. 100 pounds between January and August, working out like a mad man, and using a supplement called Xenadrine RFA-1 that at that time had ephedra. (The new version isn't as good, no matter what Cytodyne Technologies tells you) In January 2000 I had a 46 inch waist, and weighed approx. 325 pounds. By August of 2000 I weighed approx. 220 pounds, had a 34 inch waist, and benched 330 pounds. For two years I maintained, but then I burned out. While I'm nowhere near as badly out of shape as I was prior to January 2000, I'm trying to nip it in the bud, before it gets out of hand again. I had put about 1/2 of it back on. Basically, from resorting back to doing the same kinds of things that made me overweight to begin with. Basically, I was in the "zone" for about 2 years, and then things began to unravel. I over eat when I'm stressed out about things, and started to not care anymore. I've been doing good for about a month though, so I'm "resurrecting" myself from the ashes. (Eveything always has to be dramatic with me :) ) Make sense? :)


I think when people switch careers they usually get into something drastically different they what they did before. I need to lose some weight myself. I don't want to look flabby when I roll down to the OBX. Plus, I just feel better all around when I am watching my weight.

"(Eveything always has to be dramatic with me)"

That's interesting. There might be more to that then you think. Look into it....

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Originally posted by KINGBRICE_28

As most assume my name is Brice.

I created an age of empires clan with the prefix KING_ and it's followed me everywhere......

and I rule the world.....

I was told back in umm....12th grade that my names origin came from some king or prince named Bricious but I've never seen anything since then to prove that

You play age of empires? which one?

My name stands for: REDSKINS are my team for life no matter what , and the number is for portis(26 was taken)

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For a period in my life I wanted to be cool, just like everyone else. I wanted to be respected. It seemed though, that no one really cared about how I wanted to be treated. How I felt. I was so quick to trust that I ended up with friends that weren't friends. People that just wanted things from me, like getting with my little sister.

Eventually I decided that I had had enough. Every true friend I've ever had I've had to leave. I haven't stayed in the same school for more then 2 years in my entire life. It was always move on. I had to teach myself to move on with life, deal with it, because I had to. I really don't care anymore.

Now, I could care less about fashion. Could care less about what everyone else thinks is hip. I just look at something for what it is, and decide whether I like it or not. No bias, I either like it or don't like it. It's weird, because everyone's trying to figure me out. For some reason I'm supposed to be with a certain group or clique like everyone else. Nope. They wonder... Am I prep? Am I gangsta? Am I wack? Am I blight? Nerd, lousy, mentally depressed?

I'm black, straight up, and despise BS.

I'm not like most people who just goes with the everyone else's flow. I don't go with whatever flow is instyle. I'm not into the black image, white image, or whatever. I make my own flow. I'm me... 7 days a week.

And I do not care if anyone likes it. I don't.

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I'm half Danish and half Japanese.

TheDane is much more acceptable than TheJap, just ask Bill Parcells.

I also lived in Denmark for the first two years of my life, visit there every year, and am much closer to and associate more with my Danish ancestry. I'm very proud of it.

Why am I not called HalfDane? I'm not sure, actually. I wish I had thought of that, but oh well, it's too late to change now.

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DKS-Dana Kimberly Sillers

1240-last number of my social security number

that use to be my username for all my stuff for school so i went with it. i didnt really have plans to be on this site a whole lot so i didnt put much effort into the screename and now i somewhat regret not thinking of a more original name. its kind of grown on me though, the only problem with it is everybody on here thinks im a guy (its not the most feminine screename) but i think i might have solved that by just adding the picture of my tattoo in the sig.

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Originally posted by dks1240

DKS-Dana Kimberly Sillers

1240-last number of my social security number

that use to be my username for all my stuff for school so i went with it. i didnt really have plans to be on this site a whole lot so i didnt put much effort into the screename and now i somewhat regret not thinking of a more original name. its kind of grown on me though, the only problem with it is everybody on here thinks im a guy (its not the most feminine screename) but i think i might have solved that by just adding the picture of my tattoo in the sig.

Thats some true devotion girl:cheers:

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Henry is the name of Indiana Jones' dog.

And it's a little known fact that Henry was the name the rebel pilot that says "Copy Gold Leader" in Return of The Jedi (he was Wedge's best freind at the academy) and I just love how he delivered that line. There are no small parts ... only small actors. ;)

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Originally posted by sonsofwashington

I had just gotten back from my first Skins game at FedEx last year. All I had in my head was our fight song........FIGHT ON, FIGHT ON, TILL YOU HAVE WON.........SONSOFWASHINGTON!!!!!! It was so obvious to me at the time. Plus, my father is a DC boy. Gonzaga pride!

Sons of Wash-ing- ton, RAH! RAH! RAH!:cheers:

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