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Screen name origins


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Originally posted by Resurrection

No, everthing's fine from that end. I've been dating a good girl for the past 4 1/2 years, that I don't deserve. She's great. (Engagement pending :) )

Basically, there's two things. I've had to start over a couple of times with my career choices, and go in completely different directions. Things don't always work out the way you want, or plan, and I've had a hard time dealing with that sometimes.

I also battle my weight. Back in 2000 I lost approx. 100 pounds between January and August, working out like a mad man, and using a supplement called Xenadrine RFA-1 that at that time had ephedra. (The new version isn't as good, no matter what Cytodyne Technologies tells you) In January 2000 I had a 46 inch waist, and weighed approx. 325 pounds. By August of 2000 I weighed approx. 220 pounds, had a 34 inch waist, and benched 330 pounds. For two years I maintained, but then I burned out. While I'm nowhere near as badly out of shape as I was prior to January 2000, I'm trying to nip it in the bud, before it gets out of hand again. I had put about 1/2 of it back on. Basically, from resorting back to doing the same kinds of things that made me overweight to begin with. Basically, I was in the "zone" for about 2 years, and then things began to unravel. I over eat when I'm stressed out about things, and started to not care anymore. I've been doing good for about a month though, so I'm "resurrecting" myself from the ashes. (Eveything always has to be dramatic with me :) ) Make sense? :)

Makes sense to me bro. Be strong ALWAYS. Never give up. Good Luck.;)

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The origin of my screen name? hmm....how can I explain this??

I'll try...back in college I broke up with a girlfriend because...well, I was sick of her, we didn't have much in common, etc. One night some of my "comedian" roommates ran into her at a party. They decided to go talk to her and since she had been drinking they thought it would be funny to try to get some "dirt" on me. Since I dumped her, they thought she was going to be brutal and say bad things...to make this long story short she compared me to Ron Jeremy....I won't go into anymore detail...enough said!!

So, I was dubbed "Ron Jeremy" by my roommates. Why did I explain this? I am already regretting it. :doh:

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Originally posted by RonJeremy

The origin of my screen name? hmm....how can I explain this??

I'll try...back in college I broke up with a girlfriend because...well, I was sick of her, we didn't have much in common, etc. One night some of my "comedian" roommates ran into her at a party. They decided to go talk to her and since she had been drinking they thought it would be funny to try to get some "dirt" on me. Since I dumped her, they thought she was going to be brutal and say bad things...to make this long story short she compared me to Ron Jeremy....I won't go into anymore detail...enough said!!

So, I was dubbed "Ron Jeremy" by my roommates. Why did I explain this? I am already regretting it. :doh:

aww, man you had lots of options for a screen name. Donkey, Elephant, horse just to name a few:rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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*ahem* I have this, uhhh, habit...

It's also my handle on other message boards/blogs, as well as the name I use when I'm playing FPSs (Unreal Tournament, baby!) on-line.

Also it should be noted that I found this great poster at the beach in Delaware once that showed the Grim Reaper with a cigarette ( ;) ) in his mouth and said "Grim Reefer" at the bottom. But that has nothing to do with the origin of the handle...I had already started to use it by the time I bought the poster.

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My first solo CD that I recorded was titled "Voltaire And I." When it was first released in 1997, it was shipped out and logged by the call number "Voltaire 007." I have used it for screen names ever since. When I found this site, I found every Redskins related name that I tried to use was already taken, so I went with what I use on other sites.

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Originally posted by RonJeremy

The origin of my screen name? hmm....how can I explain this??

I'll try...back in college I broke up with a girlfriend because...well, I was sick of her, we didn't have much in common, etc. One night some of my "comedian" roommates ran into her at a party. They decided to go talk to her and since she had been drinking they thought it would be funny to try to get some "dirt" on me. Since I dumped her, they thought she was going to be brutal and say bad things...to make this long story short she compared me to Ron Jeremy....I won't go into anymore detail...enough said!!

So, I was dubbed "Ron Jeremy" by my roommates. Why did I explain this? I am already regretting it. :doh:

So let me get this straight, she told them your're a has been, fat and freakishly hairy? Not a nice girl at all.

Skin-N-NY, um, let's see, I'm a skin fan and I live in NY. (Not by choice)

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I am in Phi Sigma Kappa. You are very correct that it means "ball sweat", not many people actually can get that. The nicknames you are given while pledging are not usually the most complimentary names (as you can see - mine is not close to the most foul though haha). Most don't usually stick with a person, but Duckus or Duck Butter has become so popular that people very rarely call me by my real name anymore.

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Originally posted by Duckus

I am in Phi Sigma Kappa. You are very correct that it means "ball sweat", not many people actually can get that. The nicknames you are given while pledging are not usually the most complimentary names (as you can see - mine is not close to the most foul though haha). Most don't usually stick with a person, but Duckus or Duck Butter has become so popular that people very rarely call me by my real name anymore.

I was in Phi Delta Theta, my pledge name was 'Hoof Arted.' Hilarious, I know. Some of my favorites from my house were: "Grimace McPledge" and "Fat Stupid Loser." No one really called me my pledge name after pledge period because it just didn't stick. I still call some of the guys that I pledged with by their names though.

Sorry this is :ot:

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