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Spread is Skins -3, Bet the house?


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With the exception of the last Skins/Giants game last year when the Giants had given up on their coach, these games are always close affairs. While I think the Skins will win, the Giants will keep it close as they respond after Coughlin lays into his team about their week 1 performance.

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Originally posted by Synergist

The spread is opening up at Skins -3, Is this a gift or what?

Not a gift at all.

Home team gets 3 points, so really the line says we are favored by 6.


Washington are 6-3-0 ATS in their last 9 games

Washington are 4-1-0 ATS in their last 5 away games

Washington are 5-2-0 ATS in their last 7 games after scoring 10 to 20 points

Washington are 8-3-0 SU in their last 11 games after being .5 to 3 point favorites

Washington are 4-1-0 ATS in their last 5 away games against NY Giants

Those are very favorable trends that lean heavily towards a win for us on the road. Throw in the Gibbs factor coupled with the Coughlin factor (several players have grievences filed on Coughlin fo writing them up and fining them for being EARLY to a team meeting, great for team morale) and I think -3 is a lock.

I forsee a more balanced offense this week, as vs. the Bucs we had to rely on the run. That Giants secondary isn't half as good as the Bucs, so Brunell should be able to play run and catch with coles and gardener, with Portis keeping that Giants defense honest.

This actually could be a blowout judging by how our defense played on Sunday. I was thoroughly impressed with the defense, especially with the blitz packages getting Bowen in on the action. I mean how many of us expected Williams to throw Bowen at them so many times?

In all honesty our D looked much more consistent than that Philly D. We should be able to control the clock against the Giants and shut their offense down. But, alas, time will tell who is contender vs. pretender.

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I just think that despite any level of rational thinkinbg, NFC East games often tend to play tight.

I have the feeling that the Skins will win, but just because a team gets trounced in week one doesn't mean they come out dead in week two....sometimes it lights a fire under them.

Ugh...I wouldn't touch this game- especially not at 3 points...that's the worst.

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Look, Coughlin in New York is Marty in DC part deux. And do you remember what happened in week two of Marty's tenure?

The players hate Coughlin with a burning passion. He's going to be even more of a hardass after such an embarrasing loss. How are you going to play for a coach when you have grievences pending against him?

If the Giants even had something resembling a talented NFL roster, then this may be a contest, assuming they decided to "play for themselves."

I have a feeling this one won't even be close. So yes, bet the house, the ranch, and possibly the family. :)

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not to sure on that one ..... giants are gonna be pissed , tho we are a well coached team looks like night and day compared to last year but i still think the division games are tough ...eagles are a tough team i dunno if we can blow the giants out like that just yet ....who knows tho

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Look all this garabage about being angry and motivated under Coughlin...is being overblown. The Giants are a god awlful team...I mean bottom 5 in terms of talent in the entire league...especially on defense.

People worry too much about trends, look at personel. What was the "weak" point of our team in week 1...offense...what is the weak point of the Giants their "defense", We will handle their offense and should score plenty.

Play matchups not the past. Skins cover 3 no problem. Fear of the big scary NY starts to fade.

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