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Church or Football


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Originally posted by Mick

I dont get the 2nd option - "Church : I dont believe in God". It seems contradictory ; If you don't believe in God, then why choose the "Church" option. Mis-type ?

I think it should say "Football: I don't believe in god". If that's correct, put me down for that one. The only time I thought that, just maybe, there is a god, is when Joe Gibbs returned.

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Originally posted by Mick

I dont get the 2nd option - "Church : I dont believe in God". It seems contradictory ; If you don't believe in God, then why choose the "Church" option. Mis-type ?

I think it meant to say. Church? (as in are you serious?).......... I don't believe in God.

As for me when the Redskins play at 1:00, I attend 8pm service. If we play at 4:00, then I attend regular service at 11:00

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Tivo church; watch game. ;)

You can go to church 365 days of the year; there's only 16 redskin games; more if you are lucky and you've got a good coach and team.

Nothing interferes with the game.


Not phone, friends, family, enemies, nothing.

Except the @!$%%&^*&%@#$%$%^ cable company losing service.

And that last happened to me during the buffalo Super Bowl. First TD was missed. I don't think the cable company liked my message for them after that.....

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Originally posted by SkinsLover

I actually saw this in action on Friday at the Skins game. I myself am not a big church goer, but I thought it was the coolest thing to see both teams intermingled, centered around the fifty yard line kneeling down in prayer together. I was thinking this was something Joe might have put into effect - until you posted this I had no idea this was the norm!!!

Getting together after a game to pray has be going on for years. At least the early 90s. The NFL kind of frowned upon it being shown on TV so you don't see it nearly as much.

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afparent - I had no idea - this is my third year of season tickets, and I have been to many other games in other stadiums - but this time we stayed overnight locally and for the first time I can remember being one of the last people out of the stadium & not rushing to the car. This is how we caught that special moment.

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i do attend church , but the 1 pm games make it difficult to attend mass since we leave at 7:30 - 8 am in the mornings on game days , so basicly church takes a back seat when football season starts :doh: i do pray all the way to the game and during it for that matter :D

:ravensuck :dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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Originally posted by Mick

Actually no, that opinion was covered in option #1.

So perhaps the reverse is true "Church : I do believe in God"

Not to nitpick but option #1 says, "Skins before God". That would imply a belief in God. I couldn't choose that one so I'll go with my modified #2!! That doesn't mean I haven't used God's name in vain over the last 12 football years!

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Originally posted by afparent

I thought the Redskins were my religion!:)

I bleed burgandy but this is sad.

Gottat give the Lord his praise... Without him there'd be no football.

I got it lucky. My service lets out at 11:30 so its easy to see the 1:00 kick-offs.


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My Church has a Sat. evening service, so if the Skins have the early game I'll try and make that one. If worse comes to worse though, as much as I love the Redskins I'm going to go and praise and worship The Lord before I watch the Skins. Still, making the Sat evening service is the best way for me.

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Seriously folks, I am a PK(preacher's kid)

and on a particular Sunday if my father has tickets to a 1:00 game the 10:00 service will be over by 10:35 flat, there will be a short sermon on sin, and hurried walkign up and down the aisles, if the game's at 4:00 he'll take his time and the service will end at 11:15!

:helmet: :notworthy

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It sucks here in the midwest. The games start at 12 and that's when my church usually lets out. I'm most likely slipping out kind of early this sunday because were having some fellow Skins fans from church over so we're going to get things ready. Having hot wings, shrimp, etc... :cheers: I'll probably hang with the full services after week one, but no yapping until 12:30 like I usually do after church. I wish they'd puch the early games back one hour.

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Well considering you don't need church in any shape or form to justify your belief in god, I'd say the act of being amongst other followers of the faith is more a group get together, then a holy experience. Skip church altogether, do the praying at home, and watch the game. On the west coast there is NO WAY you can do both except for late games. Not like I have to worry though, I don't go to church.

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