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As someone else stated, really not a problem with TiVO now. I go the 11am service (since we do not have anything earlier) and am usually home before kickoff. In the event I am not home I have the game Tivo'd and I catch up to real time in a matter of minutes.

...but if you are at my church you better watch yourself in the parking lot....I'm burning rubber on the way out :)

"Hold on kids....Daddy's gotta get home for kickoff"

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i go to a sweet church every sunday. it's about 20 feet from my bed and i substitute and altar for a 35" with DirecTV, and bread and wine is replaced by wings and beer. it's called the family room, all are welcome-- and no one will be shoving a donation basket in your face.


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Originally posted by Gamebreaker

I'm going to my friend's church when the Skins play at 1:00 pm. His church has quick one-hour services and I can choose to go to the 9am, 10am, or the 11am.

Is it drive-thru ? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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When September comes around, I go to Church as normal and it finishes about 1pm or so. I might go next to the Supermarket for groceries and then leisurely drive home. No big deal I won't miss any of the game.

All this is because 1pm my time is 6am yours (assuming you're on the east coast). 1pm EST is 6pm UK or GMT time. The 4pm game is 9pm here. So, if you really don't want to rush back or feel its too much of a conflict of interest, emigrate to Europe. We could do with some missionaries in our increasingly secular society...

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I grew up rushing home after service and missing the first quarter.

Then I went to college and partied so hard Saturday night that I slept through the first quarter.

Now I'm graduated so I suppose I'll watch the whole game. (until my waitlist number for tickets gets called).

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Originally posted by Blondie

I have a very deep faith in God. I must attend church.

I go to church......which is about 3 minutes from my home. I leave for church at the last possible minute......sit on the back row.....and leave immediately after.


Also, it is important to understand that you can have a very deep faith in God & not attend church. I know most church-goers will gasp at that, but tis the truth.

BTW, I don't attend church because I have lost my faith in the church, not God. As a comedian once said, "I trust Jesus. I just don't trust the people He has workin' for Him!", so the answer for me is also an easy one!


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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

As a former Christian who is now an agnostic, and who finally got around to doing years of research on my own, I think Mark Twain sums up my sentiment about ALL organized religions. So you know where I will be on Sundays. In front of the TV. :rolleyes:

"During many ages there were witches. The Bible said so. The Bible commanded that they should not be allowed to live. Therefore the Church, after doing its duty in but a lazy and indolent way for 800 years, gathered up its halters, thumbscrews, and firebrands, and set about its holy work in earnest.

She worked hard at it night and day during nine centuries and imprisoned, tortured, hanged, and burned whole hordes and armies of witches, and washed the Christian world clean with their foul blood.

Then it was discovered that there was no such thing as witches, and never had been. One doesn't know whether to laugh or to cry. Who discovered that there was no such thing as a witch -- the priest, the parson? No, these never discover anything." -- Mark Twain [1835-1910], American novelist

This sounds like educated babble to me. Being the son of a former black magic witch turned Christian & seeing the things that are not of this world, I know for a fact that they do exist. However, this particular passage from Twain isn't speaking against God Himself, but those that follow Him. It goes back to what I said in my last post. People will always take something out of the Bible & use it to satisfy their own beliefs. For centuries, it was witches. Today, it's homosexuals. I personally feel that Christians are some of the worst people that I have ever encountered (and being one really makes it that much harder to admit, but it's true). They are the first turn on you when you make a mistake. They are the first to point out your faults. They backstab, judge, hate, & are 2-faced & live by double standards. But, knowing that has not changed my view of God in the slightest. I just don't deal that often with "Christians" anymore, because I am all too familiar with some of "their" practices & have been a victim of their treatments for years! But I still love & respect God, because I have seen all too often His touch in my life...without "them." Sorry, just had to say that!



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Originally posted by CowboyzSuckAzz

This sounds like educated babble to me. Being the son of a former black magic witch turned Christian & seeing the things that are not of this world, I know for a fact that they do exist. However, this particular passage from Twain isn't speaking against God Himself, but those that follow Him.

Did I misunderstand you here? Are you saying that YOU know for a "FACT" that witches exist? If so enlighten the rest of us and tell us what "facts" you have to support this and what things you have seen "that are not of this world." I've never seen any witches and I don't know anyone else who ever has either. Do they ride on broomsticks?

As a former Christian, I might suggest as starters that some of you Christians read the book below. I can also give you the names of other books written by former pastors and priests, who also gave up the ministry, if anyone is interested.

Farewell to God: My Reasons for Rejecting the Christian Faith by Charles Templeton


[Templeton was a minister of the stature of Billy Graham, who used to draw 50,000 Christian worshipers into ballparks, but who gave up the ministry after 20 years because he said he finally realized the Bible was a book that contained too many falsehoods. Its the word of man, not the word of an invisible god.]

Excerpt: page 103 - “As a result, although the Bible has been and remains the unchallenged best-seller among English language books, it is the least read. Most homes have a Bible but it is seldom opened. It is my considered judgment that not one in a hundred clergymen and not one in a thousand laymen has read the Bible from cover to cover."

It looks like I'm going to have to start up a RELIGION thread again -- part 5 -- after the season is over. Did you hear that ParkCitySkins? :laugh:

Because I was watching the comedian George Carlin the other night, and he said that he recently read where 75% of the people now believe in angels. Then he said to the audience: "Are you people fu_king nuts?" Then he said: "Then what about the goblins and zombies? I suppose they exist too?" :laugh:

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Church 9:45 - 11am - then home... Makes for a hi-five'n pre-game show...

I'm new to this so excuse the ignorance...

1. It's easy to be a christian or religious believer of anything during the good times... I could believe in the mighty rubics cube..

It's only real if you believe during the worst times....

2. My personal belief is: If you live word for word by the old testament your a radical... If you live by the new testament you a more peace lovin kinda person... Having not read them both word for word it is just my belief....


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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

Did I misunderstand you here? Are you saying that YOU know for a "FACT" that witches exist? If so enlighten the rest of us and tell us what "facts" you have to support this and what things you have seen "that are not of this world." I've never seen any witches and I don't know anyone else who ever has either. Do they ride on broomsticks?

As a former Christian, I might suggest as starters that some of you Christians read the book below. I can also give you the names of other books written by former pastors and priests, who also gave up the ministry, if anyone is interested.

Farewell to God: My Reasons for Rejecting the Christian Faith by Charles Templeton


[Templeton was a minister of the stature of Billy Graham, who used to draw 50,000 Christian worshipers into ballparks, but who gave up the ministry after 20 years because he said he finally realized the Bible was a book that contained too many falsehoods. Its the word of man, not the word of an invisible god.]

Excerpt: page 103 - “As a result, although the Bible has been and remains the unchallenged best-seller among English language books, it is the least read. Most homes have a Bible but it is seldom opened. It is my considered judgment that not one in a hundred clergymen and not one in a thousand laymen has read the Bible from cover to cover."

It looks like I'm going to have to start up a RELIGION thread again -- part 5 -- after the season is over. Did you hear that ParkCitySkins? :laugh:

Because I was watching the comedian George Carlin the other night, and he said that he recently read where 75% of the people now believe in angels. Then he said to the audience: "Are you people fu_king nuts?" Then he said: "Then what about the goblins and zombies? I suppose they exist too?" :laugh:

Dang Inmate, I'm surprised this thread is still going without any fights. I'm right there with ya brother. I don't think this is the time or place for a debate about god but if it becomes one, I'll jump in. It sounds like you'd be interested in The Brights (if you're not already - email me for their website if you need it).

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Originally posted by AJWatson3

i go to a sweet church every sunday. it's about 20 feet from my bed and i substitute and altar for a 35" with DirecTV, and bread and wine is replaced by wings and beer. it's called the family room, all are welcome-- and no one will be shoving a donation basket in your face.


You go to one of those "Bed side Tabernacles" huh? Put God 1st is the rule in my home! Don't want to make the creator mad at my Skins either, for he is a jealous GOD. The Bible says to "Give thanks in *ALL* things!" Thank you GOD for football and TiVo too !:D

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Originally posted by sydshobob

Dang Inmate, I'm surprised this thread is still going without any fights. I'm right there with ya brother. I don't think this is the time or place for a debate about god but if it becomes one, I'll jump in. It sounds like you'd be interested in The Brights (if you're not already - email me for their website if you need it).

No this isn't the thread for a religion debate, but we have had four or five religion threads over the last several years in the Tailgate. Maybe after the season is over, I'll start up another one, as I have some new material. :)

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Have a VCR. down the road, maybe TIVO....hmmmmm... if I had to make the choice, I'll keep those in mind. :)

And Inmate, I heard ya. Let's just make sure it's there not here. Have to go a long way to make the next one close to as long as the first couple. :)

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