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BS: Sanders primed for return with Ravens?


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Sanders primed for return with Ravens?

Source: Retiree mulling comeback as nickel back


Will a part-time role with the Ravens lure "Prime Time" out of retirement?

A league source Sunday told The Sun that Deion Sanders is contemplating whether to make a comeback as the Ravens' nickel back (fifth defensive back).

Sanders, one of the most charismatic athletes in sports and one of the greatest cornerbacks in NFL history, would address the biggest need on a vaunted Ravens defense.

A decision by Sanders is not imminent, the source added. Sanders, who turned 37 earlier this month, has been out of football for three seasons.

"To my knowledge, Deion Sanders is retired," Ravens coach Brian Billick said. "That kind of takes him off our radar. If he decides to unretire, like any number of other teams, we would be interested."

Sanders could not be reached for comment.

If Sanders decides to return for a 13th NFL season, the Ravens might be his most attractive destination. He would not only have a chance for a third Super Bowl ring but also would have the opportunity to play with two of his closer friends, linebacker Ray Lewis and cornerback Corey Fuller. Plus, it would give Sanders an opportunity to get back into the spotlight after his television career fell apart this year.

The last time Sanders considered coming out of retirement was December 2002, when he expressed interest in playing for the playoff-bound Oakland Raiders. The San Diego Chargers blocked that cameo comeback by claiming Sanders off waivers (he was previously on the Washington Redskins' reserve-retired list).

It is unclear whether the Ravens would have to compensate the Chargers if Sanders chooses to play again.

Perhaps the bigger question is whether Sanders has anything left of "Prime Time" -the nickname he gave himself for repeatedly making big plays on national television or if he's simply past his prime.

When he retired before the 2001 season, Sanders reportedly told the Redskins he did not want to continue playing because his performance was not up to his standards. His rocky relationship with then-Washington coach Marty Schottenheimer also factored into his decision.

Sanders' last NFL season (2000) was steady yet not sensational. He surrendered only one touchdown pass but seldom made the electric plays that were his trademark with the Atlanta Falcons, San Francisco 49ers and Dallas Cowboys.

An over-the-top showman, he is considered one of the most dynamic athletes of the 1990s. Sanders combined flair with talent: He was a seven-time Pro Bowl selection (1991-94, '96-98) who became the only pro athlete to play in both the World Series and the Super Bowl, and the only one to hit a homer and score a touchdown in a seven-day span.

His flamboyant persona - flashy jewelry and brash talk - often complemented his high- stepping theatrics on the field. He owns the NFL record with 18 touchdowns on returns (fumbles, kickoffs, punts and interceptions).

Originally the fifth overall pick by the Atlanta Falcons in 1989, Sanders spent one season with San Francisco (1994), helping the 49ers win the Super Bowl. He earned his only NFL Defensive Player of the Year award that season, despite joining the team late because of baseball.

In 1996, Sanders played regularly on both offense and defense for the Dallas Cowboys, becoming the NFL's first two-way starter since Chuck Bednarik in 1962. He is the only player in Super Bowl history to have both a pass reception and an interception.

Quarterbacks regularly threw to the opposite side of the field rather than risk Sanders' picking off a pass. He has 48 career interceptions, including eight returned for touchdowns.

Sanders' role with the Ravens would be more specialized.

He would only have to play in passing situations, joining starters Chris McAlister and Gary Baxter as the third cornerback. The nickel back position has been considered the weak link of the Ravens' defense since Dale Carter was lost for the season. Carter was diagnosed with a blood clot in his lungs just before training camp.

The Ravens' current options are to either go with Fuller, a 33-year-old veteran who has admittedly lost a step, or Ray Walls, an inexperienced four-year veteran who has played a total of 18 games. If Sanders decides to stay retired, the Ravens likely will look for another veteran defender to help at nickel when final cuts are made throughout the league closer to the regular season toward the end of this month.

It is unknown whether the Ravens would want Sanders to handle punt returns, a duty he stopped midway through his last season with the Redskins. Lamont Brightful is currently the Ravens' return specialist, but his fumbling problems have put his job in jeopardy.

After retiring from football, Sanders livened up CBS' The NFL Today for nearly three years. His run ended in May because he wanted $2 million and CBS offered $1 million.

A week later, ESPN fired Sanders as host of The New American Sportsman, saying it wants someone who hunts as well as fishes.

Sanders is now scheduled to co-host a sports-themed talk show, The Players' Lounge, with comedian Paul Rodriguez.

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In a in-direct way Marty foiled Deion's plans. He (Sanders) thought he'd spend his last few years in the league jumping from team to team cashing in. The Skins with Marty foiled that although he got paid for that one year here. He had to pay back money to the Skins if he wanted to continue playing elsewhere. So he (Sanders) chose to retire. He (Sanders) pulled no punches when saying he wasn't fond of Marty. Then with the Chargers he (Marty) folied Sanders' plans again by claiming him off waivers when Sanders tried to come back witb the playoff bound Raiders. I liked the way Marty got his butt administratively. :laugh: Forget :finger: Deion.

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That clown didn't stay in shape even when he played. You think all this time away from the game and he suddenly finds the gym? This guy misses the headlines so badly, he just has to release a statement every now and again just to make himself feel relevant. He should just marry himself a la Rodman...

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Taking a step back from the forest so I can see the trees...

Look, hate him if you like, but Dieon was one of the best CBs in NFL history. If Darrell Green can last for 20 years, I can't see why Dieon can't come back for number 13. But aside his show off, money money money attitude, and this guy would be a huge upgrade for any team. Especially at nickelback. Besides, the article said he was good friends with Ray Lewis, so I don't see the two of them getting at it.

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Originally posted by Renegade7

Taking a step back from the forest so I can see the trees...

Look, hate him if you like, but Dieon was one of the best CBs in NFL history. If Darrell Green can last for 20 years, I can't see why Dieon can't come back for number 13. But aside his show off, money money money attitude, and this guy would be a huge upgrade for any team. Especially at nickelback. Besides, the article said he was good friends with Ray Lewis, so I don't see the two of them getting at it.

Theoretically, if one player can last 20 years so can another. But in reality, DG was an anomaly. If everyone could last 20 years more players would. Perhaps you were too young when Deion last played, because it was obvious three years ago that he had lost a step. Aging three more years and being rusty, out of football shape for so long isn't going to make him better.

That said, even in his washed up state he would probably be better than some starting CBs. If the Ravens want him, that's fine with me. I for one would enjoy seeing him and/or the Ravens fail in this experiment.

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Originally posted by China

Theoretically, if one player can last 20 years so can another. But in reality, DG was an anomaly. If everyone could last 20 years more players would. Perhaps you were too young when Deion last played, because it was obvious three years ago that he had lost a step. Aging three more years and being rusty, out of football shape for so long isn't going to make him better.

That said, even in his washed up state he would probably be better than some starting CBs. If the Ravens want him, that's fine with me. I for one would enjoy seeing him and/or the Ravens fail in this experiment.

I'm not saying he would start if he came back, because even DG was a nickel back in his last few years. But it bugs me when so many people shut this down when it could really improve one of the already best defenses in the leauge. Even off a few years, he be a good corner. Maybe not enough to start, but enough to be a nickel back yes. That's all I'm saying.

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Monday, August 16, 2004

Sanders contemplating NFL comeback


ESPN.com news services

The Baltimore Ravens are interested in bringing Deion Sanders back to prime time.

Sanders, 37, may be interested as well, an NFL source told the Baltimore Sun for Monday's editions. The former superstar cornerback, who retired three years ago from the Washington Redskins, is considering a comeback as a part-time nickel back for the Ravens.

A decision by Sanders is not imminent, however, the source told the Sun. "To my knowledge, Deion Sanders is retired," Ravens coach Brian Billick said. "That kind of takes him off our radar. If he decides to unretire, like any number of other teams, we would be interested."

The Ravens likely became especially interested prior to training camp, when defensive back Dale Carter was lost for the season with a blood clot in this lungs.

Sanders could not be reached for comment.

"Prime Time," though, could be past his prime. After spending his peak years with Falcons, Niners and Cowboys, Sanders retired from the 'Skins in part because he said he felt he could no longer live up to the standards he'd set for himself as a Pro Bowl-caliber defender. In the 2000 season, his last, Sanders allowed just one touchdown pass -- at the same time, however, the seven-time Pro Bowler rarely wowed us with the sort of plays he'd previously been capable of.

Sanders has contemplated a comeback before: In December 2002, he talked of returning to play for the Raiders. His intention was taken seriously enough that, because the 'Skins had placed him on their reserve-retired list, the Chargers claimed him off waivers.

The Ravens, whose defensive backs are the weak link in one of the league's best defenses, would have to compensate the Chargers if Sanders indeed decides to play for a 13th season.

It's not a stretch to think Sanders might have reason to make a comeback. After leaving CBS in May, because the network offered him half of the $2 million he wanted to continue in his three-year-long analyst role on The NFL Today, Sanders was also let go by ESPN after a short run on The New American Sportsman.

Sanders is currently slated to co-host The Players' Lounge with comedian Paul Rodriguez.

The fifth overall pick in the 1989 draft (Falcons), Sanders ultimately excelled on two fronts, becoming the only professional athlete to play in both the Super Bowl (with the 49ers in '94 and Cowboys in '95) and the World Series (Braves, '92). As a Braves outfielder and a cornerback for the Falcons, Sanders was also the only professional athlete ever to hit a home run and score a touchdown within a seven-day span. The owner of 48 career interceptions, eight returned for TDs, Sanders is the only player in Super Bowl history to have both an interception and a pass reception.

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Originally posted by Renegade7

Taking a step back from the forest so I can see the trees...

Look, hate him if you like, but Dieon was one of the best CBs in NFL history. If Darrell Green can last for 20 years, I can't see why Dieon can't come back for number 13. But aside his show off, money money money attitude, and this guy would be a huge upgrade for any team. Especially at nickelback. Besides, the article said he was good friends with Ray Lewis, so I don't see the two of them getting at it.

Renegade! My MAN!! :)

You sound JUST like everyone did when he first came to DC!! Hellooooo!?! He SUCKED then and has EVEN LESS in the tank NOW. Just because he was a LITTLE BIT better than Darrell when he was in his prime, doesn't mean his skills will last as long. If this were true, Mike Tyson would STILL be undefeated.

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