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Best Thing That Came From Spurrier Era

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Spurrier was a good teacher on the fundamentals of passing. I don't think you'll ever see rookie qb's have more td's than int's like Ramsey did. Heck, he got Hasselback ready in one week to perform very well. Spurrier also prepared the wr's very well. Although I think Coles would have been great with any team, newly signed wr's rarely have the impact Coles had last year. Spurrier can coach Qb's and Wr's.

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or maybe it was the best preseason game of our lives in osaka...

or the WR screen pass....

i agree with the knowing when to fold them comment....i'll give spurrier credit...he could've leached millions more from the franchise while dragging it even lower into the sewer....to his credit...he walked away.

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I dunno. I still like Spurrier (through my Orange and Blue goggles, of course). Hopefully he'll either come back to UF or have some success as a coordinator in the NFL. I think I'd have to go with Gibbs as his #1 achievement. If he was never here, we'd probably be where the Chargers are right now... being screwed by Schottenheimer.

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Spurrier was in retrospect a transitional figure much as Jack Pardee was in the late 1970's and 1980.

Whatever we gained from the Spurrier era comes mainly from reaping the benefits of being a bad club, ie a high draft pick for Sean Taylor and a team full of players that are hungry to turn things around :)

The acquisitions of Coles, Morton and Thomas are moves I think the Skins would have made with or without Spurrier so I am not crediting his presence in that regard.

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Buges was saying in his presser the other day how so many of these guys are just dying to be coached, and you can tell how hungry a lot of them are to win. I think Samuels will have a great year, and it's because he had such a bad one last year. Spurrier's losing made these guys desperate to win. They learned that half-assing it won't do the job in the NFL.

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