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Best Thing That Came From Spurrier Era

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

That's right. 2 seasons ago the team had one of the most sought after college coaches in the game calling the shots and one of the best DC's in the game calling the defense. There was hope. Excitiement, all that stuff. 2 years later, the team was done going through it's 2nd losing season and things were not looking good. Times and perceptions change and therefore so do opinions. Sort of like all those Reid haters before the team went back to the the NFC championship this past season. All kinds of this is our year and we're on the way to the superbowl. Ooooooooooooops Should have seen those guys faces when........ oh yeah, ( sweeping generalizations are so easy aren't they?)

The Eagles got a lot closer to the Super Bowl then the Skins did of being remotly successful with Spurrier. Sometimes in a season the ball doesn't bounce your way, but what the Skins did the last few seasons was a joke. Understand the difference between supporting your team, and being an idiot fan....

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Spurrier gave us some solid weapons on offense to work with and a much needed kicker.

And I must say the man certainly had some guts. Like going for it on 4th and inches in our own territory during that Seahawks gamed in the fourth quarter. For his sake, I'm glad Rock made it otherwise I dont think Spurrier wouldve survived the walk back to the locker room after the game.

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Originally posted by geezings81

I think it will be funny when he comes back though... He'll be back. Probably after this coming season or the next.

I don't know about that one. It would really surprise me if he comes back to the NFL. College, maybe, but the NFL? I don't think he wants to put forth the effort required to succeed in the NFL. I think he's done at this level. Maybe Florida will take him back? :cheers:

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Originally posted by jakehunter

The Eagles got a lot closer to the Super Bowl then the Skins did of being remotly successful with Spurrier. Sometimes in a season the ball doesn't bounce your way, but what the Skins did the last few seasons was a joke. Understand the difference between supporting your team, and being an idiot fan....

"The Eagles got a lot closer to the Super Bowl then the Skins did of being remotly successful with Spurrier."

Irrelevant to what was said. Try to keep up.

"Sometimes in a season the ball doesn't bounce your way, but what the Skins did the last few seasons was a joke."

Not compeletly true. Though not surprising that you would think and say so. Because:

"Understand the difference between supporting your team, and being an idiot fan...."

Rest assured I do. Thanks in part to your excellent example of such.

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The BEST thing that came from the Spurrier Era for me, was the greater appreciation of the new Gibbs Era. To sit week after week and watch my Skins fumble and bumble around on the field and then to look at the Head Coach and just see a "what the hell are we going to do now?" look on his face, makes me appreciate more the effort that Joe Gibbs has already put into his job title. Everybody loved Steve's "fishlips sideline shot", but how sad is it when THAT is the "highlight" of your teams day? To actually know that NOW we have a Head Coach that loves this team as much, or more than ourselves and is as tired of the embarassment as we are, is priceless. And to realize where we've come from in the past couple of years and to know what direction that we're heading in now, makes me even prouder to be a REDSKINS fan! So yeah, the best thing that Steve did for me, was to show just how great that Gibbs was.....and is!

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Guest J Dawg
Originally posted by wickedwitch

Finally beating Dallas.

Helping Ramsey develop.

Yep - atleast he beat dallas once.


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Originally posted by Park City Skins

"The Eagles got a lot closer to the Super Bowl then the Skins did of being remotly successful with Spurrier."

Irrelevant to what was said. Try to keep up.

"Sometimes in a season the ball doesn't bounce your way, but what the Skins did the last few seasons was a joke."

Not compeletly true. Though not surprising that you would think and say so. Because:

"Understand the difference between supporting your team, and being an idiot fan...."

Rest assured I do. Thanks in part to your excellent example of such.

yeah, ok buddy. ha

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The best thing was watching that arrogant f**k get his just desert. I would have loved to have seen it happen at a different club though. Getting Gibbs back was the biggest gain, so I credit him on knowing when to go. Another season with him at the helm would have been TORTURE.

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