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Best Thing That Came From Spurrier Era

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Best Thing that came from the Spurrier era?

His ability to take a team with talent and "coach 'em up" to an 5-11 season. Which left them with the 5th pick in the draft. Then resigning so Gibbs could come back and draft Sean Taylor and have a team loaded with talent.

Thanks, Steve!!:laugh:

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Originally posted by crazyphilly

clearly the best thing to come from steve spurrier was the classic fish face he so graciously displayed on monday night football two years ago :cool:

By far the best thing.

Summed up the Spurrier "Era" perfectly.

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1.) Taking Ramsey and unintentionally turning him into a QB that could get hit by a truck convoy and still get up and do it all over again to lead the team

2.) Robbing the Jets of Coles, and Hall, finally giving us a reliable kicker

3.) 5-11 record --> resignation --> Gibbs --> Taylor w/ 5th pick

it's all kinda related :)

4.) All those funny faces he'd make while frustrated

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1. a Realible Kicker ( which we were missing for awhile)

.. And that's it. He Traded a lot of are picks this year last year, siging some scrubs.

AND I don't see how you think he Trainied RAMSEY, Ramsey is lucky to be palyign with Spurrier play calling. And plus the old LOOK LONG first got he sacked enoughed. THE constant change of plays at the line that costs us Delay of games.

More like.. Gezzz I glad Ramsey SURVIED Spurrier!

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That's system. and the Skins have traded their fair share of picks this year too. That said, Coach gibbs may not have quite as much work to do with Patrick on his mechanics and such thanks to S.S. he can coach QB's.

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please... you guys hate on this guy so bad, and talk about how great gibbs is... yada yada. but 2 seasons ago you guys were loving steve's offense, and what he brought to the table. i was at the week 2 game philly vs. washington 2 years ago. man ya'll fans can talk some trash. i had a group of people trying to convince me that "sugar" shane was a top QB. there were people saying Spurrier was better then Reid. I heard that the Redskins had the best Defense in the NFL. lol, what a funny night... You should of saw these guys faces when the Eagles murdered them.

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Originally posted by jakehunter

please... you guys hate on this guy so bad, and talk about how great gibbs is... yada yada. but 2 seasons ago you guys were loving steve's offense, and what he brought to the table. i was at the week 2 game philly vs. washington 2 years ago. man ya'll fans can talk some trash. i had a group of people trying to convince me that "sugar" shane was a top QB. there were people saying Spurrier was better then Reid. I heard that the Redskins had the best Defense in the NFL. lol, what a funny night... You should of saw these guys faces when the Eagles murdered them.

That's right. 2 seasons ago the team had one of the most sought after college coaches in the game calling the shots and one of the best DC's in the game calling the defense. There was hope. Excitiement, all that stuff. 2 years later, the team was done going through it's 2nd losing season and things were not looking good. Times and perceptions change and therefore so do opinions. Sort of like all those Reid haters before the team went back to the the NFC championship this past season. All kinds of this is our year and we're on the way to the superbowl. Ooooooooooooops Should have seen those guys faces when........ oh yeah, ( sweeping generalizations are so easy aren't they?)

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Originally posted by Redskinswhoopass

1. a Realible Kicker ( which we were missing for awhile)

.. And that's it. He Traded a lot of are picks this year last year, siging some scrubs.

AND I don't see how you think he Trainied RAMSEY, Ramsey is lucky to be palyign with Spurrier play calling. And plus the old LOOK LONG first got he sacked enoughed. THE constant change of plays at the line that costs us Delay of games.

More like.. Gezzz I glad Ramsey SURVIED Spurrier!

I hope you're not planning on driving anywhere in that condition.


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Originally posted by jakehunter

please... you guys hate on this guy so bad, and talk about how great gibbs is... yada yada. but 2 seasons ago you guys were loving steve's offense, and what he brought to the table. i was at the week 2 game philly vs. washington 2 years ago. man ya'll fans can talk some trash. i had a group of people trying to convince me that "sugar" shane was a top QB. there were people saying Spurrier was better then Reid. I heard that the Redskins had the best Defense in the NFL. lol, what a funny night... You should of saw these guys faces when the Eagles murdered them.

Thats what separates skins fans from the fair weather fans. Gotta stick with your team through all the ups and downs. It comes from a tradition of winning and pride in the burgundy and gold. Sure the skins have been down recently but having Joe Gibbs back means new hope and more trash-talking. :cool:

besides, PA is steeler country.

:point2sky :eaglesuck

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Coles and Taylor.

Also I think he really developed McCants and Thompson, he gave them an actual chance to play, that got them going and he really developed them, which led to Thompson getting a pretty good contract and McCants is really looking good for us right now!

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The best thing about the Spurrier era is thated it end the Marty era.....the guy was and is nuts.....how the heck do you have Doug, Ladanian, Boston and just straight suck...plus you let the heart and soul of the team (Seau) go. When he cut Centers from the Redskins he solidified his status as a retard not to mention putting Darryl Green in nut cracker drills.

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