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They came for the Ivy League Presidents, and I laughed at the SNL skit about it...


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23 hours ago, Fergasun said:

it’s nice to see the faculty come out and stand behind their work today. A real show of pride. After all, they’re the ones that have worked tirelessly to radicalize the young people attending their schools. It would be wrong for them to sit on the sidelines while the students were arrested. 


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On 12/12/2023 at 2:21 PM, Destino said:

You can’t just waive your hands and dismiss something like this. Not after years of safe spaces, microaggressions, and mandatory anti-racism training. You can’t ignore what Jewish students are saying after being told, forever, that it’s not our place to tell someone else what is and isn’t offensive. Our place is to listen and change. We’ve spent years seeing racist graffiti make headlines. We’ve heard that words are violence, that silence too is violence. Watched campuses launch investigations to make sure students feel safe in response to graffiti. It became so predictable that white supremacists successfully trolled colleges with posters reading “it’s ok to be white”, to which they also responded with investigations and screams of outrage. 

Thats the context. Thats the backdrop college leaders created for this latest drama. Yet in this moment, we’re supposed to believe college presidents view liberal interpretations of free speech as the priority?

They can’t just set down their own playbook when it becomes inconvenient and expect everyone else to play along. Of course this is being mocked. The jokes practically write themselves. 

There's some merit to your idea. Hell, I find a lot of the stuff younger people whine about nowadays a bit much. If I hear "centering" this or that, it's almost guaranteed to get a full side eye or 🙄from me. That said, it's also true that the same people now allegedly caping for Jews against the antisemites are also known for fighting for free speech on college campuses so that the Klan, Aryan Nation, GOP, and other similar groups would have the right to spout similar antisemitism and other racist drivel on campus. It seems there's plenty of hypocrisy on both sides of this.

To make matters even better, Columbia's President did exactly what Stefanik demanded of the other Presidents and still she's calling for Shafiq's resignation. I guess she should have requested the cops to bludgeon the students and then Stefanik would have been satisfied. Naaah, that's not going to happen.

All this kind of political points scoring will do is embolden the far right while providing false proof to the old trope that the Joos allegedly run everything. Liberals and centrists need to stop bending over backward to placate these people. We should take a page out of their book, keep it pushin' and double down on everything.

NSFW - Profanity





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What are the protestors exactly doing that is forcing the police to forcibly remove them? Seems like when other protests happen that were equally or more obstructive were mainly allowed to go on. To a point where looters who weren’t even associated with the protesting took the opportunity to burn down buildings…. 


Also, this **** starts up right before the election? Just like the previous huge protests right before the election? It’s pretty obvious America is being manipulated and we are eating it all up.

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17 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:



Also, this **** starts up right before the election? Just like the previous huge protests right before the election? It’s pretty obvious America is being manipulated and we are eating it all up.

Remember back in 2020, when BLM marched through Richmond AND BURNED THE CITY TO THE GROUND??

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You are not allowed to criticize 100% deep throat support of Israel.  You are not allowed to think, "Gee, maybe the killing of large amounts of women and children in Palestine is the fault of the people dropping the bombs..." .  You are not allowed to think, "Maybe Israel constantly gaslights us by saying Hamas is using human shields...".  You are not allowed to rememeber that Israel bombed a clearly coordinated and marked convoy of aid workers. 


Yes, I know Israel wants to say, "You don't know the Arabs like we do." And there are tons of bad actors. But, that doesn't excuse their horrible bombing of civilians, not limiting collateral damage.  


The protests are recognition that Israel holds all the power.  No one is seriously going to allow October 7 to repeat itself and no one will allow the destruction of Israel. 


But go ahead and frame it all as "these protestors all support Hamas, anti-semitic."  



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Whatever you think about the protestors.  Clearing them out with violence and escalating the situation is not the answer.  In fact, this is garbage.  A college should not be treated the way a protest at a  a for-profit institution or a workplace.  Being like, "We don't want to deal with this like responsible adults, call in the police!"  is a crazy take. Looking at you, Columbia.  And then even after they cleared out the encampents, GOP was like, "We still want the University president fired."


This country has taken a way too right-ward turn with respect to media and reporting.   A good example is about UCLA last night.   A group attacked the protestors, and then the police had to break it up.  News media was acting like "protests turned violent".  No. Seems like off campus people intentionally attacked the protestors.  "Jewish students don't feel safe" while protestors are getting attacked on campus?  I can't find a true example of a jewish student actually getting attacked on campus -- however; I do believe that protestors are being verbally towards Jewish students.  I take it as "oh my words hurt you, what about the bombs being dropped on Gaza?" I believe this is also a protesting tactic.  


I can't tell if there is debate and discussion going on (which should he happening) or the sides have just isolated themselves into two camps.


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Welp... nevermind then (I found the example of a Jewish student getting attacked... not sure if this is true or not)..


Was posted on reddit the attack in the pro-Palestine encampment was retaliation for this.  Either way, I think this demonstrates police doing a poor job. 

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Posted (edited)

Totally disagree. 

You cannot allow them to break the law and be obnoxiously disruptive to everyone else simply because they have a political disagreement. 

There are ways to protest without breaking the law. They don’t like the lack of movement they’re getting on the issue, so they escalate. The answer is not to ignore that they are breaking the law. 

I’d like to see some enforcement of our new scotus ruling about protest leaders being held accountable for what goes on at their protests. 

Edited by tshile
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I just scrolled some videos from UCLA.  The ones from last night are wild and the LAPD let them fight.  Looks like the Proud Boys attacked the encampment.  



Protests by definition are intended to be obnoxious and disruptive.  I understand protests in the street, etc... but on college campuses?  It shouldn't be too problematic to everyone to deal with the disruptions.  I am not talking about protestors seizing buildings.   Sure, "breaking the letter of the law".  Some Universities actually de-escalated the situation.  I think it is also dumb for police not to protect protestors from counter-protestors.  


Do we have first amendement rights anymore? 


See Brown University... they de-escalated the situation by agreeing to take a vote in BDS.  Simple.  They didn't even guarntee the vote.  


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 Clearly it is overly disruptive

There are laws about this and universities have their own policies and it’s not anyone’s right to break those simply over a political disagreement


and yes we have a first amendment but (can’t believe this has to be explained at this point)  your rights stop at affecting others and their rights, and they don’t give you the ability to break the law. First amendment specifically has already been hashed out to the government can’t stop you from saying what you want, but you absolutely can be punished for it once you’ve been allowed to say it.

There’s a process for having laws overturned if they violate your rights. Clearly enforcing the law on protestors is not a violation of your rights.  

in fact they just ruled that protest leaders can be held liable for what goes on at the protests they organize.

this isn’t even close to a rights or first amendment issue. Stop pretending it is.  

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So I'll admit I've barely followed the protests.  I know what they're about but the I haven't read the details of every protest.  My opinions on this are pretty black and white though.


You want to set up a tent city and make noise, go right ahead.  The instant you start doing things like seizing buildings, causing a bunch of damage, and (supposedly) attacking other students, I have no problem with the police cleaning them out.  And most of them should be expelled at that point.


I'm also ignorant as to what the demands are.  I keep seeing something about divesting financially from Israel, but as far as I knew, colleges and universities don't set federal budget policy, nor actively send Israel weapons and munitions, or send money for Israel to buy those things.  So for Brown to take a vote on that...what are they even voting on?

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Illegal act during a protest is still illegal.  There's no special protest defense to breaking the law.  If they want to discuss the law as being too restrictive, that's one thing.  Just better be sure that they're gonna still want that law changed when a group with a message that makes their blood boil uses the law in the same manner.  

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Columbia looking to expel students they can confirm were involved. I think the radio segment I listened to said they’ve already started suspending some. 

they’ve requested NYPD remain on campus


They also face potential criminal charges for a variety of things including burglary 


Hope they are happy with their decisions.  important to understand the possible consequences of your decisions. 

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6 hours ago, Fergasun said:

More going down on UCLA.  Non-student counterprotestors are back.  This is ridiculous. Hopefully they don't get anyone killed.

Police taking the protest encampment apart right now, coverage on MSNBC. 

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