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Income limit is $160,200 for 2023. Anybody who makes more is effectively paying less than 6.2% tax for SS. I think people are suggesting eliminating this income limit so that people pay 6.2% on all of their income. I don't believe there is an income limit for the Medicare tax - 1.45% 2023.


"We call this annual limit the contribution and benefit base. This amount is also commonly referred to as the taxable maximum. For earnings in 2023, this base is $160,200. The OASDI tax rate for wages paid in 2023 is set by statute at 6.2 percent for employees and employers, each."




Edited by EmirOfShmo
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26 minutes ago, EmirOfShmo said:

Income limit is $160,200 for 2023. Anybody who makes more is effectively paying less than 6.2% tax for SS. I think people are suggesting eliminating this income limit so that people pay 6.2% on all of their income. I don't believe there is an income limit for the Medicare tax - 1.45% 2023.


"We call this annual limit the contribution and benefit base. This amount is also commonly referred to as the taxable maximum. For earnings in 2023, this base is $160,200. The OASDI tax rate for wages paid in 2023 is set by statute at 6.2 percent for employees and employers, each."



Why can’t they just double the taxable income amount?

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7 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Why can’t they just double the taxable income amount?

Because industry lobbies against because employers don’t want to pay that match.


Eliminating the income cap is a move in the right direction, but from what I’ve read is not a cure all for the gap.


Age increases should be on the table, but not for people born before, say, 2005, imo.


I don’t know what the Republican policy actually states in that regard.


But the concept of means testing should **** right off.

Edited by Ball Security
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3 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Worth noting that US life expectancy is now the shortest it has been in two decades and I don't see a major change occurring anytime soon with how sick and unhealthy this country is.



That’s one side of the equation.  The other side is that the number of people post retirement age is exploding.  So while life expectancy is decreasing, the number of people receiving outlays and are not continuing to put into the system is expanding.

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23 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

:ols:  For a minute there, I thought you just hated us old folks. 

Thanks for keeping me honest.  I do think it’s an important point that changing the retirement age is something to consider.  But it shouldn’t be applied for those who have already paid into the system.  A proposal to phase in the retirement age increase should not be viewed as a broken promise.  Not saying that is what the Rs proposal is calling for, they haven’t earned the benefit of the doubt, but the debate needs to be honest in order to solve the problem.

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Just now, Ball Security said:

Thanks for keeping me honest.  I do think it’s an important point that changing the retirement age is something to consider.  But it shouldn’t be applied for those who have already paid into the system.  A proposal to phase in the retirement age increase should not be viewed as a broken promise.  Not saying that is what the Rs proposal is calling for, they haven’t earned the benefit of the doubt, but the debate needs to be honest in order to solve the problem.

I agree, the debate needs to be had. 

I just don't want to be the target...I've worked since I was 17 and I want every single dollar to count. 

I'm the only person at work who claims all of my cash.  Younger knuckleheads ask me why, and I just laugh.  They'll figure it out when they're my age. 


Also, ftr, I don't mind paying my taxes.  I like it when traffic lights work and my trash gets picked up every Friday.  I'm weird like that. 

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Jim Jordan’s ‘Weaponization Committee’ Is Misfiring


Last month, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted narrowly along partisan lines to establish a Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, chaired by conservative firebrand Jim Jordan of Ohio.


Styling itself after the Church Committee — a special Senate panel established in 1975 to investigate crimes that U.S. intelligence agencies had committed against American citizens — the new committee claims a broad but vague mandate. As former Sen. Gary Hart, the last surviving member of the Church Committee recently observed, Jordan and his colleagues “appear to believe agencies of the national government have targeted, and perhaps are still targeting, right-of-center individuals and groups, possibly including individuals and right-wing militia groups that participated in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrectionist attack on the Capitol.”


Politics aside, as Hart argued, that agenda is “almost completely at odds with the purpose of the original Church committee.” In the aftermath of Watergate, Congress set out to learn just how vast and brazen the extralegal actions of government intelligence agencies had been. The committee exposed these activities and proposed strong measures to professionalize and de-politicize the intelligence sector and to impose meaningful congressional oversight. Many of these measures remain in place.


Jordan’s panel has barely begun its work, but early indications suggest it will regurgitate a variety of right-wing conspiracy theories, some of them so convoluted that one would have to binge Fox News to make sense of them. Did the FBI strong-arm Twitter and Facebook into suppressing a news story about Hunter Biden’s laptop? Did the FBI surveil and intimidate conservative parent activists at local PTA meetings? Did Hillary Clinton collude with Russia in 2016 to sabotage Donald Trump’s presidential campaign? (If that last one doesn’t make sense, that’s because it doesn’t.)


Click on the link for the full article

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Maybe Gymbo will add this to his list of 'Government Weaponization'


Trump White House Pressured Disney to Censor … Jimmy Kimmel

The former president was so incensed by the late-night host making fun of him that he had his staff take action


IN EARLY 2018, the American national security apparatus was fixated on reports that North Korea was building nuclear weapons that could reach the U.S. or that Russia was plotting chemical weapons assassinations in Europe. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump was busy targeting his idea of an enemy of the state: late night host Jimmy Kimmel. 

The then-president, according to two former Trump administration officials, was so upset by Kimmel’s comedic jabs that he directed his White House staff to call up one of Disney’s top executives in Washington, D.C., to complain and demand action. (ABC, on which Jimmy Kimmel Live! has long aired, is owned by Disney.)

In at least two separate phone calls that occurred around the time Trump was finishing his first year in office, the White House conveyed the severity of his fury with Kimmel to Disney, the ex-officials tell Rolling Stone. Trump’s staff mentioned that the leader of the free world wanted the billion-dollar company to rein in the Trump-trashing ABC host, and that Trump felt that Kimmel had, in the characterization of one former senior administration official, been “very dishonest and doing things that [Trump] would have once sued over.” 





Edited by EmirOfShmo
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House GOP mulls putting ‘woke’ earmarks on chopping block


House GOP appropriators are gearing up to potentially bar local projects entirely from the largest domestic spending bill for fiscal 2024, along with others deemed "woke" by critics of earmarks funded in the December omnibus package.


On the chopping block potentially are all earmarks in the Labor-HHS-Education bill, as well as the smaller Financial Services measure, according to sources familiar with the discussions. House Republican appropriators are preparing to roll out their earmarking guidance as soon as this week.


The rationale for such a move wasn't entirely clear, but sources attributed it at least in part to concern over earmarks funded in the fiscal 2023 spending package. They include several LGBTQ and transgender services-related projects targeted by Republicans and conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation.


Aides to House Appropriations Chairwoman Kay Granger, R-Texas, weren't immediately available for comment.


Republicans are also looking under the cushions for potential domestic spending cuts to try to meet a pledge to cut more than $130 billion from current levels when they write their fiscal 2024 bills. There were $15.3 billion worth of earmarks in the fiscal 2023 omnibus, a CQ Roll Call tally found, with the Labor-HHS-Education portion responsible for nearly $2.7 billion of that total.


Click on the link for the full article


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9 minutes ago, China said:




It really is. They just say “woke” as a shield so they can say the quiet part out loud. For example, Desantis is campaigning on banning “woke” diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Just take out the made up word. He’s anti-diversity, anti-equality, and anti-inclusion and that’s exactly why he’s the GOP’s rising star.

Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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One House Republican's unique anti-Santos pitch: Block him from profiting off his lies


The first House Republican to call for Rep. George Santos’ resignation is now taking it a step further, introducing a bill that would prevent the embattled New Yorker from profiting off his campaign lies.


Santos’ fellow first-term New York Rep. Anthony D’Esposito has started circulating proposed bill text among his GOP colleagues for a bid to prevent members convicted of certain offenses from then profiting off book deals, speech commissions, television shows and more, according to a copy first obtained by POLITICO.


While D’Esposito’s measure doesn’t name Santos directly, a Republican with direct knowledge of the move says it was triggered by the scandal-plagued New Yorker. Nearly the entirety of Santos’ background has been called into question after a deluge of news stories detailed the lies, contradictions and misleading comments he repeatedly made about his resume, ancestry and education.


The idea that once Santos leaves office, he could profit off of his story with a book or movie contract has privately percolated among — and annoyed — House Republicans.


The bill would “prohibit Members of the House of Representatives who are convicted of offenses involving financial or campaign finance fraud from receiving compensation for biographies, media appearances, or expressive or creative works, and for other purposes,” according to the text.


Separately, D’Esposito is pushing a resolution that proposes similar changes to the House rules. A spokesperson for D’Esposito declined to comment.


The move underscores the acutely bad blood among New York Republicans, some of whom have also called for expelling Santos from Congress. But it’s unclear how many other GOP members would sign on to the effort, as many have expressed anger at Santos’ actions but indicated they plan to keep their distance.


Click on the link for the full article


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