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The Everything 118th Congress Thread


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Defense chief slams Tuberville’s hold on Pentagon nominees over abortion policy


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Tuesday said there will be “powerful effects” on military readiness if Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) continues to hold up more than 150 Pentagon nominees over an abortion policy in the Defense Department.


Austin told the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) the U.S. is facing “one of the most complex times” with foreign adversaries and approving the Pentagon’s nominees is “absolutely critical in terms of the impact on the force.”


“Not approving the recommendations for promotions actually creates a ripple effect in the force that makes us far less ready than we need to be,” the defense secretary said. “The effects are cumulative and it will affect families, it will affect kids going to schools … it’s a powerful effect and it will impact our readiness.”


Tuberville followed through with a promise to delay civilian and flag officer nominations in the Pentagon on March 8, protesting a new DOD policy providing leave and reimbursement for servicemembers who need to travel to get an abortion.


The GOP senator’s hold forces the Democrat-controlled Senate to consider and vote on each nomination rather than approving them in batches, dragging out the process.


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Paul blocks Hawley's attempt to fast-track bill banning TikTok https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tiktok-ban-josh-hawley-bill-rand-paul-senate/

"I'm unlikely to take First Amendment advice from someone who believes that the First Amendment doesn't protect the Communist Party," Paul said Wednesday. "If someone doesn't understand that communism actually is included under the First Amendment — that terrible speech we object to is included under that — this is something we should be very wary of." 


Paul said the accusations against TikTok involving data collection and algorithms could also be leveled against American companies and called it a bad political move for Republicans. 

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Dang I kinda agree with Rand Paul here.


Tiktok isn't really different from any other social media platform. All of which is essentially spyware. Facebook is certainly sharing data with companies for nefarious purposes. We already saw that with Cambridge analytics. 


I admit I absolutely dislike Tiktok not because it's Spyware but because of all the stupid dances. 🤣

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Fox Host Asks George Santos If He Has an OnlyFans Account


Host Kennedy welcomed Santos for a very friendly interview with the serial liar who was elected to Congress in November. Weeks after his election, he was revealed to have fabricated much of his life story.


For some reason, Kennedy then asked Santos if he has an OnlyFans page.


“Is it true that you have an OnlyFans page and you can peel a banana with your feet?” she inquired.


“I don’t have one,” he said. “I just discovered what OnlyFans was about three weeks ago when it was brought up in a discussion in my office.”


“You just can’t tell the truth,” she replied.


A cursory search of the internet thankfully yielded no results involving Santos, OnlyFans, and bananas.


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‘You Gotta Be Kidding Me, Senator’: Jesse Watters Mocks Lindsey Graham to His Face for Not Supporting Bill He Cosponsored


Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) began a Fox News appearance with Jesse Watters with every intention of expressing his opposition to the RESTRICT Act, which has been marketed as a ban on the Chinese-owned social media platform TikTok.


But the path to achieving that objective was complicated when Watters informed him on-air that he was actually an official cosponsor of the bill. Prior to Graham’s arrival, Watters introduced the legislation as “the PATRIOT Act for the internet.”


“The federal government wants to watch everything you do on the internet. And I mean anything: Any transaction, any search, any click, any scroll,” declared Watters before calling it a “red flag” that “the bill doesn’t even say the word TikTok.”


Once Graham joined the program, Watters began the interview by noting his support for the bill. “You gotta be kidding me, senator. Did you read this?” he asked.


“Yeah, I don’t think I support the RESTRICT Act,” replied a confused but confident Graham.


“You don’t support this? Cause you were named as one of the supporters, cause this is garbage,” shot back Watters.


“Is this the one with Jo- There’s two bills out there. One allows a review of businesses that are connected to China, gives the secretary the ability to protect our data. Is that the RESTRICT Act?” inquired Graham.


“We got S. 686 right here, March 7, and we got a bunch of Republicans supporting it. Because this thing is crazytown. You don’t want the government looking into your private phone! If they have a hunch you’re colluding with the Russians? You remember how that turned out,” said Watters.


Graham had a long-winded reply indicating that he might not have an intimate understanding of the legislation:


Yeah, well no, the Constitution trumps a statute so let me come back and give you a better explanation. Here’s the probelm as I see it. China is the parent company of TikTok and my nieces like TikTok. I don’t mind them using TikTok, I just don’t want the Chinese government to seize all their data and manipulate the information Americans see for political purposes. China is helping drug cartels in Mexico. China is not a friend, Chinese espionage is at an all-time high against American business interests. So I want to push back against China, but within a constitutional framework, you’re right about that. So, you’ve made these allegations, and I’ll come answer better next time.


“Yeah, well I mean, cause Congress.gov, you’re listed as one of the cosponsors of this thing. Maybe it’s like [Senator John] Fetterman when your chief of staff does all your work for you,” the Fox host told a laughing Graham before instructing him to “Go back and talk to these other senators about this.”


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‘Stunned’ House Republicans Blast McCarthy following NYT Leak


Simmering tensions among House Republicans flared anew over the weekend, following a New York Times report that detailed how Kevin McCarthy’s (R., Calif.) bitterly contested speakership battle has undermined his confidence in colleagues.


While it took McCarthy a historic 15 ballots to secure the position through January’s chaos and infighting, the speaker reportedly remains particularly frustrated by certain Republicans — including Jodey Arrington (R., Texas) and Steve Scalise (R., La.), the budget committee chairman and House majority leader, respectively.


“Mr. McCarthy has told colleagues he has no confidence in Mr. Arrington, the man responsible for delivering a budget framework laying out the spending cuts that Republicans have said they will demand in exchange for any move to increase the debt limit,” Jonathan Swan and Annie Karni wrote in the Times. McCarthy still regards Arrington, who sought to nominate Scalise during the speakership balloting, “as incompetent, according to more than half a dozen people familiar with this his thinking,” the Times revealed.


The leaks, in turn, appear only to have further chilled relations between McCarthy and some members of the conference.


“The members I’ve spoken with are just stunned by his rebuking of his budget chair, and certainly of our leadership,” an unnamed House Republican told Axios on Saturday. The representative expressed doubts McCarthy will serve the full extent of his speakership term.


“I can’t imagine.”


Representative Ralph Norman (R., S.C.) put the onus on McCarthy to patch up relations with colleagues and carry out their agreements. “The agreements made by Speaker McCarthy, among other things, is to begin the ten year balanced budget NOW and with his initiatives & directives, it’s HIS responsibility to get the 218 votes  to ensure our nation’s financial security JUST AS HE DID IN SECURING THE 218 votes for speaker,” Norman told Axios.


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My heart bleeds.  


Those poor MAGAts.  


Fox News thinks they're idiots.  

The Speaker of the House thinks they're idiots.  

Sean Hannity thinks they're idiots.  


Obviously, they need to become even more dedicated.  And double down some more.  


Edited by Larry
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