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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Demento Farty 45


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8 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

I'd also trust that should age become a problem,  Biden would step aside. Can anyone expect the same from Trump? 

I have this naive thought that all Trump wants to do is win the 2024 election so he can claim that  "see, the 2020 election was rigged" (and unfortunately most people will believe him) and then he'll step aside at the very latest by sometime in 2026.

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56 minutes ago, Simmsy said:


The something there was just talk, the same thing everyone always says when an old person runs for office, this is different. This is being fed by the media and its not his age they're focusing on here. They're focusing on his mental capacity, he's shown nothing that says he's senile or anything of the sort. Its also extremely one sided seeing as how Biden is only a couple of years older and much more fit mentally and physically. If Biden's age is the hill people want to die on for not voting him (I'm not saying your mom feels that way)...I'm sorry, but that is just wrong.


I don't like that he's old either, but the other thing that bothers me about that is I don't feel that someone twice my age can connect with what my generation is going thru and needs right now. Never have I once thought he was too old to actually do the job or do it competently.


He did refer to some dead people as if they were still alive recently.  We can say he just misspoke, but that is something.  I think it is also admitted that he moves less well now than he did 4 years ago which doesn't help.  Even if it is just appearances and physical and not mental, it doesn't help.


Among some sources, it is one sided sure.  Fox News and Newsmax aren't going to report things evenly.  But the conversation was about a specific question that happened on Meet the Press.  I'm not going to defend the right wing news media, but NBC has absolutely covered things like Trump mixing up Haley and Pelosi.




(Some people seem to think that since the right wing news media is so biased for Republicans that other news systems by being more fact based are to, that the other news media are some how to blame for what the right wing news media does, the other news systems should move further to the left to "balance" the right wing news media, or just dumping all of the news media all together as "news media" as if talking about NBC News and Fox News as if they are the same thing makes sense.  I don't think any of those things make sense.  If you want to tell me that this is a story that is being driven by right wing media and would be less of an issue without the right wing media, I'm not going to disagree.  But once they've driven it to the point that it is an issue, it doesn't make sense for the Democrats or larger media to ignore it.)


At this point in time if you are the Democrats, it doesn't really matter how it became important.  It is an issue you have to deal with it.  If you are a media organization, it might be worth doing a story on how it became important.  But there is also nothing wrong with covering the fact that is an issue.  When you are talking to somebody that is there as a representative of the Democratic party, there is nothing wrong with asking about it.


I've also tried to make the point that comfort with the VP is important.  The hard core Trump voter is going to stay with Trump no matter what. I think some people have similar concerns about Trump, and I think who he nominates for VP might affect their thinking.  I generally don't think the VP matters very much.  But if Trump nominates a member of his family or the likes of MTG then I think that could actually hurt him because I do think people are concerned. 

Edited by PeterMP
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18 minutes ago, PeterMP said:

I've also tried to make the point that comfort with the VP is important.  I generally don't think the VP matters very much. Trump nominates a member of his family or the likes of MTG then I think that could actually hurt him because I do think people are concerned.  And I think nominating a member of his family or the likes of MTG would be something that some voters wouldn't be comfortable with.  I think some people have similar concerns about Trump, and I think who he nominates for VP might affect their thinking.  The hard core Trump voter is going to stay with Trump no matter what.  But I think his VP pick could matter to some.

Yeah, MTG would be suicide. They'll go with Noem or Stefanik.


That said, if Trump wins and serves his full term, Don Jr would be the initial favorite for the 2028 nomination if he wanted it.

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21 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


He did refer to some dead people as if they were still alive recently.  We can say he just misspoke, but that is something.  I think it is also admitted that he moves less well now than he did 4 years ago which doesn't help.  Even if it is just appearances and physical and not mental, it doesn't help.


Among some sources, it is one sided sure.  Fox News and Newsmax aren't going to report things evenly.  But the conversation was about a specific question that happened on Meet the Press.  I'm not going to defend the right wing news media, but NBC has absolutely covered things like Trump mixing up Haley and Pelosi.




(Some people seem to think that since the right wing news media is so biased for Republicans that other news systems by being more fact based are to, that the other news media are some how to blame for what the right wing news media does, the other news systems should move further to the left to "balance" the right wing news media, or just dumping all of the news media all together as "news media" as if talking about NBC News and Fox News as if they are the same thing makes sense as if .  I don't think any of those things make sense.  If you want to tell me that this is a story that is being driven by right wing media and would be less of an issue without the right wing media, I'm not going to disagree.  But once they've driven it to the point that it is an issue, it doesn't make sense for the Democrats or larger media to ignore it.)


At this point in time if you are the Democrats, it doesn't really matter how it became important.  It is an issue you have to deal with it.  If you are a media organization, it might be worth doing a story on how it became important.  But there is also nothing wrong with covering the fact that is an issue.  When you are talking to somebody that is there as a representative of the Democratic party, there is nothing wrong with asking about it.


I've also tried to make the point that comfort with the VP is important.  The hard core Trump voter is going to stay with Trump no matter what. I think some people have similar concerns about Trump, and I think who he nominates for VP might affect their thinking.  I generally don't think the VP matters very much.  But if Trump nominates a member of his family or the likes of MTG then I think that could actually hurt him because I do think people are concerned. 


I don't feel like this is going to go anywhere, so I'm going to say one more thing and let it die. A while back I came across a reddit thread that asked people to share little life tidbits to live by and there is one that always stuck with me: "Don't point out someone's short comings unless they can be fixed in five minutes". Basically, if you see someone with lipstick on their teeth, let them know so they can go to the bathroom and fix. However, if someone has, ugly, jagged, yellow teeth...keep your ****ing mouth shut.


So, I get why the GOP and their media would want to trash Biden, but what does Meet the Press and Jon Stewart get out of this? What is the end game? They say Trump is worse, he can't be elected, yet they have no problem hammering Biden over his age that hasn't been a problem. Last I checked, he wasn't the one throwing ketchup and ****ting himself. Its not like Biden's staff is treating him like Trump's staff treated him, giving him fake papers to make himself feel important and busy. 


Anyways, Biden isn't getting any younger. Does that mean everyday, as he gets older, they're just going to bash him more and more for being older? Also, I can't remember the last time a narrative was pushed that you can't vote for someone because their VP might take over. Why give the GOP all of this ammo for no reason? So we can make sure we do lose? The Dems would be stupid to push this narrative, Newsome did it the right way. Whenever this is brought up, strike it down as bull****. Just because the country doesn't pay enough attention to see Biden out and about everyday, doesn't mean he isn't active and definitely doesn't make him the worse of the two candidates.

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I read somewhere that Biden suffers from spinal stenosis and arthritis,  thus why he occasionally stumbles on and off of AF1. 


Maybe he should just wear bronzer and some Depends. Then he'll be the picture of health for Maga. 

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22 minutes ago, Simmsy said:

So, I get why the GOP and their media would want to trash Biden, but what does Meet the Press and Jon Stewart get out of this?


I don't know what Jon Stewart did so I can't comment.  The Meet the Press question didn't trash Biden.  Like I've said, if she would have given a run down of his recent flubs and then been like his age a concern, that would have been a different thing.  That would have been running down Biden and been an issue.  But that's not what happened. 


The question was this is something people are concerned about given that was nominating him responsible?  It is a concern for some people.  What Meet the Press gets out if it is they are doing their job.  Their job isn't to be Democrats or be Democrat cheerleaders or to balance the right wing media.  Meet the Press doing or trying to do any of those things long term is going to make the situation worse and not better. 


So what Meet the Press gets out if is being a responsible news organization which is their job.


17 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

I read somewhere that Biden suffers from spinal stenosis and arthritis,  thus why he occasionally stumbles on and off of AF1. 


Maybe he should just wear bronzer and some Depends. Then he'll be the picture of health for Maga. 

Yes and he also has issues walking from the foot he broke back in 2020 when playing with his dog.


This is where I think @Jumbo is right about acknowledging with some humor.  I'm not nearly that old, but I know that I don't move like I used to because of some injuries.  That's something that I think a lot of people can relate to.  That the stupid foot doesn't work like it used to because it got hurt playing with a dog seems a ripe area for some humor, and I think might put some people more at ease with his age.

Edited by PeterMP
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2 hours ago, PeterMP said:


That might make you feel good.  It might be accurate.  But I don't think it is probably very effective at getting people to vote for Biden or against Trump.

I didn’t give the speech at the Spectrum. I gave it in my own house. To an audience of five. 

I’m not trying to sway these people. They’re too far gone. 

And it doesn’t make me feel good. It makes me feel sad and ashamed. I hate what Trump (and Fox) has done to my family. I’m sure others feel the same. 

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19 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


I don't know what Jon Stewart did so I can't comment.  The Meet the Press question didn't trash Biden.  Like I've said, if she would have given a run down of his recent flubs and then been like his age a concern, that would have been a different thing.  That would have been running down Biden and been an issue.  But that's not what happened. 


The question was this is something people are concerned about given that was nominating him responsible?  It is a concern for some people.  What Meet the Press gets out if it is they are doing their job.  Their job isn't to be Democrats or be Democrat cheerleaders or to balance the right wing media.  Meet the Press doing or trying to do any of those things long term is going to make the situation worse and not better. 


So what Meet the Press gets out if is being a responsible news organization which is their job.


Yes and he also has issues walking from the foot he broke back in 2020 when playing with his dog.


This is where I think @Jumbo is right about acknowledging with some humor.  I'm not nearly that old, but I know that I don't move like I used to because of some injuries.  That's something that I think a lot of people can relate to.  That the stupid foot doesn't work like it used to because it got hurt playing with a dog seems a ripe area for some humor, and I think might put some people more at ease with his age.


Ok, one more go around: MTP is not doing their job, they're not reporting anything. They're saying Biden is old (yes, we know), they keep cycling the story, making people worried and then saying people are worried. MSNBC is not doing their job, CNN, Jon Stewart, etc. Feeding into people's fear isn't journalism, if they were doing their jobs, they would be debunking this **** instead of spreading it.

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28 minutes ago, Simmsy said:


Ok, one more go around: MTP is not doing their job, they're not reporting anything. They're saying Biden is old (yes, we know), they keep cycling the story, making people worried and then saying people are worried. MSNBC is not doing their job, CNN, Jon Stewart, etc. Feeding into people's fear isn't journalism, if they were doing their jobs, they would be debunking this **** instead of spreading it.


I think this is a valid argument and it's the "main way" I tend to view it along with a side of faulty attempt at "balanced" coverage.


But I get Peter's angle too, in the matter of acknowledging that Biden occasionally makes clear memory and focus related gaffes, aside from stuttering issues or his lifelong penchant for gaffes that aren't related to any kind of cognitive decline from advanced aging.


And since I can also get sweating every possible vote, I refer back to my earlier post where I think it should be addressed, and how, and that I think it is being so, more and more.


I also stand by the my notion that some folks do "over worry" it and do so with a less fulsome view of it all.


I also understand why the whole deal gets annoying to many people who don't deny it's existence, but just have a strong take about it being over amplified to where it wastes oxygen and adds to useful distractions for the maga side.



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Stewart’s job is to make fun of political news, and he’s parlayed his platform into ranting about things that are important to him. 

He gives the criticism he gives because that’s how he feels. I feel the same way (less eloquent as always), and have said as much. Others do to. The fact it’s turned into what it is was seen from a mile away. 

Putting the daily show on the level of MTP and NBC is ****ing hilarious. 

He’s always gone after the democrat party when they misstep. It just so happens the republicans misstep all the time and constantly also just **** all over themselves, so he spends most of his time there. But he was critical of Obama along the way too. 

9 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

But I get Peter's angle too in the matter of acknowledging that Biden occasionally makes clear memory and focus related gaffes, aside from stuttering issues or his lifelong penchant for gaffes that aren't related to any kind of cognitive decline from advanced aging.

Him literally losing track of what he’s saying and just sitting there is such an incredibly bad look. 

even if I do believe he’s been a solid president. It’s just an awful look. 

and it’s ok to think that without knee-jerking “but Trump!” 

Rapist and insurrectionist is way below the bar. 

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All of their jobs are to make money for their employing publication, and the news media right now is dying financially.  So if Biden is old stories generate engagement, either by people who love reading it or who are ****ing outraged that it continues to be such a focus, then they are happy.  


It also presents an opportunity, as Newsome just demonstrated, that Biden surrogates can go on these shows and speak to the written press and ****ing demolish this narrative, because it is not all that sound foundationally and sort of a caricature at this point. 

Edited by PleaseBlitz
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I agree that Stewart is more likely just being Stewart and is bothered by Biden's obvious decline-related gaffes and tired of the "old white guys in power everywhere" deal.


I don't think exaggerating Biden's level of decline, which the media is doing, cumulatively, and he's piling on late, is a particularly intelligent and necessary choice but I find it easy to believe also did it cuz he thought it'd be a good TV show move for him too. It backfired there but he'll successfully use that too by mocking the blowback. All on brand.


There's too much of all of this coverage that I still think is about a variety of strategic thinking related to chasing $$$, regardless of how many other ways we frame it here.

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54 minutes ago, Simmsy said:


Ok, one more go around: MTP is not doing their job, they're not reporting anything. They're saying Biden is old (yes, we know), they keep cycling the story, making people worried and then saying people are worried. MSNBC is not doing their job, CNN, Jon Stewart, etc. Feeding into people's fear isn't journalism, if they were doing their jobs, they would be debunking this **** instead of spreading it.


Keeping in mind (that as I've already pointed out) the interviewer acknowledges that people that meet privately with Biden say he's still mentally sharp.


Please explain how MTP is supposed to debunk the idea that Joe Biden is having some and might have some more age related mental decline over the next 4+ years.


When was the last time Biden sat down with somebody from MTP for any significant conversation?


He's certainly not going on the show.


He's not releasing large numbers of medical records, including a neurological exam, that they can interview a doctor about.


He's certainly not going to release his private doctor from doctor-patient privilege and let them go on MTP.


They certainly don't know the future and don't know what his mental state will be in 3-4 years.  Even his doctors can't make guarantees about that.


(And yes, the story is going to keep cycling because Biden is going to keep being old unless he starts making appearances where he seems much younger.  The press is going to keep reporting on it, because it isn't going away (unless something worse comes up.  If you're Biden and this is the focus of the press, that's actually a win.).)


What do you want MTP to do debunk the idea that a guy over 80 might have suffered some mental decline and might suffer some more in the future?


What is there to debunk?

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13 minutes ago, tshile said:

Stewart’s job is to make fun of political news, and he’s parlayed his platform into ranting about things that are important to him. 

He gives the criticism he gives because that’s how he feels. I feel the same way (less eloquent as always), and have said as much. Others do to. The fact it’s turned into what it is was seen from a mile away. 

Putting the daily show on the level of MTP and NBC is ****ing hilarious. 

He’s always gone after the democrat party when they misstep. It just so happens the republicans misstep all the time and constantly also just **** all over themselves, so he spends most of his time there. But he was critical of Obama along the way too. 

Him literally losing track of what he’s saying and just sitting there is such an incredibly bad look. 

even if I do believe he’s been a solid president. It’s just an awful look. 

and it’s ok to think that without knee-jerking “but Trump!” 

Rapist and insurrectionist is way below the bar. 


Wasn't Jon Stewart serious when he lobbied congress? He seemed pretty serious when he testified before congress. I took him pretty seriously when he cried for 9/11 responders on the Capital steps after successfully pushing a law thru congress. He may not be on the same level, but he has serious skin in the political game, he isn't absolved for what he says because he cracks a joke. A lot of people look to him for information, he knows this and he still has a responsibility to his viewers. Even with the jokes scattered in, the context of the message had a clear narrative.


I guess his age isn't going away, why focus on anything else. Seems like low hanging fruit to me, I was hoping for more from Stewart.

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