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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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2 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Too much of a caustic, festering wound of a person to be taken seriously as a candidate outside of the death cult, and too much of a visible putz to be taken seriously inside the  death cult.


He is in a very bad place.


Yes.  They call it...Florida.


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@Cooked Crack

That Desantis clip... once again people are quoting the wrong.  He pivoted to a beautiful attack on Trump's record over the next minute plus 45 after the discussion of insults.  


"Donald Trump is running in 2024 on issues he didn't fix in 2016".  Yes... more attacks like that please!  I am no longer a Republican but that is actually a persuasive argument.

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1 hour ago, Fergasun said:

@Cooked Crack

That Desantis clip... once again people are quoting the wrong.  He pivoted to a beautiful attack on Trump's record over the next minute plus 45 after the discussion of insults.  


"Donald Trump is running in 2024 on issues he didn't fix in 2016".  Yes... more attacks like that please!  I am no longer a Republican but that is actually a persuasive argument.

Not strong enough of an attack. If he can take the lines from Christie, add in the words failure, loser, and fat when talking about Trump (not Christie) and change his voice and personality completely. He might have something there. 

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32 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:

If he can take the lines from Christie, add in the words failure, loser, and fat when talking about Trump (not Christie) and change his voice and personality completely....

...and boots. 

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Glutton for punishment here - I got a transcription of Trumps' speech last night and wanted to put down five direct quotes that caught my attention (there were more I took note of but I don't want to spam this thread.  This guy is the biggest lying BS'er in the history of politics.  No one has ever lied to people so much.  And half the time he just builds up some fake strawman... like what the heck.     


Re: Trump on Social Security / Medicare -- this is a huge issue that differentiates him from Dems... of course if he does try entitlement reform it's not like this would bite him.. and I think one of his budgets even had a Social Security / Medicare cut... 


But I will always protect. Unlike de-sanctimonious, I will always protect Medicare and I was always protect Social Security. But remember, when they go against Social Security and then they say, oh, I love Social Security, they always end up going back to those things and doing what their original instinct is.  I've seen it over the years, hundreds and hundreds of times. We need people with courage, not a former South Carolina governor who's afraid to show up at this beautiful event.  You got to show up at these events, Nikki. Oh, did I say that?

Re: Trump on 2020 -- still going on about a rigged election


Isn't it terrible that a political opponent, though, can haphazardly charge you with a fake crime in the middle of your campaign in order to interfere with your time, your money, your message? And there is nothing you can do, in theory, to stop this travesty of justice. Isn't that a shame? You have a campaign. You're doing well. And think of it. They had 2.5 -- 2.5 years to file this thing. 2.5 years. More than that. But they had 2.5 years long before the campaign started. They could have filed this 2.5 almost three years ago.  But it's another Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. And it shouldn't be allowed to happen. The fake charges put forth by the Biden sham -- we call it a sham indictment. And, you know, the man that's doing it -- I really believe he's mentally ill. But this -- these are outrageous, and it is an outrageous criminalization of political speech.  They're trying to make it illegal to question the results of an election. By the way, you have to see the pundits -- even pundits that hate me with a passion -- very liberal, very far left -- they're saying, "You can't do that. You're not going to have anything left." But only a party that cheats in elections would make it illegal to question those elections. The only ones that would really make it difficult. If you can't challenge a rigged election, think of it. We're not looking to do it.  We want -- you know, they don't go after the people that rigged the election. They go after the people that want to find out what the hell happened. It's a disgrace. They should be going after the people that rigged it. But you don't have strong borders and you don't have good elections. We don't have a country. So they rigged the presidential election of 2020. And we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election of 2024 because our country is not going to survive. Joe Biden is the most incompetent and corrupt president in United States history. The Biden crime family was taking in money from China, Ukraine, Russia, and many, many other countries.

Re: Trump on fixing the debt -- yes, we'll pay down so much debt


But of course, you have $35 trillion in debt and we were going to do so much with energy that we were going to pay off a lot of that debt. Because we will if you ever took a look at Saudi Arabia and some of these oil producing nations, the kind of money that they make is astronomical.   Well, we have more oil. I call it liquid gold, oil and gas, liquid gold under our feet than any other nation in the world by far.  But you know that and we were going to supply all of Europe. We were going to supply everybody.    We were going to make so much money with pay off debt and then we'd lower taxes again.    We had the biggest tax cut in history. We were going to lower taxes still further.  When oil prices are high, that's when you should say, let's drill and make a fortune and let's pay off debt and let's lower people's taxes.

Re: Trump on his own movement - victim!


I am being indicted for you. I don't like that deal so much, by the way. I don't like that deal, but that's okay. No, I'm being indicted for you. I'm being indicted because of what we've done. And I'm being indicted because they're afraid of all of us because we have a movement that's never been seen in the history of our country. Make America great again, MAGA. It's never been seen. There's never been anything like this. And never forget, our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones who can stop them.We're the only ones. And this is why this election is so important. They want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom. I'll never let that happen. They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you.  And in the end, they're not after me, they're after you. I'm just standing in their way and I will never stop standing in their way.You're going to be protected. I promise you this. If you put me back in the White House, their reign will be over and America will be a free nation. Once again, we're not a free nation right now. We're not a free nation.We have no borders. We have horrible, horrible, unsafe elections. And we have an absolutely dishonest and crooked press for the most part.  We have a dishonest press and you people should be ashamed of yourselves.

Re: Trump on ending the Russia-Ukraine War... 


Before I even arrive at the Oval Office, shortly after I win the presidency, I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled.  I know them both very well. We will get it settled.  It should have never happened. It should have never happened to all the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dead people.  The number of people dead is far greater than what you're hearing. But we will get it settled immediately and fairly settled, not for one side or the other. We'll get it fairly settled. And I'm the only candidate who can make this promise to you. And this is a very big promise because I think we're in very big trouble.  I will prevent World War Three. I will prevent World War Three.


Ok - one more... this is how Trump says the election is going


We're dominating Biden in the general election. Very importantly, the Harvard Harris poll has us up by five points and they have us up 18 points among independents.
You know, I keep saying, well, will Trump get the independents? We're up 18 points with the independent and the new and very big poll, the premise poll.  We're beating Biden by a lot and DeSantis is losing to Biden by a lot. So a lot of incredible numbers are coming along.


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10 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

Grandpa Dumbass blames Biden for the WC loss. 




I'm seeing republicans on Facebook openly cheering the loss of the women's soccer team. Don't be fooled, these people are not patriots.

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56 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Remember when people were saying he wasn't as bad as the other maga turds?




He wants to replace it with an election day holiday.  Honestly we should have both as a holiday, so I think its a false choice.  But if I was forced to choose between the two, I'd take the election day holiday.  Having said that, if I was forced to choose between any other holiday and an election day holiday, I'd still choose the election day holiday.

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Do you have to get rid of a holiday to get a different holiday? I’m really not sure how any of that works, so please excuse my stupidity. His response implies you have to get rid of Juneteenth to have an Election Day.


I feel like that would be incorrect, but if so, I feel the most useless holiday out there right now is Columbus Day, certainly not Juneteenth. Why can’t a group of people celebrate when their ancestor’s slavery “ended?” Oh, that’s right, it’s because they’re black and Vivacious Ramaslamadingdong is not. **** him!

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