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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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Honestly, the only reason I want gutless Nikki Haley to join the fray is so DJT can give her a stupid nickname. He'll probably refer to her by her actual name Nimrata, which will be insult enough sounding to all the mouth breathers who worship this guy.
Edited by hail2skins
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7 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

I really thought he'd workshop nicknames for DeSantis, but it really seems like he's rolling with "DeSanctimonious."  Trump really does not have anyone around him that will give him honest feedback when his ideas are embarrassingly bad. 



Isnt he like 5’ 8” or some such?

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11 minutes ago, hail2skins said:


They don't have the balls to cut off his funding and publicly shame him, so they're hoping the Dems and the DOJ will rid them of their own problem.  Feeble cowards.  They could've been rid of him long ago if they had the balls to convict him at impeachment.  They think it'll make their party look bad if the GOP president is convicted, but they don't seem to realize that having him in the fold makes them look worse.


You keep saying his stupid comments should be publicized and ridiculed, but the GOP just publicizes them, and doesn't ridicule them/him which only amplifies his message.  Which is why it would be better to ignore him altogether.

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24 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Bull. Trump would let Putin walk over Ukraine and probably help Russia by bombing Ukraine ourselves.  Give Putin intel.



@hail2skins Don't hold your breath waiting for the GOP to denounce an ridicule Trump for this:


JUST IN: Trump Reiterates Why He’d Trust Vladimir Putin Over U.S. ‘Intelligence Lowlifes’ in Jawdropping Comments


Former President Donald Trump took to social media early Monday morning to reiterate his trust in Russian President Vladimir Putin over his own United States intelligence and justice officers.


Trump referenced the notorious moment during a joint press conference with Putin in Helsinki. Standing next to Putin, Trump openly questioned the intel assessment that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election, saying he saw “no reason” why they would have interfered. Trump later walked that back saying:



“I have full faith and support for America’s great intelligence agencies. Always have. And I have felt very strongly that while Russia’s actions had no impact at all on the outcome of the election, let me be totally clear in saying that — and I’ve said this many times, I accept our intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election took place.”


The President immediately added, “Could be other people also.”


For reasons that aren’t entirely clear, Trump decided to dredge up that embarrassing statesmanship in a Monday morning post on Truth Social.



Remember in Helsinki when a 3rd rate reporter asked me, essentially, who I trusted more, President Putin of Russia, or our “Intelligence” lowlifes. My instinct at the time was that we had really bad people in the form of James Comey, McCabe (whose wife was being helped out by Crooked Hillary while Crooked was under investigation!), Brennan, Peter Strzok (whose wife is at the SEC) & his lover, Lisa Page. Now add McGonigal & other slime to the list. Who would you choose, Putin or these Misfits?


Click on the link for the full article


He still favors Putin over US intelligence.  Traitor.  Someone needs to cut out his tongue.

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China, believe me, I have little faith that the GOP apparatus or primary voters have what it takes to dump this guy.


What I do know is that even if he gets nominated, he'll still need to get enough  fence sitting independents to choose him over Biden (presuming Joe runs) in 2024. If it can continue to be highlighted thru statements like these of how much a buffoon he is to keep enough from considering him, all the better.


And I appreciate the sentiment of "if they don't realize it by now." But every little bit of erosion helps, IMO.

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49 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

China, believe me, I have little faith that the GOP apparatus or primary voters have what it takes to dump this guy.


What I do know is that even if he gets nominated, he'll still need to get enough  fence sitting independents to choose him over Biden (presuming Joe runs) in 2024. If it can continue to be highlighted thru statements like these of how much a buffoon he is to keep enough from considering him, all the better.


And I appreciate the sentiment of "if they don't realize it by now." But every little bit of erosion helps, IMO.

Trump could still win. The trick would be to depress the Biden vote. Pretty sure the Gop House under MTG in 24; would do what they can.

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2 hours ago, hail2skins said:

China, believe me, I have little faith that the GOP apparatus or primary voters have what it takes to dump this guy.


What I do know is that even if he gets nominated, he'll still need to get enough  fence sitting independents to choose him over Biden (presuming Joe runs) in 2024. If it can continue to be highlighted thru statements like these of how much a buffoon he is to keep enough from considering him, all the better.


And I appreciate the sentiment of "if they don't realize it by now." But every little bit of erosion helps, IMO.



I see it much the same. But the Dems still need to run a candidate with more appeal than Biden, and still have it be someone who can attract a broad base of support. Shouldn't be that hard.

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To get the nomination from Trump, you will have to pull away a chunk of maga from him. Good luck.


His rally this weekend wasn’t that well attended. He’s old news. Just reeling the same old spiel. That maybe enough, sadly but he’s going to be jealous when the gop voters take a look at all the newbies entering the race.


Maybe current Trump beater fav, Ronny D catches on. Or maybe Nikki lights voters fire. Pompeo? Hogan? Sununu? Bolton?Cotton? Etc.  Trump still likely to win but once other people get in; people will be paying attention to the other candidates. They won’t be paying attention to tired old Donny. Seeing if anyone else catches their fancy.  People always like shiny new things. Why pay attention to the old candidate when you got new ones, some maybe exciting.


I expect a big field initially. We have all year to whittle it down to the actual people who will contend in the primaries. Most will be gone by Xmas. Only the ones that represent a real challenge to Trump will get the donor money and make it to the primaries.

3 hours ago, Jumbo said:



I see it much the same. But the Dems still need to run a candidate with more appeal than Biden, and still have it be someone who can attract a broad base of support. Shouldn't be that hard.

Not happening. Joe planning to announce after his State of the Union speech. Joe would have to be fatally wounded politically from all the upcoming investigations. Dems see that Joe can’t possibly win and ask him to drop out ir someone challenges him. At the moment, it looks to be Joe.

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Someone dropped a name that I didn't consider and we all should be worried about: Brian Kemp. DeSantis is **** head, he fits the Florida narrative, but not the national one...not anymore. Personally, even though he hasn't announced, it still feels like DeSantis fired his shot too early. Keep an eye on Kemp.

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