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The Democrats are Objectively doing a terrible job running the country.

Forever A Redskin

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43 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:

Can't wait for Tim Pool to be called a gateway to the far right. 


I get my news from neither. But yes, Democrats are just superior and more educated.


Finally you are right about something. 

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8 minutes ago, GeorgiaGirl said:


To be fair there isn't much of anything stated from either side in this thread.  All the left can fall back on is calling names, or Trumpers, or blaming Fox News.  It's all just right fighting and flexing their colors.  Would love to see intelligent debate.  Unfortunately or FORTUNATELY the echo chamber posse of sharks is circling Forever a Redskin.  He'll then get the ban hammer for offending the echo chamber and then the echo chamber will live on 🥰


If this is how this forum rolls, then I will bow out now and return to discussing football.


I'd rather have a place to discuss the Redskins draft and leave the tailgate to those who enjoy the echo chamber. According to them, the GOP is a sewer.


I guess we will see come midterms how great of a job the Democrats are doing.

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7 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


If this is how this forum rolls, then I will bow out now and return to discussing football.


I'd rather have a place to discuss the Redskins draft and leave the tailgate to those who enjoy the echo chamber. According to them, the GOP is a sewer.


I guess we will see come midterms how great of a job the Democrats are doing.


I suspect your first mistake is relating American election results with reality. 


That said, if one party wasn't continually and obsessively making it harder to vote, we might actually get worthwhile feedback from elections (even non presidential ones where the voters are skewed much older). 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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4 minutes ago, The Almighty Buzz said:


I, and several others, have asked him to support his statements by either providing a source or just more clarity and he has yet to do so.  Hard to debate his economic opinions with vague general statements. 


I tried posting a video and made multiple posts backing up my "claims". Even if I did post sources it would just be discredited or ignored. The response to the Tim Pool video is a perfect example.


May the tailgate echo-chamber love on. I will return to the stadium to chat football.



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4 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


If this is how this forum rolls, then I will bow out now and return to discussing football.


I'd rather have a place to discuss the Redskins draft and leave the tailgate to those who enjoy the echo chamber. According to them, the GOP is a sewer.


I guess we will see come midterms how great of a job the Democrats are doing.

Do you think Hershall Walker and Eric Greitens should be elected as Senators?  Do you have any problems with allegations against them?  Or do you think ****es be lying?

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3 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:

If this is how this forum rolls, then I will bow out now and return to discussing football.


I'd rather have a place to discuss the Redskins draft and leave the tailgate to those who enjoy the echo chamber. According to them, the GOP is a sewer.


I guess we will see come midterms how great of a job the Democrats are doing.


You're free to do what you would like, but to have a discussion you need to provide supporting information and not a one line statement. Statements without support are opinions and when you started this thread you knew you were poking. 


Many have asked for you to answer some simple questions with supporting information. You have yet to do that. 

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1 hour ago, Forever A Redskin said:


I have a 6 year old daughter. Her as well as my neices and nephews around the same age have all had negative effects from being masked. Slurred speech, enunciation issues that will take time to fix. If you think there hasn't been negative psychological effects that will last their entire lives from being masked I don't know what to tell you.


And I think if they come anywhere near people's kids with the vaccine you're gonna see a huge backlash from parents. As you already see with the support of teaching K-3 kids about transgenderism. 


But honestly I want the left to continue to fight tooth and nail about their "right" to teach other people's children about those things in school. It will go great for them come election time :)


It's already been proven in Virginia that "anyone but trump" doesn't work. And just look at Florida no longer being a swing state. It's now all red save for two counties.


Im glad there are so many that think the Biden admin is doing a fantastic job. Keep thinking that.



Thanks for answering. 


Are you for more education funding to assist in helping kids that are behind get caught up?


I'm not really sure where you think transgenderism has been taught to K-3, but I've yet to come across anyone from anywhere present a single shred of evidence that it's happened. Not even in one place let alone across the country. It's just not a thing, similar to CRT being taught to k-12. There are no actual instances. 


Are you opposed to the Covid vaccine? If so, are you opposed to the other vaccines required for your daughter to go to school? 


As to psychological impacts, very few kids will carry long term effects from masking. Some definitely had short term impacts and I'm all for providing free health care services for kids and adults to help deal with those impacts. Is that something you would be in favor of doing? 

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2 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


If this is how this forum rolls, then I will bow out now and return to discussing football.


I'd rather have a place to discuss the Redskins draft and leave the tailgate to those who enjoy the echo chamber. According to them, the GOP is a sewer.


I guess we will see come midterms how great of a job the Democrats are doing.

It’ll be hard to see how Dems are doing this fall. So far, across several states there has been around 250+ voter rules changed. Here in Harris County Texas, 40% of mail in ballots were denied recently because the GOP made it really difficult to get your ballot through. You had to jump through hoops that weren’t there previously. 

The more I see “libertarians” everywhere, the more I learn that they are just in hiding Republicans that are completely ok with the nonsense that their party spews, but aren’t comfortable enough in their own skin to own it.


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11 minutes ago, GeorgiaGirl said:


To be fair there isn't much of anything stated from either side in this thread.  All the left can fall back on is calling names, or Trumpers, or blaming Fox News.  It's all just right fighting and flexing their colors.  Would love to see intelligent debate.  Unfortunately or FORTUNATELY the echo chamber posse of sharks is circling Forever a Redskin.  He'll then get the ban hammer for offending the echo chamber and then the echo chamber will live on 🥰

Sure let's pretend that the OP hasn't been asked again and again and again to quantify his hot takes only to come back with "Sure keep being proud of Joe Biden's performance" as if anyone has made any mention of that whatsoever.  He's the one who showed up loud and proud only to not be able to engage in debate at even the most novice levels.  


Posters don't get banned for their beliefs, they get banned for trolling - which is exactly what it is when you just show up with nothing to offer but another failed attempt at 'owning the libs'.  It's only hard to engage in an actual debate when you show up with no facts and a bunch of hot air which is exactly what these type of posters do.

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4 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


I tried posting a video and made multiple posts backing up my "claims". Even if I did post sources it would just be discredited or ignored. The response to the Tim Pool video is a perfect example.


May the tailgate echo-chamber love on. I will return to the stadium to chat football.



If you are going to promote a guy that regularly defends the Proud Boys and the Oathkeepers then you are going to have a hard time convincing anybody that he is a legit voice, outside of the far right people.

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6 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Sure let's pretend that the OP hasn't been asked again and again and again to quantify his hot takes only to come back with "Sure keep being proud of Joe Biden's performance" as if anyone has made any mention of that whatsoever.  He's the one who showed up loud and proud only to not be able to engage in debate at even the most novice levels.  


Posters don't get banned for their beliefs, they get banned for trolling - which is exactly what it is when you just show up with nothing to offer but another failed attempt at 'owning the libs'.  It's only hard to engage in an actual debate when you show up with no facts and a bunch of hot air which is exactly what these type of posters do.


I don't see how my post is any worse than the "GOP is a sewer" thread. Where the majority is posting videos/articles making fun of Republicans.


Like I said, if I'm at risk of being banned for having an unpopular opinion on here, I will quietly return to the stadium to chat strictly football. No need to witch-hunt me.


My account is not a troll account, and I hope that my contributions to the draft thread prove that. Chatting up the draft was my primary reason for joining the board, but I made a post as an alternate to the "GOP Sewer" thread. Didn't think it would be a big deal, but it's clear I'm in a minority here.



Edited by Forever A Redskin
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6 minutes ago, GeorgiaGirl said:


Would love to see intelligent debate. 


You need two intelligent sides to have an intelligent debate. Unfortunately, one side believes that Trump is still the legitimate POTUS, that other side literally eats babies (!), and that Jewish Space Lasers are the reason for all the forest fires.


Even if they don't truly believe these things, they are more than willing to say them to win political points and power from the votes of the dumbest citizens we have. 


Forgive me if I don't exactly believe that your preferred side has anyone who can provide intelligent reasoning. The right has moved beyond trying to persuade people with reasoned arguments. Their policies are losers, so all they can do is try to get dumb people riled up over culture clashes to come out and vote for them. That's the only way they can compete, by using dog-whistles to signal to the racist tendencies of the white supremacists in this country, of which there are still plenty to go around.


And if you think that's BS, chew on this: Not everyone who voted for Trump is a white supremacist, but all the white supremacists voted for Trump.

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Just now, Forever A Redskin said:


I don't see how my post is any worse than the "GOP is a sewer" thread. Where the majority is posting videos/articles making fun of Republicans.


Like I said, if I'm at risk of being banned for having an unpopular opinion on here, I will quietly return to the stadium to chat strictly football. No need to witch-hunt me.

Quit BS'ing and answer the posters who have engaged you, that would be a start...


You know like how the guy you voted for would have low gas prices, little to no inflation, etc.

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2 hours ago, Dan T. said:


Stick around and change it.  Defend the right wing with facts and persuasion. 


I agree with the argument that the Tailgate has become an echo chamber.  I would like to see some intelligent counter arguments from Trumpers.  Seeing the crowd who comes to his rallies, though, and seeing past drive-by attempts here, I might as well be asking to see a unicorn farting rainbows.

Trump’s base are the lowest common denominator; they aren’t capable of honest give and take discussion.


A lot of them are mentally 7 year olds like  their leader.


Does tailgate lean more to the Dem side; yes. Let’s see, a lot of the regulars probably are from the Nova/Md/DC area; so their current leanings are towards Dem.


Though at one time, the tailgate was more in the other direction.


I was shocked at how many posters used to be Republicans.


The gop only believes in one thing, power. Keeping the power they have and getting the power they don’t and they will do whatever they need to get it. They no longer believe in American values and many of them want to turn the U. S. Into the Christian version of Iran.


If they could ; they would amend the constitution to outlaw all religions but Christianity and Judaism, though Judaism would be considered a step below Christianity.

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35 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


Tim Pool is well educated on the topics he speaks on.



Tim Pool is a Catholic School dropout. If one drops out of high school at age fourteen they are certainly not well educated. Intelligent? Possibly. Well educated? No because they ****ing left the educational system to make YouTube videos and beg chuds for likes and subscribes. 🤣

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22 minutes ago, GeorgiaGirl said:


To be fair there isn't much of anything stated from either side in this thread.  All the left can fall back on is calling names, or Trumpers, or blaming Fox News.  It's all just right fighting and flexing their colors.  Would love to see intelligent debate.  Unfortunately or FORTUNATELY the echo chamber posse of sharks is circling Forever a Redskin.  He'll then get the ban hammer for offending the echo chamber and then the echo chamber will live on 🥰


We welcome well informed thoughts on all topics. But there really wasn't much there. I asked him how he's been impacted by the economy and got nothing. He complained about inflation yet he was probably against one of the democrats plans that would have actually helped deal with inflation. Only because it was a plan from democrats. That's not really engaging in an honest conversation. 


Also, this really hasn't been the echo chamber people think. It may sometimes appear that way but there are a lot of centrists former GOPers here that shifted away from the right wing cause the GOP is bat **** crazy these days.  

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I also think "Objectively" really harms the OPs thesis.  What is the standard for terrible?  


Biden hasn't been impeached, hasn't made any decisions solely to enrich himself or harm his political opponents, hasn't thrown any paper towels at hurricane victims, hasn't shoved any foreign dignitaries, hasn't looked directly at the sun like a ****ing idiot, hasn't taken the side of neo nazis (one of whom had just committed murder), hasn't had the military forcibly clear a public street for a photo op, hasn't taken the word of Vladimir Putin over the entire US intelligence apparatus, unemployment is 3.6%, the Dow is at 34,500, basically everyone with a mortgage was able to refinance into rock-bottom rates in the past 2 years, the U.S. economy last year grew at its fastest pace since 1984, NATO is stronger than has been in many years.  He's doing a fine job.  He can't magically eliminate inflation. He's not a ****ing wizard. 


So, maybe "objectively" was a poor choice of words. 

Edited by PleaseBlitz
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Just now, Captain Wiggles said:


Tim Pool is a Catholic School dropout. If one drops out of high school at age fourteen they are certainly not well educated. Intelligent? Possibly. Well educated? No because they ****ing left the educational system to make YouTube videos and beg chuds for likes and subscribes. 🤣


Conservatives love the story of the Liberal who saw the light... And it's usually some kind of opportunist like a failed comedian, DJ, game show host or other type of media personality. 

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2 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


I don't see how my post is any worse than the "GOP is a sewer" thread. Where the majority is posting videos/articles making fun of Republicans.


Like I said, if I'm at risk of being banned for having an unpopular opinion on here, I will quietly return to the stadium to chat strictly football. No need to witch-hunt me.



I don’t think you should be banned, but that is not up to me.  But, if you’re going to start a thread and not even remotely back it up, then you’re the problem here. Not everyone else.


masks cause speech impediments? Where is the peer reviewed study that back that up? 

The only source you have brought is Tim Pool. A guy that interviews and supports nutbags and is not that bright. I don’t care about the clothes he wears or how he looks, but he is not knowledgeable. He appeals to the far right. Who loves QAnon and pizza gate and thinks the election was stolen.


news flash, the election was not stolen!!! Nobody wanted Biden either, we just voted for him because the other dude was absolutely awful. 

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1 hour ago, The Almighty Buzz said:


Can you tell me what metric you are using to make this statement?

Using any objective metric you can say the economy was strong up until the pandemic. Arguing about what whether the economy was strong misses the point I think.

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24 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


Chatting up the draft was my primary reason for joining the board, but I made a post as an alternate to the "GOP Sewer" thread. Didn't think it would be a big deal, but it's clear I'm in a minority here.




There's a thread titled How to fix the Democratic party. If what you say is true you would have posted there instead of creating a new thread. 



Lol the persecution complex shines through there at the end. "Im in the minority here". Another common theme with the modern conservative. 🤣

Edited by Captain Wiggles
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1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:


200+ mile range electric cars are under $20k with federal rebates. 


For example, Toyota's Leaf is at $19.9k after rebate. 


And they are going to get more affordable every year. 

You Meant Nissan. 

Toyota’s 1st electric car comes out in 23.


In 5-10 years; there won’t be anything but electric.

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24 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:

Like I said, if I'm at risk of being banned for having an unpopular opinion on here, I will quietly return to the stadium to chat strictly football. No need to witch-hunt me.


Let's be fair to the mods.  They would not ban for unpopular or contrary opinions and never have AFAIK.  Good faith substantive discussion, respectfully engaged, will keep you safe from any mod actions.

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