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Biden: 1/20/21-1/20/22; Your first year grade


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2 hours ago, PokerPacker said:

As an independent libertarian that has classically leaned Republican when forced to choose, I don't know how any independent with no stake in either party can possibly believe that the Democrats are the ones threatening to bring us a fascist government.

The Dems have facists in their ranks. You have 2 out in the open; Joe and Kirsten.

They support the facist party and are doing everything to make sure the facists can obstruct; in their to take the country over.

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6 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

I would like to point put that when talking about YoY statistics, 2020 was an incredibly anomalous year.  I am not saying murders dropped a ton, but everyone staying at home probably did wonders for the murder rate.  I wanted to point this out with inflation and gas but its not quite the same. 


YoY statistics to 2019 or 2020 are probably skewed.

On this note, we are going to have tons of frustration dealing with people that don’t understand this. 

If people can curtail their stats to push their argument, they will. And many won’t catch it cause they don’t know better. They just repeat it. 

yeah it takes effort to go through it and make sure you’re being fair and making the argument you think you are 


its going to be so annoying. 

i hate to mention it because I’m beating a dead horse now, but the most recent example is the economic numbers. If, right now, you’re hosting about your “historic” economic numbers… then holy **** do you not get it. 

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I agree with the point that remote learning is horrible for childhood development. 


At the same time how do we balance long term COVID effects. I am not talking about the immediate "flu like symptoms" but the whole "1 out of 20 people get some messed up inflammatory response in their body",  "my dementia accelerated on COVID", "healthy 6 year old needs to go to ICU due to weird rashes and fever after getting over COVID" that don't seem to be reported on well.


If I fault Biden its for not trying to bring this approach vs turning it into "get the vaccine".  I get that "get the vaccine" is important... and people don't want everyone to be overly scared but there's still a new virus pandemic that isn't well understood.  

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Speaking of grades; anyone want to grade Kamala or members of Biden’s cabinet.


Kamala gets an D. She only got the job because she was a black women. Joe had to pick a black ; after they saved his faltering campaign and he had to be a woman.  Thinking was; she would be groomed to be Joe’s successor. Not happening.


Jen Psaki gets an A+ though. The one true star in Joe’s government.

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Re: masks in schools policy (or gbeeeal policies governing children during the pandemic)

If you’re not familiar with MIS-C


i would kindly ask you to shut up about children and covid cause you don’t know anything about any of it. 

I’ve walked multiple people through rushing their child to the emergency room because their doctor just told them they’re concerned it’s MIS-C causing the bizare issues their 4 year old is having. 

my wife sees it, in person. 


it’s scary and you idiots pretending children are just fine may enjoy living a life of ignorance, but you have no business forming opinions (much less sharing them) on policy children and covid. Cause you aren’t smart enough.

Hell, you’re not even smart enough to realize you don’t know what you’re talking about. 


which I hate to break it to you, but that kinda puts you at the bottom of the critical thinking ability scale. 

Edited by tshile
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Just now, Rdskns2000 said:

Speaking of grades; anyone want to grade Kamala or members of Biden’s cabinet.


Kamala gets an D. She only got the job because she was a black women. Joe had to pick a black ; after they saved his faltering campaign and he had to be a woman.  Thinking was; she would be groomed to be Joe’s successor. Not happening.


Jen Psaki gets an A+ though. The one true star in Joe’s government.




"a black" eh?   Only got the job because she was a black woman?  I thought you were better than the identity politics.

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41 minutes ago, Jumbo said:



amigo, you're s solid stadium poster at minimum, and have always come across to me as a good guy (not that this matters in my eval of your take, just giving context for my reply) and i don't 'toss that out' over a single post i strongly disagree with on several major levels.


 i see a person who habitually walks around in public with underwear full of crap and piss but who ****es about the guy who is always farting publicly...

Well, Geee Thanks...I try to be a solid poster and a good guy.  I don't pass strangers on the interstate, I help them change their tires. I deliver prescription meds to my elderly patients who can't get out in the bad weather, I administer 40 "Trump" vaccines a day, I volunteer at my local free clinic and have served on the Board of Directors, I cut and deliver free firewood to neighbors who have no other source of heat, I give free handgunning lessons to anyone in need (and provide the  ammunition) I donate about 100 pounds of ground venison annually to Hunters for the Hungry. I raised my children to have a strong work ethic and started our farm business based solely on doing things the hard organic way long before it was "cool."  In essence, I like to think that I am a "good guy." Probably the guy you'd like for a neighbor and could call at 2am with a flat tire or in need of a friend. Sadly, I disagree with the job of our president to date, and now all those years of hard work have labeled my as a ****ty panted fart smeller. Gosh I love the tailgate.


You might be sadly disappointed when you discover that I don't vote party lines and try to stay focused on the issues, I would hate to disillusion the mob.

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56 minutes ago, bowhunter said:

Well, Geee Thanks...I try to be a solid poster and a good guy.  I don't pass strangers on the interstate, I help them change their tires. I deliver prescription meds to my elderly patients who can't get out in the bad weather, I administer 40 "Trump" vaccines a day, I volunteer at my local free clinic and have served on the Board of Directors, I cut and deliver free firewood to neighbors who have no other source of heat, I give free handgunning lessons to anyone in need (and provide the  ammunition) I donate about 100 pounds of ground venison annually to Hunters for the Hungry. I raised my children to have a strong work ethic and started our farm business based solely on doing things the hard organic way long before it was "cool."  In essence, I like to think that I am a "good guy." Probably the guy you'd like for a neighbor and could call at 2am with a flat tire or in need of a friend. Sadly, I disagree with the job of our president to date, and now all those years of hard work have labeled my as a ****ty panted fart smeller. Gosh I love the tailgate.


You might be sadly disappointed when you discover that I don't vote party lines and try to stay focused on the issues, I would hate to disillusion the mob.


yeah, that didn't help you at all, argument wise, tho james loved it :) 


i would easuly figure most of that 'sort of stuff' about you as a human, and i could respond with my own fact-based self-tribute that would read 'impressive' to most folks but i think that kind of addition to this discussion is weak and misplaced


i didn't reduce you/your post to that analogy in toto, but applied it to a targeted category of behaviors typical in a great number of people on the right, and the main behavior i indicted is one you did indeed present in your post if you read and comprehend carefully


many folks right or left could most likely put out a summary of how they do/have done many swell responsible decent things just as you have and yet the application of my analogy could fit the way it was stated, and no it wouldn't surprise me if you're not a one-party voter (funny, and insightful, you think it would, actually)


so pat yourself on the back again, if you like, for meeting the kinds of social obligations that should be expected of all of us ;) though many fall short, and consider all that very much appreciated by me personally , while i still stand behind what i posted  :) 







(watch out for 'the mob' :P)


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2 hours ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:


I have a lot of real-work anecdotal evidence as I have family in healthcare who see this stuff every day. And a lot of it matches up with "my gut"and is validated by the thoughts and opinions of plenty of people who feel lost out there these days with policies. I guess this isn't the spot for that discussion. I provided the study from the NIH, and an article that covered another study from Brown. But these aren't "conclusive" enough because they don't difinitively say exactly how much masking is good or bad. I am providing backup information for my assertion that masking, and isolation, have been atrocious for kids, and that our policies of the last 2 years will have long-lasting effects.


Masking and isolation = bad for development in infants


Masking and isolation and social media = bad combination for the mental health of our older kids


A lot of people out there want to deny these things because they don't want to take responsibility of what they've allowed to be propogated on their kids by government and society. That's fine, and that's a natural human instinct. But the kids are not okay. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/01/protect-kids-faulty-risk-assessments-covid-resilience/621353/


“Kids are resilient” has been a refrain of the pandemic, used to justify the removal of regular school, birthday parties, and talking with friends at lunch. But it’s not a kid’s job to be resilient. It’s a parent’s job to be resilient for them, to spare them from our fears and worries. The longer we abdicate, the more damage we will do.


I realize I am quoting a Republican CNN commentator, but the article hits a lot of points I agree with.


BUT, if you want to get the same memo/talking point / viewpoint from someone on the left, here's Barry Weiss on Bill Maher the other day.



i am sorry... but this is utter and complete bull****.


NOBODY i have ever talked to...NOBODY has denied that the isolation from covid is damaging.   EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the world talks about this, basically daily.   I have 3 children that were in high school when covid struck and the been have been denied the normal social growth that would taken place.   and one of them is autistic.    that is huge.   she has been set back YEARS in her hard-earned social development.   EVERYBODY THAT YOU WOULD EVER TALK TO WOULD AGREE ABOUT THAT. 


so your starting premise is that "nobody is caring about..." this thing that EVERYBODY is caring about   


and then you move from the starting premise that nobody cares about the impact of social isolation straight to  flaming bull**** about masks (rather than isolation), as if that is equivalent.      I would believe (easily y ) that masks have impaired infants and even grizzled old people's ability to read expressions and socially iteract........ but to put it in the most mild possible terms... the import/impact of that on people pales compared to the social isolation impact.


which brings us to the SECOND thing......       you note the potential negative aspects of these things big (isolation) and small (facial recognition) ... without even pretending that there is a reason for them.  without even TRYING to pretend to measure the importance of them relative to this other rather big thing.......  people dying.



what is the social impact on teens or infants of losing a parent?    does that create ANY lens to view other potential social impacts against?   i am no sociologist/psychologist, but without viewing any studies i am willing to bet some of my hard earned money that dying has a negative social impact.   




(and... to be quite frank...  once you have thrown masks into the discussion as a  full equivalent to the other huge potential negative impacts discussed here.... you come across as a blindly myopic  ideologue.     Once someone starts beating their breast and complaining "who will think of the children that have been unjustly MASKED during a pandemic... "  it becomes pretty difficult to convince myself that there is any point in trying to find any wisdom at all in what they are saying overall.... but to be fair, you had already LEPT off that cliff in my eyes a few pages back.) 


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7 minutes ago, Jumbo said:







Idk man, I was impressed ... assuming he's not just making that stuff up. I like to think I'm a swell guy too, but I'm just a young dad trying to survive the daily grind, so I feel productive if my kids are good humans and I pick up the neighbors trash that blows down the street and into my yard.

4 minutes ago, mcsluggo said:

and then you move from the starting premise that nobody cares about the impact of social isolation straight to  flaming bull**** about masks (rather than isolation), as if that is

(and... to be quite frank...  once you have thrown masks into the discussion as a  full equivalent to the other huge potential negative impacts discussed here.... you come across as a blindly myopic  ideologue.     Once someone starts beating their breast and complaining "who will think of the children that have been unjustly MASKED during a pandemic... "  it becomes pretty difficult to convince myself that there is any point in trying to find any wisdom at all in what they are saying overall.... but to be fair, you had already LEPT off that cliff in my eyes a few pages back.) 



Sorry to hear about your kids. Absolutely sucks, and I am sorry for your son and his setbacks. I am not in any way diminishing the isolation aspect. We HAVE to have kids in school.


I THINK what I am failing to get across here and something I will admit fault with, is that I have several acquaintances who have to this day, continued to isolate themselves and their young children for fear of the virus, so I do easily slide into compartmentalizing "most" people with that small portion of society that is stricken with fear.


BUT, the mask piece seemed relevant and I think I went there primarily because that's the active hot topic in schools re: Youngkin, and Virginia politics.


I know people want to get back to normal, and I know people acknowledge the impacts of isolation. I was screaming about the isolation piece by summer/fall 2020, but it doesn't seem to really be something discussed extensively in the mainstream until this past fall, when I think many were looking at the potential return of virtual / soft lockdowns with Omicron and seeing what was happening in Canada and Australia.


Also, curious to know what everyone's thoughts are on the Great Britain pivot? I know Boris Johnson is seen as a fool by most, Britain's Trump, but they did a total heel turn on mandates and masks over the last week.

Edited by JamesMadisonSkins
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7 minutes ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:


Idk man, I was impressed ... assuming he's not just making that stuff up. I like to think I'm a swell guy too, but I'm just a young dad trying to survive the daily grind, so I feel productive if my kids are good humans and I pick up the neighbors trash that blows down the street and into my yard.


humans are complex and scattered and extremely emo/ego-driven and most have a very stuffed history of, from a social perspective, "good" and "bad" cognition and behavior across a very wide range of matters, across their lifespan


at different times and in various situations, one aspect of you/your beliefs/actions can take center stage in such an impactful manner that it dominates in the perception of others and for all intensive porpoises, 'defines' you more or less 'overall' in the minds of others, but that's not really the issue



 i've worked with some folks  (inc some very important people) that have a lot of reprehensible stuff  in their background, but also have very significant  'good' too and some generally very wonderful people who have some seriously un-wonderful behaviors/thinking


but all this, starting wtih bow's autobiography, is getting too off topic so let's get back to focus on how biden sucks and to what degree

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1 hour ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Speaking of grades; anyone want to grade Kamala or members of Biden’s cabinet.


Kamala gets an D.

I’m not impressed with her at all. In addition to having no wins, her group has leaks about her that remind me of trump… obviously her office isn’t well run or full of good people…


that said, she got some terrible assignments. They gave her immigration. Which is a huge loser. I remember when they announced that thinking: uh, I thought you were hoping she’d run in 24 at the head of the ticket…


it was almost like Biden’s people hate her and decided to give her assignments that would assure she can’t even run, much less win

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30 minutes ago, tshile said:

Someone correct me where I’m wrong here:

the claim about child poverty under Biden is solely related to the govt sending checks home, right?

and that policy has been discontinued, right?




Yes and yes. Which is why congress should have extended the child tax credits for 2022. Lousy Democrats. 🥸

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9 minutes ago, clietas said:


Yes and yes. Which is why congress should have extended the child tax credits for 2022. Lousy Democrats. 🥸


maybe “lifted 32% if impoverished kids out of poverty” (whatever the exact wording is, I think it’s 32%) shouldn’t be on his list of things he’s touting. 

he didn’t do anything substantial on the issue. He simply sent home monthly checks. It’s a program that won’t continue. And while I’m sure it helped in some regard - it makes zero impact on the socioeconomic conditions of this country in any real way. 

this is just like his jobs numbers. 

i even saw one Biden supporter gif list S&P gains as a good thing under Biden - you know, the same ideological group that spent 4 years tar and feathering any conservative that mentioned stock market gains with respect to the president doing a good job. 

Stop manufacturing stuff to take credit for. 

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 i forgot to add this comment in my reply to bow's self-promo post---i'll put the last lines of that post in quotes below and then add what i had left out



Sadly, I disagree with the job of our president to date, and now all those years of hard work have labeled my as a ****ty panted fart smeller. Gosh I love the tailgate.



along with the points i already made about my analogy, this reads like a low level message-board deflection via strawman and additional mischaracterization


you weren't 'labeled' anything, and what you did have applied to you wasn't because of all that 'hard work' but because of what you posted---you might ask yourself why you attempt to suggest otherwise 


here's what you posted that drew the original rebuke: 


The Don was/is an asshole, but at least we had an adult in charge.  I cannot recall having a weaker or less mentally competent POTUS in my lifetime. 


so it wasn't 'i disagree with the president' as you try to contend, it was 1: for stating that someone as objectively criminally corrupt, as ethically/morally vile, as incredibly and proudly ignorant,  as sexist/racist, hell, even as traitorous (and i  could go on) as don, was simply 'an asshole' as though that covers it, and then adding that 'at least he was adult'..is that what you're teaching your kids?


but that's not all :)...2: that you would come to the conclusion that biden is less mentally competent than don is a real credibility killer to any rational objective person


those two comments along with your sense of 'priority' are what my rebuke addressed


the more i consider this stuff the lower my opinion of your posts go, but i am stopping here

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7 minutes ago, tshile said:

he didn’t do anything substantial on the issue. He simply sent home monthly checks. It’s a program that won’t continue. And while I’m sure it helped in some regard - it makes zero impact on the socioeconomic conditions of this country in any real way. 


It did have an impact however brief and would have improved life quality for nearly four million children if it was extended. 


10 minutes ago, tshile said:

this is just like his jobs numbers. 


How so? Is unemployment not at pre pandemic levels? Last I read unemployment is at 3.9% as of Dec 2021.

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11 minutes ago, tshile said:


i even saw one Biden supporter gif list S&P gains as a good thing under Biden - you know, the same ideological group that spent 4 years tar and feathering any conservative that mentioned stock market gains with respect to the president doing a good job.


My retirement portfolio over the last 2-3 weeks says otherwise. They might want to hold onto that GIF while the market takes a downturn and inflation and gas prices stabilize a bit. Err, market correction, or whatever it is .

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Just now, TheGreatBuzz said:

That would seriously cut down on their list of accomplishments.



and usually it would be whatever. Politics is politics. 

But right now is a really, really bad time to be embellish on achievements. It’s just a bad look to say “look at all these awesome things we’re doing” when most people live a life where every day they are somehow reminded how ****ed up things are. Especially when it’s, at best, embellished in terms of being an accomplishment. 

you know who’s probably not super excited to hear about that? Or the jobs and unemployment number “improvements”?


the people that have to stand a bus stop every day for 45 minutes to an hour because who knows when their kid will be dropped off/picked up, because transportation departments are screwed all around the country cause they cannot hire enough drivers to deal with the still-ongoing pandemic. 

or the people who have altered their work schedules to sit in huge car lines to drop off/pick up because as huge of a pain in the ass as that is, at least it’s not as bad as the bus situation 


bbl. Gotta go to the bus stop. Cause my kid might get dropped off in 5 minutes. Or maybe it’ll be 4:45 when they drop him off. Who the **** knows. 

7 minutes ago, clietas said:


It did have an impact however brief and would have improved life quality for nearly four million children if it was extended. 

Yes. I said it did in some regard. 

but it didn’t do anything for the overall picture of child poverty. 

and it’s not a program that’s going to be reinstated. It’s a manufactured achievement 

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15 minutes ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:


My retirement portfolio over the last 2-3 weeks says otherwise. They might want to hold onto that GIF while the market takes a downturn and inflation and gas prices stabilize a bit. Err, market correction, or whatever it is .

your takeaway from that was that your portfolio says otherwise?


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