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Election 2022 (Dems in charge of Senate. Reps take the House. Herschel Walker headed back home to ignore his children )

Cooked Crack

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Pffft, the Dems have no shot at Portman's seat


Fundamentally I am a pragmatist, if it works it works kinda guy.


Some of this big tech money could establish a tech hub, build it from the ground up with everything you need, in say, North Dakota, and relocate a **** ton of people there to work remotely. Move 150K techs and support staff in and you could tip it and seize two seats in the Senate. Would probably pay for itself within two years anyway, so much nowadays is not dependent on actual geographic location. Stop flexin your muscles buying FB ads, stop arming for the last war, start the next one.


Then more over and do it again. 150K would tip Wyoming.


Just sayn'

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1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:

Election news has started picking up so might as well get a new thread going






Herein lies one of the great problems with our political/election system:  our elected representatives spend most of their time campaigning and not enough time actually working and governing.  There should be limits as to how soon in advance of an election you can start campaigning.

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Define "campaigning."  I think one could easily argue Trump never stopped because he felt most comfortable doing campaign like rallies.  How does one distinguish between a campaign event and one promoting something the official or their team accomplishes?

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2 hours ago, LD0506 said:

Pffft, the Dems have no shot at Portman's seat


Fundamentally I am a pragmatist, if it works it works kinda guy.


Some of this big tech money could establish a tech hub, build it from the ground up with everything you need, in say, North Dakota, and relocate a **** ton of people there to work remotely. Move 150K techs and support staff in and you could tip it and seize two seats in the Senate. Would probably pay for itself within two years anyway, so much nowadays is not dependent on actual geographic location. Stop flexin your muscles buying FB ads, stop arming for the last war, start the next one.


Then more over and do it again. 150K would tip Wyoming.


Just sayn'

Slim chances but Ohio's other Senator is Democrat Sherrod Brown. 

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2 hours ago, gbear said:

Define "campaigning."  I think one could easily argue Trump never stopped because he felt most comfortable doing campaign like rallies.  How does one distinguish between a campaign event and one promoting something the official or their team accomplishes?

I believe in some European countries, ads can't be run until 6 weeks up until the election. I think that would be a good place to start.

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This is basically the Dems doomsday clock. They have to pass meaningful legislation that helps people. I don’t know how, figure something out. 

If Biden can get the vaccine distributed and schools open normal in the fall and people can resume their normal lives, it will go a long way toward helping their 2022 chances. 

If the virus is still lingering in 2022 and they haven’t been able to pass legislation, it will be an absolute bloodbath and the country may be lost forever 

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Former DNC head Perez 'taking a look at' Maryland governor bid


Former Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez is considering a run for Maryland governor in 2022.


“I live here in Maryland,” he told liberal podcaster Bill Press in an episode of Press’ show, "The Bill Press Pod," set to air on Tuesday morning. “Our current incumbent [governor] is term-limited. [I’m] taking a look at that; we’ll see what happens.”


Click on the link for the full article

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14 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:

Election news has started picking up so might as well get a new thread going




This annoys me to no end. At any time these ****ing elected officials could chose to work in a bipartisan fashion. Don't tell me it's hard as if you aren't your own person. 

6 hours ago, clietas said:

Ugh should of ran Erica Smith instead of stupid ass Cal. Still pissed I had to vote for him. 😒


I hate that MFer for putting us in the position to compromise our voting values. HATE him for being the most selfish pos. Yes, I'm triggered. 

Now, I did vote for Erica in the primary but I would not vote for her again after she effectively endorsed a couple of GOP members in NC after she lost the primary. 

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Meet Some Of The 4,600 Colorado Republicans Who Quit The Party After The US Capitol Riot




Ok, it's an opening, you've got their attention, now can you earn their trust? I still feel like there is a huge % of Rs who vote R because they always have, they have never really questioned it. Now they are.

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On the cusp of a tough reelection battle, Kemp’s approval rating stands at just 42% — and his disapproval is at 51%. More than one-third of Republicans — 36% — disapprove of his performance. That’s more than quadrupled from the 8% of Republicans who held a dim view of Kemp in the AJC’s January 2020 poll.

Trump’s standing is even worse. A solid majority of Georgians disapprove of the former president in the weeks since he left office, with 57% giving him an unfavorable rating, compared with just 40% who approved of his performance in the White House.

Though he continues to have strong support from his base, with 84% of Republicans backing him, it’s a marked decline from the last AJC poll. That survey, conducted in September, found that 48% of Georgians and 95% of Republicans gave him a positive review.


Fresh from their upset victories, the state’s two new Democratic U.S. senators are on solid footing. About 50% of Georgians have a favorable view of Ossoff, compared with 40% unfavorable. And Warnock, facing a reelection bid next year, has a 54% approval rating, with 37% disapproving of him.

In other signs of troubling news for local Republicans, about half of Georgians have a positive view of the Democratic Party — while only one-third have a favorable impression of the GOP.


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I wonder if the Dems in GA shouldn't hide behind a couple of PACs blasting ads about how Kemp "Didn't Stop the Steal" and encourage Trump's hardcore base to not vote for him. I know there are ways it could backfire, but that seems like a surefire way to attack Kemp and discourage his voters without being an overtly "Vote for the Dems" message that would fail with that crowd.

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