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As if 2020 couldn't get any worse ... new study recommends no more than one alcoholic drink per day


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When I was a young man the recommended limit was four units per day (14 per week) for a male, now it's one, and ideally half a drink.


This is now the same limit as for women.


Bunch of lightweights quoted in the article.


https://www.wsj.com/articles/men-urged-to-limit-alcohol-to-one-drink-a-day-amid-new-concerns-11597688916#:~:text=Sumathi Reddy,-Biography&text=Men should consume no more,matches the guidance for women.





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1 minute ago, China said:

Well, it's not like he was meeting the old guidelines anyway.  Won't matter to him.



@PleaseBlitz is following Biblical Old Testament standards.


Methuselah lived to be 969 years old. PB is budgeting on a lifespan of 96.9 years and so limits himself to ten drinks per day to meet the Biblical health guideline.



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does anyone in here actually know how many drinks they have "per day"? i never understood that. most people dont drink every day, and most people drink very inconsistently (1 week i'll have 3 beers, the next week i'll have 20 beers if i'm watching sports all week ha). these metrics mean nothing to me


and even if you're taking a weekly average, this is saying if i have 7 drinks at once, it does no harm?

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