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The ObamaGate Thread


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supporting material coming soon if the rino-funded liberal pinkos don't shut down oan


feel free to post on the scandal anyway while waiting-----here's a poll too:


(just answer it in your head so it doesn't get recorded in this lib haven and they  send your personal information to soros and his black panthers)


1. its way bigger than watergate

b. plus it ties to the clinton murders and sex rings

2. its about russia and the dems working together with bitter hillary and impotent little sex-slave jeff sessions to frame trump and flynn plus all of the above

E. proof obama was born in china and raised to be an agent, moved to an african country to absorb sharia muslimism culture, then going to hawaii under his fake name, plus all of the above







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Obama is in cahoots with a motley assortment of evildoers, including his Islamic terrorist brethren, a murderous Mexican drug cartel and the shadowy Deep State — forces that would be only too happy to replace the Constitution with sharia law. All that stands in the way of this sinister cabal, with their hashish-fueled and hooker-laden sex-murder orgies, is a godly, morally pure assemblage of “Shadow Wolves,” Native American lawmen uniquely adept at tracking drug dealers and illegal immigrants.



“It is crystal clear to all of us that the [U.S. government] is completely penetrated, and this trafficking of human jihadists is approved by [Obama] himself and being protected by rogue elements of the CIA, FBI and DEA — the same rogue elements that have been smuggling drugs, guns, gold, cash, and small children for the American elite ever since Allen Dulles and J. Edgar Hoover first created a secret state within a state.”




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don't be misled by talk of the "trafficking of human jihadists" being associated with obama....it's a cover to keep you from knowing the truth about the non-human jihadists...those infiltrators who walk among us with scales under their skin-suits, here to rip the scales from the hands of lady liberty


but those of us bold enough to see the truth will not be thwarted!


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18 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

I don’t like this thread and I might report the thread starter.


that's right---run to them, or should i say slither/crawl?


as the rest of you can see, the egg-layers are getting scared now that the truth is finally getting to the people thanks to the warriors of the one light


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1 minute ago, Jumbo said:


that's right---run to them, or should i say slither/crawl?


as the rest of you can see, the egg-layers are getting scared now that the truth is finally getting to the people thanks to the warriors of the one light


one light, or one leg?  That guy on the left seems to be missing one.  But that's OK, 'tis only a flesh wound.

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