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Pretty early actually. It happens at Sunset so one has to be there long before that I imagine. From what I gather,it can a nice atmosphere,almost festival like. Which is good since it's one of those been there done that sites that you'd be hard pressed to convince others that yours is better than all the rest. Be cool to go and see it though. Dry year this year out here and from what I've read,the Falls aren't looking all that great so far. Past few years though,I'm surprised they could even get folks there to see it with as much snow that fell,(2017 and 2019).  

Okay. Not even close to as spectacular as Horsetail Falls,(Yosemite),when on fire,but it is a waterfall,(Lower Eagle Falls in Tahoe at Sunrise. Orange tint provided by smoke from fires in California at the time). 




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  • 3 weeks later...
18 minutes ago, Corcaigh said:

I'm thinking of spending some time learning more about photography. I have an old (2009) Nikon D60, 10.2MP. Is that serviceable or would you recommend a better body?

I think that depends greatly on how much you plan on getting into it.  Start with what you have and see how much it actually interests you.

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20 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

I think that depends greatly on how much you plan on getting into it.  Start with what you have and see how much it actually interests you.

I mean, if it’s for mostly online usage won’t are the pixels and basic electronics good enough?


What are the criteria for a better body?

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2 minutes ago, Corcaigh said:

I mean, if it’s for mostly online usage won’t are the pixels and basic electronics good enough?


What are the criteria for a better body?

Criteria starts with budget.  And you never know what you need until you learn about a new feature.  There are a million different features but what you need also depends on the type of photography you do and how serious you get into it.  Look at a Nikon D6 to see what you can do.

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Back in 2009 when things went really South,(for me especially during that recession),I was 6 years in to the digital photography,but still winging it,(as I did for film off and on over the years). I found out pretty fast that going out and taking pics,(and this time concentrating on the technical aspects as well as the artistic aspects),was truly my happy place during those times,(they....were.....tough). While my life has changed and my happy place is now happy places,(being with my wife and working on the house),I find it's still a great way to leave the anxiety of these times behind.  I do recommend it to our shutter bugs here. :) . If I had to pick a favorite from each category of pics I take,this is one of my favorites of the "Waterfalls/waterscape one. It's also one of my all time favorites,(which is not the same as saying it's great. That's subjective. 

Potem Falls outside Redding Ca. 




This is from a local guy,(we wave at each other sometimes while we're out there),who's awesome and really good with the local wildlife. 



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On 3/5/2020 at 6:16 PM, Corcaigh said:

I mean, if it’s for mostly online usage won’t are the pixels and basic electronics good enough?


What are the criteria for a better body?


I agree with @TheGreatBuzz, take some time to really see if this is something you want to get into.  Hack around with your current camera first to see if you like the process.  It can get to be a very expensive hobby.  


From your current setup, it sounds like you've got enough to get by.  10.2 should be ok and the basic electronics are good, too.  It all depends on what you're looking to take photos of.  That 10.2 won't be good if you're trying to take a photo and crop in on a certain section later on.  It should be good enough for daylight conditions, it won't be good in low light.


People get really excited for megapixels, IMO, it's kind of like horsepower in a car.  You don't always need it, but it's nice when it's there.  A lot of this always comes back to what you're going to be taking photos of and the conditions you think you'll find yourself in.


IMO, one criteria for a better body is something that I think a lot of people overlook is how it feels in your hand.  Weight, etc.  If you are going to take it on a hike for most of the day, are you going to have that thing around your neck?  Is it too bulky?  How's it feel in your hand?  I've shot all day concert festivals before and had hand cramps at the end of the event from gripping it all day.  If you're taking it on vacation, is it something that's going to be a pain in the ass to haul around?  If you're thinking that you're going to spend a lot of time with your gear, it has to be something you actually enjoy using.  Taking photos is something that everyone enjoys but you also have to pick up your gear and know that you enjoy using it, too.  


Also, another important criteria, the is the menus, ease of use, etc.  The first camera I purchased was a Canon EOS Rebel.  I had done my homework online trying to figure out the differences between Canon and Nikon and had utterly confused myself.  So I went into a camera store (Ace Photo in Ashburn if you are local) and said to the guy "Here's my budget and this is what I want to shoot," and he gave me an EOS Rebel with a big ass 3rd party lens.  I asked him why he liked Canon over Nikon and he said for a beginner, the menus are easier to navigate, it's just easier to pick up and use.  The picture quality, he said, would be indistinguishable between the two brands.


I found that to be true.  A couple years later I tried taking photos with a Nikon, it was like looking at the controls of a spaceship.  I didn't understand any of it.  I couldn't figure out the most basic functions.  


I use Sony now.  It's a joy to work with, everything makes sense from a usability perspective, it feels good in my hand and I can take it out all day.  Their battery life sucks but you can always get more batteries.  Oh, and megapixels, too.

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24 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

asked him why he liked Canon over Nikon and he said for a beginner, the menus are easier to navigate, it's just easier to pick up and use.  The picture quality, he said, would be indistinguishable between the two brands

This is funny because I did a similar thing when I was starting out.  I went to Best Buy and played with several brands.  However, i found Nikon menus to be easier for me.  

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I have a Nikon D200, old technology by now. I bought it because I could buy older manual lenses for cheap and it would force me to learn the basics. It's also a great landscape camera. I also have a fixed zoom lens camera that I got special filters for infrared photos. I am presently looking for some high contrast areas for that.


I have 2 Nikon film bodies and accoutrements that were my brother's that my SIL gave me after he died. I really don't know what to do with them, I am keeping the 50mms lens.

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On 3/22/2020 at 9:07 AM, TheGreatBuzz said:

This is funny because I did a similar thing when I was starting out.  I went to Best Buy and played with several brands.  However, i found Nikon menus to be easier for me.  


Yeah.  I'm sure if the guy that sold me the camera said that Nikon menus were easier, I'd have trusted him.  I really didn't know what to get back then, I just wanted someone's opinion, it happened to be his.

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I'm a member of fredmiranda.com a photography website. Lots of knowledgeable people there for any camera system. Plus there are webpages for the different types of photography like landscape, portrait, and so on. Plus they have sale pages too. I bought some equipment from there. And I bought several manual lenses from KEH Camera online. They are in the suburbs of Altanta.

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  • 2 weeks later...




I took this one yesterday. It isn't anything special, just a truck delivering a machine.  But I took it handheld (no tripod) 5 bracketed shots with anti-shake on then used Lightroom to merge the 5 pics.  No other editing done.  I'm just impressed what technology can do with a handheld shot.

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