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Anti-Vaxxer thread (New York Reports 1st Polio Case in Nearly a Decade)


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56 minutes ago, abdcskins said:

My friend just told me that her sister who works at TSA is anti-vaccine.  Her job is requiring employees to get vaccinated or to get tested twice a week.  Her sister instead is deciding to get a fake vaccination card so she can avoid getting tested twice a week.  God what a selfish irresponsible thing to do 😡


Report her.   Given her role at TSA, she is endangering public safety. Or give me the information and I'll report her.

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Rantz: UW Medicine pulls heart transplant patient from list after refusing COVID vaccine


The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH has learned that UW Medicine removed 64-year-old Frank Sam Allen patient from the transplant waiting list. This is a photo from Allen's previous surgery in 2014.(Photo: Frank Sam Allen)

The University of Washington Medical Center denied organ transplants to patients who refuse a COVID vaccine as early as June 2021. And hospital officials refuse to answer basic questions about their policy.


In fact, they won’t even directly acknowledge they have a policy.


The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH has learned that UW Medicine removed a 64-year-old patient from the transplant waitlist. He says he was on the list for two and a half years. The hospital made the decision after they learned the patient refused to be vaccinated against COVID. They said they would consider adding him back to the waitlist should he satisfy their “compliance concerns.”


Last week, one vaccine-hesitant patient came forward. He says he was told the vaccine was mandatory before he could get a necessary liver transplant. The hospital does not deny any of the allegations.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Denise "Truffles" Lyonnais, 68, The Villages, FL, Anti-vaxxer Clown Dies from COVID.


Well, we just lost Truffles aka Denise Lyonnais to COVID according to this post. She lived in the Florida retirement community "The Villages" and entertained gatherings and parties as the Clown "Truffles." However, she was an anti-vaxxer and none of her posts on Facebook were funny... until now.




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The Unbelievable Grimness of HermanCainAward, the Subreddit That Catalogs Anti-Vaxxer COVID Deaths


HermanCainAward, one of the fastest-growing subreddits on Reddit.com, is exactly what it sounds like: an archive of those who have been hospitalized and/or killed by COVID and didn’t believe the disease could harm them. It is named after Republican Herman Cain, the onetime candidate for president who succumbed to COVID some weeks after attending a Trump rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, at which he was photographed maskless in the summer of 2020. Cain’s Twitter account would continue to downplay the virus even after his death.


The Herman Cain Award concept is simple and ugly. A single entry to the subreddit consists of anywhere between two and 16 screenshots of a social media profile (usually Facebook, with last names scrubbed out) belonging to someone who died after aggressively rejecting precautions that could have protected them and others. The idea is to track the individual’s journey from COVID theory, so to speak, to COVID practice: what a person posted or commented about masks or shots, or those who advocated for either before getting sick, and how they and their community narrated their disease once they were ill. As the forum has grown, entries have started following a fairly standard format: The first few screenshots typically feature the individual in question deploying a remarkably consistent set (there are 30 or so) of memes. Some vilify Dr. Anthony Fauci or champion the right to be unvaccinated. Others warn people they’re experimental rats or offer scripts that will properly punish wait staff for daring to inquire about vaccination status. Some deride masked liberals as “sheep” and the unvaccinated as proud free lions or refer to immigrants as vectors of disease or compare vaccination requirements to the Holocaust. Most of them treat the pandemic as a joke and frame ignoring it as brave or clever or both. The final few screenshots typically announce the disease, its progress, and the eventual death announcement, frequently followed by a GoFundMe for the family. If someone is merely hospitalized, the flair on that entry reads “Nominated.” When they die, it changes to “Awarded.”


It is cruel, a site for heartless and unrepentant schadenfreude. This is a place where deaths are celebrated, and it is not the only one. While endless ink has been spilled on the anger of Trump voters and Fox News viewers and QAnon adherents, there are other angers that haven’t been nearly as well explored. The exhaustion and fury doctors and nurses feel, for example, as they deal yet again with overwhelmed ICUs. Instead of being hailed as heroes, this time around they’re risking their lives to serve while walking through anti-vax protesters and being called murderers or worse by misled family members demanding or indeed suing for sick unvaccinated relatives on ventilators to be dosed with ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or vitamin C.

There is the anger of family members of those without COVID who are dying or sicker than they should be because treatment was delayed or denied to them at dozens of hospitals that had no beds available. There’s the frustration of parents trying to keep their children safe, the constant, destabilizing calculations and adaptations people are forced into when (for instance) the governor of Texas prohibits schools from taking safety measures and then two teachers at a single school die, forcing closures once again. There’s the run-of-the-mill anger of those weary of living under pandemic conditions and demoralized—in the most literal sense—by the selfishness of their compatriots.


Subscriptions to the HermanCainAward subreddit are increasing exponentially, from 2,000 subscribers on July 4 to 5,000 at the beginning of August to more than 100,000 on Sept. 1 to 243,000 Friday to 276,000 today. If that rate is any indication, rage is growing toward anti-vaxxers deliberately prolonging the pandemic out of an anti-social and deadly understanding of their rights. 


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On 8/31/2021 at 11:22 AM, Larry said:

I'm sure some of them were people who didn't have access.  Or they got vaccinated, but it didn't work.  Or weren't eligible.  But I'm pretty sure it's a small percentage.  

There are also people who have legitimate medical reasons. I know one. They do exist. Incredibly small group but they exist. 

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On 8/11/2021 at 7:38 PM, Dan T. said:


Report her.   Given her role at TSA, she is endangering public safety. Or give me the information and I'll report her.


i volunteer to report her as well.   I volunteer to walk into her (airport? presumably?) while she is working and pants her on the spot.   

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Bizarre legal theory making anti-vaccine movement more extreme, experts warn


The anti-vaccine movement in Canada is becoming increasingly radicalized thanks to a bizarre legal theory spreading through its ranks, according to multiple experts.


Last week, protesters entered a school in Salmon Arm, B.C., to "serve" school officials with what lawyers say are bogus legal documents.


The documents are based on the ideology of the Freemen-on-the-land, an anti-government movement with links to white nationalism.


"This is very worrying," said Edwin Hodge, an expert on right-wing extremism at the Centre for Global Studies at the University of Victoria.


The pseudo-legal ideas of the Freemen have ebbed and flowed over the years, but the philosophy has typically been relegated to the fringes of society, according to experts.


Not anymore. The pandemic and its associated opposition to public health measures have vaulted these ideas into the public eye. 


"It's been a bonanza," said Richard Warman, an Ottawa human rights lawyer who has written extensively on pseudo-law.


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Some say COVID-19 vaccine is the 'mark of the beast.' Is there a connection to the Bible?


The COVID-19 vaccine has been scientifically proved to save lives, but for a select group of people in the religious realm, a more important matter is at stake – eternal salvation. 


As the delta variant of the coronavirus spreads, many Americans resist COVID-19 vaccines, some citing the uncertainty of long-term side effects, others lacking trust in the medical field. Some vaccine resisters have been galvanized by the idea that the shot is the "mark of the beast." 


The "mark of the beast" in the New Testament's Book of Revelation signals an allegiance to Satan or those who reject God's memorial of creatorship. 


"Studies show that any conflicts between religion and science are not about facts, they are more about values and morals," said John Evans, a professor of sociology and religious studies at the University of California, San Diego.


The apocalyptic biblical term comes from Revelation 13: 16-18. According to the Apostle John in the New International Version Bible, a pair of beasts will rule the Earth with cruelty. Their evil reach – which can be interpreted as hidden manipulation – will require all people who engage in commerce to wear the mark of the beast. The Apostle John did not identify what the mark looks like, although some theologians translate Scripture to associate the number "666" with it. 


Pastor Darin Wood of First Baptist Church in the oil town of Midland, Texas, wrote an op-ed in August for the Midland Reporter-Telegram that said, "One of my church family posed an honest question: 'Pastor, is the COVID vaccine the mark of the beast? I’ve been told it is.' Their question was an honest and heartfelt one, and clearly, they were anguished about it. In kindness, I answered, 'no' and thought little more about it. Until the question came again. And again. And again.


"There’s no indication that the vaccine matches the mark described by the Apostle John. … I’ve been sent numerous articles and videos ... that (suggest) the vaccine represents a conspiracy of governmental control or that the vaccine contains some sort of marking agent to indelibly identify those foolish enough to receive the vaccine. It’s just not reasonable or logical to presume such a wide conspiracy is even possible. The question then arises as to why this wide mistrust in medical treatment has come."


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Prosecutor: Anti-vaccine protesters attempting to block highways will face felony charges


Patriot Shutdown: Check here for latest updates as Ohio officials monitor highways on Monday.


Anti-vaccine demonstrators attempting to block highways as part of nationwide protests will face felony charges, according to the Hamilton County Prosecutor's Office. 


Prosecutor Joe Deters said his office has learned of protesters' plans to shut down highways across the country on Monday morning in a denouncement of mask and COVID-19 vaccine mandates. 


"I want to be perfectly clear," Deters said in a release. "Anyone who attempts to shut down the highways in Hamilton County will be removed from their vehicles, charged with felony Disrupting Public Services, and they will go to jail."


Posts have surfaced on social media platforms, specifically TikTok and Facebook, urging truckers and other drivers to participate in the "Patriot Shutdown" protests by blocking traffic at specific highway mile markers, including three Hamilton County locations, Amy Clausing, a spokesperson for the prosecutor's office, told The Enquirer. 


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Nice self-ownage:


An anti-vaxxer gave his phone number out during a rally. Now, he’s urging ‘lazy, weak people’ to stop calling.


A man who has for months railed against Canadian vaccine and mask mandates gave out his phone number during a protest last week, repeating the digits into a microphone while telling a crowd he has nothing to hide.


Chris Saccoccia, who goes by the name Chris Sky, told a crowd objecting to vaccine mandates in Toronto on Saturday that unlike politicians, “I’m not afraid of anybody.” He was giving out his phone number, he said, so people with resources who “actually want to help the country” could contact him.


Two days and “literally thousands of phone calls” later, Saccoccia took to Twitter to tell people to stop ringing his cell.


“I gave my number out in Toronto and specifically said it was for people who either need help, or people, more importantly, that have the resources to actually help make a difference,” Saccoccia said. “It wasn’t so people could call me every five seconds and ask me the exact same question that I’ve already answered a million times.”


Saccoccia, who shares baseless claims about the coronavirus, said public health measures enacted during the pandemic are meant to “enslave” people. He has repeatedly called into question the safety of the coronavirus vaccines, referring to them on Saturday in front of the Toronto Eaton Centre as “an experimental death jab.”


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Anti-vaxxers turn up at police HQ to report Covid vaccine for ‘attempted murder’


A group of protesters went to police headquarters to report the coronavirus vaccine for being ‘attempted murder’.


Anti-vaxxers took to the streets of Birmingham city centre on Saturday. Some of the demonstrators felt so strongly about the jab, they decided to go the police about it ‘being given to children against their will’.


Chief superintendent Steve Graham told the story to a local coronavirus outbreak engagement board on Wednesday.


He said: ‘We had a deputation who tried to attend Lloyd House to report attempted murder with the Covid vaccine being cited as the cause of death. Yes chair – you can laugh.’


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Indoctrination task force member dies of COVID-19


Pete Coulson, a member of Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin’s education indoctrination task force, recently died from COVID-19, writes Idaho Education News reporter Blake Jones. After at least three weeks of hospitalization, during which his oxygen levels were depleted, Coulson died sometime between Oct. 1 and Wednesday, according to a report Jones cited from conservative talk radio host Bill Colley.


“Pete was a very healthy 67. He would tell people he was vaccinated in Christ. He didn’t fear death,” Colley wrote.


Coulson joined the task force in June, replacing Idaho School Boards Association President Jason Knopp, who withdrew from the group that targeted alleged leftist teachings in public schools over four summer meetings.


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COVID-Infected Allen West Goes on Unhinged Anti-Vax Rant—From Hospital


Right-wing firebrand Allen West on Sunday followed up the previous day’s news that he contracted COVID-19 and was hospitalized with an off-the-rails Twitter rant against vaccination.


The former congressman, who is not vaccinated, wrote that he and his wife Angela received monoclonal antibody treatments at an emergency room in Dallas on Saturday. “The results were immediate,” he claimed before noting that his wife, who is vaccinated, was allowed to go home while he stayed at the hospital due to concerns over COVID-related pneumonia and low blood oxygen levels.


The far-right figure, who has increasingly adopted QAnon-adjacent rhetoric and recently quit his post as Texas GOP chairman, praised the hospital for “not forcing any harmful protocols on me” and for “making me grits for breakfast!!!”


And then, despite the burden placed on hospital staff by people like West who refuse to get vaccinated, he pivoted to attacking vaccines.


“I can attest that, after this experience, I am even more dedicated to fighting against vaccine mandates,” he tweeted. “Instead of enriching the pockets of Big Pharma and corrupt bureaucrats and politicians, we should be advocating the monoclonal antibody infusion therapy.” (Monoclonal antibody treatments, of course, are largely manufactured by pharmaceutical giants like Regeneron and GlaxoSmithKline.)


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