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Harvey Weinstein, Fired Amongst Sexual Harassment Allegations

Spaceman Spiff

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51 minutes ago, zoony said:


Also, as a general statement, how do we feel about the coziness of media moguls with prominent politicians?  Murdoch and the repubs, weinstein and the dems... it seems to me that befause they cannot police themselves, maybe we need to look at legislation.  These relationships make me want to vomit.


As long as we allow the Citizens United decision to stand, and we don't have rigorous campaign finance laws, we will have politicians and media cozying up together.

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The lack of SNL jokes about Harvey Weinstein isn't because he is a Liberal... it is that 99 percent of the audience has no idea who Harvey Weinstein is and the jokes would fall flat.   Bill OReilly was a major media face on TV.  Roger Ailes WAS FoxNews.  They got roasted because everyone know who they were.  The liberal media had no trouble making jokes about Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Bill Cosby, anyone who the audience would know.


 All of the conservatives screaming about media bias and conservative persecution first had to go look Weinstein up on Wikipedia before they could add their own content and forward their angry posts on Facebook. 

Edited by Predicto
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1 hour ago, Predicto said:

The lack of SNL jokes about Harvey Weinstein isn't because he is a Liberal... it is that 99 percent of the audience has no idea who Harvey Weinstein is and the jokes would fall flat.   Bill OReilly was a major media face on TV.  Roger Ailes WAS FoxNews.  They got roasted because everyone know who they were.  The liberal media had no trouble making jokes about Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Bill Cosby, anyone who the audience would know.


Roger Ailes seems less well known to me than Weinstein.  A lot of people simply avoid politics entirely and do not watch cable news.  I don't even know what Ailes looks like and I watch/read too much news.  Weinstein's name could conceivably be at least as recognizable, especially now that he's been a major national story. 


I do agree it unlikely to have anything to do with politics though.  SNL doesn't blink at the idea of mocking liberals. Perhaps the fact that Weinstein has enough pull to get away with being a disgusting **** for decades plays a role.  Maybe actors/writers looking to make it in that business just might not want to target guys like him.  No upside to it, but plenty of negative possibilities if he holds a grudge.  

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2 minutes ago, Destino said:

Roger Ailes seems less well known to me than Weinstein.  A lot of people simply avoid politics entirely and do not watch cable news.  I don't even know what Ailes looks like and I watch/read too much news.  Weinstein' could conceivably at least as recognizable, especially now that he's been a major national story. 


Weinstein has enough pull to get away with being a disgusting **** for decades.  I think a more likely explanation is that actors/writers looking to make it in that business just might not want to target guys like Weinstein.  No upside to it, but plenty of negative possibilities.  

I think Ailes in general got more coverage than Weinstein (strictly speaking before the public knew they were sexual predators). The media has a fascination with writing about itself. It's why I can recognize Jeff Zuncker. I literally did not know Weinstein till about a week ago. The most I'd see was his company logo before a movie.


We should be focused on how to stop creeps from using their positions to sexually prey on others. Shaming these individuals and punishing them instead of sweeping things under the rugs. People in these industries need to speak up. I think this news will definitely help victims speak up. A guy on a YouTube channel I watch just lost his job because the victim got inspired by the Weinstein news.

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1 hour ago, Predicto said:

The lack of SNL jokes about Harvey Weinstein isn't because he is a Liberal... it is that 99 percent of the audience has no idea who Harvey Weinstein is and the jokes would fall flat.   Bill OReilly was a major media face on TV.  Roger Ailes WAS FoxNews.  They got roasted because everyone know who they were.  The liberal media had no trouble making jokes about Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Bill Cosby, anyone who the audience would know.


 All of the conservatives screaming about media bias and conservative persecution first had to go look Weinstein up on Wikipedia before they could add their own content and forward their angry posts on Facebook. 


So you read Lorne Michaels statement to the press and ran with it.  Doesnt make it correct.


As for late night comics, guess we will sweep that under the rug.  They never make fun of lesser known entertainment figures


As always libruls, the advice is free.  Its times like these that establish credibility.  Failing on all counts, and feeding the mainstream media narrative.  Dont whine like a **** the next time 50 percent tof the country dismiss something as fake news.  Instead, think of times like these.  Reflect, improve. :)

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I guess you forgot all the press about Democrats caught in this web.


The reason Republicans get so torched is because they took the mantle of "family values" like they were more moral than the rest of us, when they're proved over and over again that they're major hypocrites. 


Democrat politicians especially have been given the heave ho and are called out.  That's the difference, we don't let them slide.

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4 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Democrat politicians especially have been given the heave ho and are called out.  That's the difference, we don't let them slide.


Bill Clinton is still probably the most popular figure in the Democratic party.  I dont think that is true in the least.  Also, someone mentioned Cosby.  I think the silence on him was deafening as well, from the satire and comedy community. He got a lot of attention but nothing like the treatment of say, sean spicer


I digress we are going off topic.  Weinstein is scum and should be roasted a lot more than he is.



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32 minutes ago, zoony said:


Also, someone mentioned Cosby.  I think the silence on him was deafening as well, from the satire and comedy community. He got a lot of attention but nothing like the treatment of say, sean spicer

The whole Bill Cosby thing didn't really take off till a comedian mentioned it though. No one was paying attention to him. Sean Spicer was relevant. He got roasted because the first time America saw him we knew he was a joke. He was broadcasting daily just telling straight up lies. You won't be seeing Spicey mentions now that he's not relevant. It's easier to make fun of that than to start joking about rape and sexual predation.

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1 hour ago, zoony said:


Bill Clinton is still probably the most popular figure in the Democratic party.  I dont think that is true in the least.  Also, someone mentioned Cosby.  I think the silence on him was deafening as well, from the satire and comedy community. He got a lot of attention but nothing like the treatment of say, sean spicer


I digress we are going off topic.  Weinstein is scum and should be roasted a lot more than he is.




Wasn't Cosby's indiscretions outed by a fellow comedian? 

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Weinstein got away with all this because of his power in social circles, money, and professional influence.  If you look at the reaction people are keeping quiet and the media is issuing excuses.  Claiming Weinstein pressured them, excuses nothing.  It actually makes the press look worse, not better.  It means they did know, were working the story, and then caved to pressure to save their own asses or reap the benefits of playing along.  These finger wagging assholes knowingly enabled this fat self important chump for their own gain.  Remember that next time you read about how doing nothing is the same as supporting some great evil.


What I want to know is where are the movie stars that knew this "open secret" but did nothing.  They don't seem to exist.  Amazing isn't it?  Look at this letter to Huffpo from Meryl Streep and tell me if you think her focus was on the nature of this abuse, how horrible Weinstein is, or clearing her own name:



“The disgraceful news about Harvey Weinstein has appalled those of us whose work he championed, and those whose good and worthy causes he supported. The intrepid women who raised their voices to expose this abuse are our heroes.


One thing can be clarified. Not everybody knew. Harvey supported the work fiercely, was exasperating but respectful with me in our working relationship, and with many others with whom he worked professionally. I didn’t know about these other offenses: I did not know about his financial settlements with actresses and colleagues; I did not know about his having meetings in his hotel room, his bathroom, or other inappropriate, coercive acts. And If everybody knew, I don’t believe that all the investigative reporters in the entertainment and the hard news media would have neglected for decades to write about it.


The behavior is inexcusable, but the abuse of power familiar. Each brave voice that is raised, heard and credited by our watchdog media will ultimately change the game.”


I really like that pat on the head for the media she throws in there, after assuring us a dozen times that she was totally ignorant of the things happening around her.  That part really sells this as genuine.  

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Just goes to show money talks... dude gave millions and raised millions for pres O.... and he says what? Big nothing. 

not surprising the silence from Hill- she’s been ignoring the allegations and payouts, harrasements for decades. 

I guess I get it with her, it’s either brave to stand by a serial harraser or brave to fall them out... she gets a pass either way.


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Cause people been clamoring why haven't comedy shows gone at this guy.


9 minutes ago, USS Redskins said:

Just goes to show money talks... dude gave millions and raised millions for pres O.... and he says what? Big nothing. 

not surprising the silence from Hill- she’s been ignoring the allegations and payouts, harrasements for decades. 

I guess I get it with her, it’s either brave to stand by a serial harraser or brave to fall them out... she gets a pass either way.


What's your opinion on how to stop using position to sexually prey on others? I mean your reason for caring about this story can't be all political, right?

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1 hour ago, USS Redskins said:

Just goes to show money talks... dude gave millions and raised millions for pres O.... and he says what? Big nothing. 

not surprising the silence from Hill- she’s been ignoring the allegations and payouts, harrasements for decades. 

I guess I get it with her, it’s either brave to stand by a serial harraser or brave to fall them out... she gets a pass either way.


why are you pretending to care about sexism?


This is why I am laughing at some people making this about politics. It has nothing to do with this story, yet a few of you cannot help yourselves to take shots at your most hated political figures.

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I think this an overblown story.  Rich guy is a serial harasser.  Ok, got it, give him what he's got coming.  


But generally, (to steal a phrase) most people wouldnt know Harvey Weinstein if he walked up to them with a sign saying "Hi, I'm Harvey Weinstein".


This is the media thinking it's a big deal.


If people had to comment every time rich guys with skeletons donated money, campaigns would be broke.

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