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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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Pete wants everyone to know he’s younger.  Ever answer is “my whole adult life” and “when I was in (I like Pete, btw)


Marianne the populists is going to pass a constitutional amendment to get money out of politics.  Yup.  That’s going to happen.

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What's getting me here is that the people who probably don't have any real shot are by far the most competent communicators.  Buttegieg is especially composed.  The guys who all kind of blend together are keeping it together.  Whether you agree with him or not, the guy who has worked in the health insurance field sounds far more competent than Bernie when they're discussing the topic.


Klobuchar, who I keep hoping will break through, is trying but she keeps stumbling over her points.  Both Warren and Sanders (especially Sanders) are coming across as shriekers who are personally insulted that they would ever be questioned.  I haven't been a fan of either and this isn't helping.


I tuned in tonight for Klobuchar and Buttegieg.  I'll probably watch tomorrow and I'm hoping Harris or Biden really knocks it out of the park, because tonight it depressing.

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4 minutes ago, visionary said:

And now Bernie is screaming.

I like passion.  I don’t trust people that discuss emotional topics in a perfectly calm tone of voice with no visible emotion.  Some of this stuff should make these people angry.  




Elizabeth Warren took on giant banks and beat them*.

*negotiated a relatively small fine in exchange for the largest act of bank fraud in human history.  



She just kill that Delaney bama though.  Soul gone, bruh.  

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