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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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13 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:

Can't believe Biden inherited all the positives aspects of a pandemic economy. Really not fair


Gee. If he inherited such economic wonderfulness why have gopers been screaming about how bad the economy is and has been until just now?


They know their maga base is generally ignorant and mostly just stupid.  

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It's become a standard talking point. 


"Sure the Dem Presidents look like they're presiding over record economic growth. But that's only because their three Republican predecessors have all left office with the economy in a smoking crater."

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On 2/2/2024 at 11:59 PM, Cooked Crack said:








i wasn't sure what "fake cultivated meat" was, so i had to google it.






and....man was i sorry. 




 Eye bleach, please











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Cruz says it’s time for McConnell to step down as GOP leader


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), pointing to what he called the mismanagement of a border security and Ukraine funding package, said Tuesday it’s time for Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to step down as the Senate GOP leader.


Cruz was one of 10 Republican senators who voted against McConnell’s reelection as Senate minority leader after the 2022 election and he is a longtime critic of McConnell’s leadership.

While Cruz’s desire to replace McConnell as leader isn’t new, he has stepped up his criticism of the veteran Kentucky lawmaker in anticipation that the border security deal negotiated by Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), whom McConnell tapped for the task, would fall flat with GOP senators.


Asked at a press conference whether it’s time for McConnell “to go,” Cruz replied: “I think it is.”


“Everyone here also supported to the leadership challenge to Mitch McConnell in November [2022,]” he said at a press conference with Sens. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), JD Vance (R-Ohio), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) and Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.).


“I think a Republican leader should actually lead this conference and should advance the priorities of Republicans,” he said.


Asked about Cruz’s comments Tuesday afternoon, McConnell quipped that he wasn’t shocked to hear that his Texas colleague is criticizing him again.


“I think we can all agree that Sen. Cruz is not a fan,” McConnell replied with deadpan humor.


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10 hours ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

Nightmare blunt rotation.




1 hour ago, illone said:



The face of gopper birth control.


The real reason for mask mandates.


I think there's more than meets the eye going on with those women...



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3 hours ago, mcsluggo said:






i wasn't sure what "fake cultivated meat" was, so i had to google it.






and....man was i sorry. 




 Eye bleach, please












Well, we have had a couple of threads on it here over the years...




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The RNC’s chief of staff is stepping down


Republican National Committee chief of staff Mike Reed is set to step down from his role later this month.


Reed had served as chief of staff at the committee since Jan. 2022. In an email to staff on Tuesday, obtained by POLITICO, he said that he wanted to focus on his “growing family [that] needs and deserves my attention.”


Two people familiar with Reed’s move say it has been in the works for around a year. They said he accepted his new job with Cornerstone, a government relations and public affairs firm, last fall but chose to remain at the RNC through the committee’s winter meeting last week in Las Vegas.


But the move also comes amid growing speculation that former President Donald Trump, the strong frontrunner for the Republican Party nomination, will push for a shakeup in leadership at the committee. And Reed himself acknowledged that timing element in his note to staffers.


“I know the timing of this news comes as many rumors in the press swirl and we prepare to merge with the presumptive nominee. I assure you, the RNC is in an incredibly strong position,” Reed wrote.


Trump met with RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel at his Mar-a-Lago estate on Monday, one day after he said in a Fox News interview he expected there would be “changes” at the RNC. After his meeting with McDaniel, the former president wrote a post on Truth Social that sidestepped the question of whether McDaniel would remain as chair through the election.


“Ronna is now Head of the RNC, and I’ll be making a decision the day after the South Carolina Primary as to my recommendations for RNC Growth,” Trump wrote.


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So I guess after meeting with Donny, he told her to step down, so that he has someone to pin the blame on for the GOP failures going back to 2018.  That might fool his base, but he supported her so her failures are on him.  And when he fails again he won't be able to blame her anymore. But I'm sure he'll find some other scapegoat.

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Arizona GOP lawmakers back bill to prohibit satanic displays on public property


More than a dozen Republican state senators have signed onto a bill that would prohibit satanic displays from being placed on public property in Arizona.


Senate Bill 1279 is known as the Reject Escalating Satanism by Preserving Essential Core Traditions Act — or RESPECT.


It specifically prohibits any memorials, statues, altars, displays or any other method “of representing or honoring Satan” on public property.


The bill does not bar any other religions from public displays.


The introduction of SB1279 follows the placement of a statue of the goat-headed deity Baphomet in the Iowa State Capitol by a local chapter of The Satanic Temple. The installation was allowed under a law that permits religious displays during the holidays. The statue drew strong criticism and was ultimately destroyed by a Mississippi man, who’s since been charged with a hate crime.


The Arizona chapter of The Satanic Temple called out the bill’s sponsors on social media, saying “minority religions are entitled to free exercise, too.”


Click on the link for the full article

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On 2/6/2024 at 2:25 PM, Cooked Crack said:

Can't believe Biden inherited all the positives aspects of a pandemic economy. Really not fair


This is where Biden and his campaign are dropping the ball on their messaging. This clip was a gift and a chance for Biden to post on social media, highlight where the economy was in 2021 during the pandemic vs where it is now, and then ridiculing Republicans for wanting to take credit for it.

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On 2/6/2024 at 4:48 PM, mcsluggo said:


i wasn't sure what "fake cultivated meat" was, so i had to google it.



and....man was i sorry. 




 Eye bleach, please



I actually excited about cultivated meat.  I am a vegetarian, but would eat cultivated meat. I haven't ate meat since 2011 (at least not on purpose, I have had a couple accidently bites where I didn't realize meat was in a dish until it was too late), so I hope they develop that technology soon.

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