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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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Watch Out for Renewed GOP Assaults on No-Fault Divorce


Republicans move from one culture war to the next, like Tarzan swinging through the trees. It can be hard to keep up with the nonsense, but try we must.


After last year’s all-out assault on transgender children, pregnant women, the accurate teaching of history, and books—the right has expanded its roster to include some new issues.


This includes efforts to repeal no-fault divorce laws, which are now popping up in red spots around the country. The Republican Party of Texas, for example, adopted a (disturbing) platform in 2022 that includes this plank: “214. No-Fault Divorce: We urge the Legislature to rescind unilateral no-fault divorce laws…”


Compared with some of the other planks, which do things like declare the 2020 presidential election illegitimate, call for the elimination of any gun-free zone in Texas, and urge the prohibition of sex education in schools, this one might seem relatively harmless. Maybe even sensible. But even a rudimentary understanding of family law and its history reveals why this would be a terrible idea.


Click on the link for the full article

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GOP lawmaker's wife says she's been replacing 'terrible books' with Bibles in local Little Free Libraries


The wife of a Republican state lawmaker in Arkansas has made herself the unofficial monitor of her neighbors' Little Free Libraries.


Arkansas Times reports that Jennifer Meeks, the wife of Arkansas State Rep. Stephen Meeks, posted on Facebook recently about her efforts to remove "terrible books" from local Little Free Libraries and replace them with Bibles.


"I have been swapping out books in little free libraries for awhile," she wrote in a Facebook post earlier this month. "I have seen good books, terrible books... Recently I have been picking up free Bibles at flea markets and thrift stores. Sometimes I find good devotion books or kids’ Bible stories at a good price to add. Or just great books, and a gospel tract is a nice idea too.”


Meeks said she was inspired to do this after seeing a lot of LGBTQ Pride-themed books in the libraries.


"From what I have seen a lot of these books and other things don’t align with Christian values," she wrote. "Today, I saw a bunch of Pride stuff in one. There’s a group of leftists, especially in Conway, who are very active in keeping little libraries well stocked."


Meeks has since either deleted the Facebook post or made it private, although the local progressive organization Faulkner County Coalition for Social Justice said that her efforts would not stop people in the area from stocking libraries with quality reading material.



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Arizona Republicans Don’t Want to Hear About the Deadly Heat Wave


When Arizona lawmakers returned to the state Capitol here earlier this month, they started their day with a prayer to ease the scorching heat.


“We pray, Father, for solutions to end suffering and for our temperatures to trend downwards to provide relief for so many in harm’s way,” the legislative chaplain said as sweaty heads bowed in the state Senate.


Meanwhile, the air conditioning was out in the state House of Representatives. Heat seeped through the western-facing wall as the state’s 60 representatives piled into the squat cinderblock building. Fans set up to cool the hallways were too loud for staff to work, so they were on only intermittently. Extension cords ran through the hallways, tripping up lobbyists passing through.


It was the first day back in session after a six-week hiatus, and the heat was impossible to ignore.


Every single day of July had reached 110 degrees or hotter, demolishing the previous record for the longest 110-plus-degree streak that Phoenix — nicknamed the Valley of the Sun for a reason — had ever seen. Most of those days were above 115 degrees, and most nights, the low stayed above 90 degrees, setting records on both fronts.


All told, the average daily temperature — the average of the high and low — was 102 degrees, or more than 7 degrees above normal for July, which is also a record, according to the National Weather Service.


Meanwhile, dozens of people have died amid the extreme heat. Maricopa County, where Phoenix is located, recently brought in new refrigerated storage containers to hold all the dead bodies, a tactic it first employed during the peak of the pandemic.


But among some Arizona Republicans, saying this summer has been especially hot is akin to saying the 2020 election was especially free and fair or that Covid-19 is an especially deadly virus.


Click on the link for the full article


Saying a prayer for cooler weather is the equivalent of doing a rain dance to try and get more rain.

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Busted: Florida Republican 'wildly plagiarized' and 'entirely made up' portions of his honors thesis


Right-wing Florida congressional candidate Anthony Sabatini “ wildly plagiarized” portions of his honors thesis at the University of Florida, the Daily Beast reports.


… Sabatini’s honors thesis — a 2012 treatise on the political legacy of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, titled “A Profound Logic of The Blood” — is wildly plagiarized.

The Daily Beast’s review of the paper found that Sabatini lifted an astonishing amount of content verbatim from other sources. Worse, Sabatini — who double-majored in history and philosophy before being admitted to law school, also at the University of Florida — frequently pulls his passages from Wikipedia, and presents them without the required quotation marks or any clear attribution whatsoever.


In some instances, Sabatini injected slightly different words here and there — ripples in the streams of the thoughts, ideas, and words of other people, which he arrogated as his own. And in places where Sabatini does reference a secondary source, those references themselves frequently appear to be incorrect and, often, according to a plagiarism expert, entirely made up.


“Many of the references to his secondary sources seem largely fabricated, right down to the page numbers,” he said.


According to the Daily Beast, the review of Sabatini’s thesis revealed even “ the very first sentence” of his paper “is plagiarized.”


Sabatini is currently running an “America First” campaign for Congress, challenging current U.S. Rep. Daniel Webster in Florida’s 11th Congressional District.

Click on the link for the full story

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