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Egypt attack: Gunfire on bus carrying Coptic Christians kills at least 26


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Clearly people of the book off to visit a monastery were a serious threat to the (imaginary) caliphate....


Egypt was once the doctrinal center of gravity for Christianity. Both the Athanasian (Nicene) creed and its counterpart Arianism were the brainchildren of Alexandrian clergy, and even the term Pope was first used by the head of the Egyptian church before the term was appropriated for the Bishop of Rome.


Pope Leo began the persecution of the Coptics in what was essentially a power play disguised as a doctrinal dispute over monophysitism. Treatment of Egyptian Christians by Catholic and Orthodox leadership became so discriminatory that the Christians put up little resistance to Muslim conquerors, who were actually more tolerant.


Egypt would later become the center of Shiite Islam when the Fatimids became the first Shiite dynasty to rule a nation (they were eventually conquered by Saladdin, and the country converted to Sunnism).


In the 50s, Nasser made Egypt the heart of secular Pan-Arab Nationalism based on Ataturk's Turkish nationalist movement from a generation earlier. Egypt and Syria briefly united into one country, and the Baath movement which eventually siezed power in Syria and Iraq was co-founded by Michel Aflaq - a Christian.


And sadly, Egypt also gave birth to the Salafist/fundamentalist ideology that produced Al Quaeda and ISIL. Said Qutb's reinterpretation of the fanatical 13th century cleric Ibn Tawmiyya provided the theological justification for these kinds of senseless barbaric attacks.

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7 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Its as big a story as "Breaking: Trump said/did something dumb again"


Trump foolishness has a much deeper effect on your lifestyle/livelihood than any thing these Egyptian radicals/murderers might do.  That should be obvious.


Also, Fox just got done running 8 years of "Obama did something dumb again" programming.  

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57 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:


Trump foolishness has a much deeper effect on your lifestyle/livelihood than any thing these Egyptian radicals/murderers might do.  That should be obvious.

Tell that to the 26 dead.


59 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Also, Fox just got done running 8 years of "Obama did something dumb again" programming.  

Well if it makes you feel better, fox has been turning on Trump as well. Just at a slower pace.:P

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4 minutes ago, MEANDWARF said:

Tell that to the 26 dead.


Well if it makes you feel better, fox has been turning on Trump as well. Just at a slower pace.:P


I live in Virginia, not Egypt.


And since Fox spent two full days last week implicating the DNC in a murder conspiracy, I'm not at all sure they're turning on Trump.

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1 hour ago, TryTheBeal! said:


Trump foolishness has a much deeper effect on your lifestyle/livelihood than any thing these Egyptian radicals/murderers might do.  That should be obvious.



That's simply the most ignorant thing I've read all day.  I'm not sure it's worth more than that comment if that's how you sit down at the table...

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1 minute ago, DC9 said:


That's simply the most ignorant thing I've read all day.  I'm not sure it's worth more than that comment if that's how you sit down at the table...


Perhaps you'd like to illuminate how this incident will have a larger effect on Residents of Virginia than the Trump administration.  This should be interesting...

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4 minutes ago, DC9 said:


That's simply the most ignorant thing I've read all day.  I'm not sure it's worth more than that comment if that's how you sit down at the table...

Yeah, made the mistake and responded when I should have simply walked away.

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Just now, TryTheBeal! said:


Perhaps you'd like to illuminate how this incident will have a larger effect on Residents of Virginia than the Trump administration.  This should be interesting...


This is a big picture.  It's also a metaphor...




I'm not sure you're capable of having that conversation.  I shouldn't have posted in here.


My apologies...

1 minute ago, MEANDWARF said:

Yeah, made the mistake and responded when I should have simply walked away.


Yeah, I'm out, too.

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News coverage level is directly related to the potential reaction/attention span of the target audience. Nothing is fair or right about it; it is simply a reflection of the corresponding society.


A white suburban mother who kills her child might even get national coverage if the woman is attractive (see Casey Anthony), whereas a black woman from the projects in Chicago might not even make a blip in local news coverage. South African apartheid generated far more coverage and outrage than concurrent genocides and slavery in other parts of Africa.


In Thomas Friedman's book From Beirut to Jerusalem, he relates how his building is being bombed so he crawls to his telephone to alert the NY Times...and then realizes a bombing in Beirut isn't newsworthy (this was at the height of their civil war).


Americans have become numb to terrorism in Egypt, unless Americans are among the casualties. Truly sad, but inevitable.

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1 hour ago, TryTheBeal! said:


Perhaps you'd like to illuminate how this incident will have a larger effect on Residents of Virginia than the Trump administration.  This should be interesting...

Out of curiosity, what is an acceptable radius to care about?  Can i only care about things that affect my street, only my town, my city, state, or coutry?  What is the area of coverage before i can stop giving a crap?

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10 minutes ago, Riggo-toni said:

News coverage level is directly related to the potential reaction/attention span of the target audience. Nothing is fair or right about it; it is simply a reflection of the corresponding society.


A white suburban mother who kills her child might even get national coverage if the woman is attractive (see Casey Anthony), whereas a black woman from the projects in Chicago might not even make a blip in local news coverage. 


I don't know if it's been this way, or I'm just browsing more political threads, but the apparent increase in how tribal and divided we are politically has made us incredibly ignorant to much of whats going on outside of our bubble. 





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6 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Its as big a story as "Breaking: Trump said/did something dumb again"


Not even close. 


You honestly think a terrorist attack on a bus in the Middle East is just as important and coverage worthy as a raging moron in the beginning stages of dementia at the head of our government after potentially working with our adversaries to undermine our democracy, all while one our two major political parties bends knee and licks his asshole? Yeah ok.


Sorry your side of the aisle sucks so much it hurts bruh but reality is reality. Might as well face it. 

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4 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Out of curiosity, what is an acceptable radius to care about?  Can i only care about things that affect my street, only my town, my city, state, or coutry?  What is the area of coverage before i can stop giving a crap?


You can care about what ever you want to care about.  Some might disagree.

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