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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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14 minutes ago, RedskinsFan44 said:

Apparently Stone helped Nunberg get a job with Trump knowing he was an out of control addict who pissed on his bosses office floor. OTBP.


True.  But he also knew that Trump was into that.  


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12 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:


It was totally legal that we tried to get information from an adversarial government. Also legal so we lied and said it was only about adoption.


Exactly, because the first thing you do after doing something totally legal is try to cover it up and then lie about it when it's discovered.


Definitely above board.

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50 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:


It was totally legal that we tried to get information from an adversarial government. Also legal so we lied and said it was only about adoption.


And you "didn't know about it", but bragged about how great it was, hours after it happened. 

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1 minute ago, No Excuses said:

So “collusion is not a crime” is officially here isn’t it?

oh, for only about a week now.

Guiliani tested the line with their focus group on Faux News and it was off the charts with their core demographic, so they immediately rolled out the marketing campaign. I expect some colorful branding and guerrilla marketing videos soon. 

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17 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

So “collusion is not a crime” is officially here isn’t it?


I think most of us had a feeling it would come sooner or later, given the history of denials and then goal post moving of team Trump. I'm curious though...how much farther back can they really move the posts now?


"Ok, maybe it's illegal but it's barely illegal"?

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29 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Oh, trust me...THAT is next.

Guiliani will say, "Oh come on, we're talking about campaign finance laws written by Democrats."

...wait for it.


Jesus, you’re right. 


“Who were these laws laws written by???”


is totally going to happen.

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