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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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51 minutes ago, Llevron said:


What kills me is that Conservative media and even a few representatives follow suit and no one sees this as a problem! 


As far as conservative media, yeah, I haven't seen anyone calling it out, but at least there are some fairly well-respected conservative voices who are, even if some of them are labeled cuckservatives or whatever by the hard right and troll armies. If you google FISA memo, the top results are all Fox, Breitbart, KellyAnne, InfoWars, etc with descriptors like Shocking!, Worse than Watergate!, etc. This is another coordinated strategy to get people focused on/outraged by/conspiracy theorizing by whatever they can. 


For the record, I believe the same kind of messaging stuff is happening on the left, and that it will escalate as we come up on midterms. Just more disinfo and bot armies amplifying stuff to keep muddying up facts and keep us fighting each other, even in our own factions. 


I'm sure I'm just stating the obvious.

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1 minute ago, SoulSkin said:


As far as conservative media, yeah, I haven't seen anyone calling it out, but at least there are some fairly well-respected conservative voices who are, even if some of them are labeled cuckservatives or whatever by the hard right and troll armies. If you google FISA memo, the top results are all Fox, Breitbart, KellyAnne, InfoWars, etc with descriptors like Shocking!, Worse than Watergate!, etc. This is another coordinated strategy to get people focused on/outraged by/conspiracy theorizing by whatever they can. 


For the record, I believe the same kind of messaging stuff is happening on the left, and that it will escalate as we come up on midterms. Just more disinfo and bot armies amplifying stuff to keep muddying up facts and keep us fighting each other, even in our own factions. 


I'm sure I'm just stating the obvious.


Stating the obvious yea but its good commentary. I dont as often think about it on the left but you are right its caught me a few times. This is a sign of the times though. Its such a well working machine at this point the government has no idea how and hardly any intention to stop it. 

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Boy, i tellya, those commie pinko Russians sure have left their ol' pals the Democrats in the lurch.


I..uh,i  mean, those dirty democrats are pretending to be Russians helping the GOP obscure the Russian investigation by being Russians who are operating fake social media accounts in Russia!

There is no depth to their depravity.


Besides, this tweet i saw going around today from @TrumpIsGreatestAmericanEver said the left wing MSM made up the whole Russian bot thing anyway!



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Hannity is posting "Vindicated!!!" on twitter. 


This is just an amazing display of what an autocracy looks like.


1. Get caught in a scandal of your own doing.


2. Declare all coverage of the investigation fake news.


3. Launch your own phony investigation.


4. Conclude that your own investigation, into your own alleged crimes, has cleared you off any wrongdoing.


5. And in fact, it's the other side abusing power!


This is so familiar because this is the kind of 3rd rate autocratic bull**** that so many of us escape when we come to America.

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Attention good people of Chappaqua! Remember the scene in return of the Jedi where the Ewoks catch our heroes in a spring loaded net trap? A nice pantsuit could also make attractive bait, given the right circumstances.


Edited by SoulSkin
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14 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

That’s just obtuse, moron doesn't even realize his own complicity. Unless he’s advocating for a nanny-twitter to protect him from his own mistakes. Next thing you know he’ll be advocating a Federal agency to protect us from the ills of social media.


In his defense, Fox never covers this so he might actually think the press is unaware lol

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