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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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CNN just had Ken Cuccinelli on as part of a panel discussing the search warrants on Cohen, Rosenstein recusal (hasn't happened yet), and what that would mean 


Having that Dominionist on in any capacity renders CNN as unreliable news source. 


Can't wait to get somewhere so I can watch MSNBC.

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12 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

As I said in the Trump thread, Trump is only leaving office by:


1.  Losing reelection

2.  He resigns

3.  He dies.


Trump will only be impeached if the Dems control the House and that won't happen until after the first week of January; if they win control this November.

Trump will not be removed from office because they aren't that many Republicans that would join the Dems; to remove him from office.


Guaranteed as the noose tightens; we have some "Wag the Dog" scenarios in Syria, Iran and North Korea.   Trump will do anything to distract the public's attention.

Mueller, Sessions, Rosenstein probably doesn't last beyond the week.

We don't need shook ones posting in here.

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I want to write a book titled "Mitch McConnell is Just, Like, the ****ing Worst"


It would be 300 pages of stories like the above comment, with analysis after the fact why his actions were so detrimental.  Historians are going to look back on McConnell as one of the great villains of American history.

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I think Zuckerberg just remembered being subpoenaed is supposed to be confidential. :rofl89:


Of course if  a congressman questions about it, whether facebook employgees have been subpoenaed, I have no idea how he should answer without being in contempt of one legal body or another.

Edited by gbear
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1 hour ago, gbear said:

I think Zuckerberg just remembered being subpoenaed is supposed to be confidential. :rofl89:


Of course if  a congressman questions about it, whether facebook employgees have been subpoenaed, I have no idea how he should answer without being in contempt of one legal body or another.


Trick question. Those ****s. 

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21 minutes ago, mistertim said:

Who's worse...Mitch McConnell or SHS?



Sarah is too obvious in her destruction of the country.  If she was in a position of actual power, she'd break something important, fight everyone about it, and after becoming a political liability be forced out.


Mitch has been destroying the country slowly and quietly.  It's how he gets away with it.  The damage is slow and occurs through proxies.  All that tends to remain pointing to him is his hypocrisy, which has been so far unpunished.

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Explanation of when attorney-client privilege can be breached, and other discussion points that aren't germane (Hillary mentioned of course).





Nunes is a fool. Trying to remain relevant as he's getting ready to lose his seat in November.


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So they have people who have flat out refused to testify and who have flat out simply refused to answer questions under oath (without invoking executive privilege) and NOW they're looking into contempt because the FBI isn't handing over information it is still apparently reviewing? ****ing tools.


As far as Sessions goes, that goddamn Keebler Klansman can kiss my ass. If it weren't for the fact that it likely would have landed him in serious hot water he wouldn't have recused himself in the first place and he's still basically doing Trump's bidding. After Trump whined and complained more about the documents not being released by the FBI, Sessions started putting together inquiries. That in itself is pretty much unprecedented...not just POTUS directing the AG to investigate something in particular or release something in regards to a specific investigation but an investigation that POTUS HIMSELF is a subject and potential target of.


These ****ing people make me sick.

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New York (CNN)In his first comments since the FBI raid on his home and office, Michael Cohen said the FBI agents "were extremely professional, courteous and respectful."
The comments contrast with President Donald Trump who complained Monday that agents "broke into the office of one of my personal attorneys."


He said that he is very loyal to Trump but after what happened on Monday, he'd rethink how he handled the payments to Daniels because of the impact on his family.


Edited by Cooked Crack
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