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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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8 minutes ago, LD0506 said:


It absolutely was, in some ways worse than now. At least the interwebs allows everyone to search out other voices, at least until the net neutrality goes away.

Did I say that?  I don't remember talking about Nixon.


5 minutes ago, Hersh said:


This isn't a fiscally responsible member of any party so far as I can tell. Not to get sidetrack, but this one just bugs me to know end about the entire system. 

Sure, I'll buy that.  However, I do believe that some conservatives hold that more dearly than almost anything else, there just isn't a candidate to really carry out that vision.


And in some sense, with a government as large as our federal and state governments have to be, it's almost impossible to realize anyway.

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So I just happened to be reading something about the internment of Japanese Americans during WW2 (and other harsh measures taken during WW1 and Red Scare hysterias) and I got to thinking about how we would have handled all of this during the first half of the 20th Century, during less-civilized times (times Trumpers claim to want to emulate, ironically enough). Would we deport non-native Trumpers like that Hungarian Nazi **** Sebastian Gorka? What about the native born? Build 'em camps in the desert somewhere? I wonder how Wilson or either of the Roosevelt's would've handled it?


Forgive me. I always try to make Thursdays my happy-thoughts day. 

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Just now, dfitzo53 said:

Sure, I'll buy that.  However, I do believe that some conservatives hold that more dearly than almost anything else, there just isn't a candidate to really carry out that vision.


And in some sense, with a government as large as our federal and state governments have to be, it's almost impossible to realize anyway.


If there are conservatives like that, they sure don't speak up. I can't consider anyone that wants to cut taxes to be fiscally responsible while we run a massive debt and have some serious infrastructure rebuilding to do. 

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Russia and Trump can both go pound sand. 

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22 minutes ago, Hersh said:


I think this is what you meant to say. 


Having given this some more thought, I think this is more like SEC football.  If I'm a Tide fan, I may have drug dealers and rapists on my team, but seriously, that's 1000% better than having SCAM NEWTON.

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2 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


Having given this some more thought, I think this is more like SEC football.  If I'm a Tide fan, I may have drug dealers and rapists on my team, but seriously, that's 1000% better than having SCAM NEWTON.


We could do this all day. 

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26 minutes ago, LD0506 said:


It absolutely was, in some ways worse than now. At least the interwebs allows everyone to search out other voices, at least until the net neutrality goes away.


At least we had the Watergate hearings, that proceeded like the prosecution side of things, more like a public grand jury. Every session was eye opening. At the end, articles of impeachment were voted out of committee. 


Remember, the Democrats ran the hearings, and the Republican members of the committee did vote for the articles. Nixon resigned before impeachment in the House.


This time, the Republicans are in power, and I don't think they will convene hearings. The Democrats are trying to request things, but the Republicans aren't cooperating.


That's the problem, we have an executive and his minions that are corrupt and most likely criminal, and the Republicans are content to letting them continue ruining our country and undermining our standing in the world.

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9 minutes ago, haithman said:

If we know they house spys there why do we even entertain giving it back to them?

Everybody knows goddamn well why. This is ridiculous. Two days ago to see an email like that and for them to be so brazen to come out and say some **** like that today... It's becuase they know that the GOP leadership is a bunch of shameless ******* and that the GOP voting base is a bunch of brainwashed dopes.

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1 hour ago, visionary said:

Also says he wont't remove sanctions on Russia without getting something in return.





This is the smoking gun really. In my opinion. I mean there are no innocent explanations for his actions RE Russian sanctions. 



But anyway what makes more sense: building a new wing at Gitmo or remodeling and reopening Alcatraz? 

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29 minutes ago, visionary said:




Follow the thread....


Great example of why I think ****ing with and talking **** to public faces on social media is the pinnacle of the digital age. It can't be stupid hateful trolling of innocent people. Then you're the asshole/bad guy,  they're just rolling their eyes at you and everyone else rightfully hates you. It has to be aimed at the legitimately corrupt, your game has to be logical and make sense and it has to hit them where it hurts. You do that and they end up making asses out of themselves. It's the digital age equivalent of some poor downtrodden serf throwing an egg at a corrupt baron and either making everyone laugh at him or making him overreact and solidifying the opposition to him. Old people have a hard time getting this but I'm telling you it's the single great thing social media has contributed to civilization.

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2 minutes ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:

Old people have a hard time getting this but I'm telling you it's the single great thing social media has contributed to civilization.


I'm not sure I agree but that's pretty damned funny.............

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