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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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1 minute ago, twa said:

yet he had no problem getting paid by him and being by his side.


must be poor.


"Schwartz thought about publishing an article describing his reservations about Trump, but he hesitated, knowing that, since he’d cashed in on the flattering “Art of the Deal,” his credibility and his motives would be seen as suspect. Yet watching the campaign was excruciating. Schwartz decided that if he kept mum and Trump was elected he’d never forgive himself. In June, he agreed to break his silence and give his first candid interview about the Trump he got to know while acting as his Boswell."

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6 minutes ago, twa said:

yet he had no problem getting paid by him and being by his side.


must be poor.


Is this an attempt to fit the "Well, if Obama gave the guy a security clearance before firing him, then he's obviously qualified to be the President's National Security Advisor, without any further checking needed" spin will fit other people.  


(If you're wondering, it works about as well as the first time.)  


"Hey, the guy was willing to write a book about Trump (in exchange for a lot of money).  That means he must endorse him for President".  


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5 minutes ago, twa said:

Hey if he wants to work for sociopaths it is his choice.


You seem willing to.  


Schwartz says he observed undesirable personality traits in Donald Trump.  And out you trot, to attack the guy who said it.  (With an attack that doesn;t even make sense.)  


How do you justify it?  Does it bother you?  


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44 minutes ago, twa said:

Did he forgive himself for any part the book played in electing Trump?




Take 10 minutes to read the article and share your thoughts on it.  I would be interested in your reaction to it. 

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36 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

You're a business owner, right?


Rather limited contact with customers and rather picky about what I do and who for.

I have no problem turning away money/people, perhaps the ghostwriter is not so inclined.


42 minutes ago, Larry said:


You seem willing to.  


Schwartz says he observed undesirable personality traits in Donald Trump.  And out you trot, to attack the guy who said it.  (With an attack that doesn;t even make sense.)  


How do you justify it?  Does it bother you?  



You seem confused.

You consider what I said a attack on him? ....a observation, even giving him a benefit of doubt due to money.

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25 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


Take 10 minutes to read the article and share your thoughts on it.  I would be interested in your reaction to it. 


My first thought is how much did he get for the article and the publicity?


Second though is money makes many people make poor choices....Faustian bargain indeed.


Third is he has a inflated sense of self worth....now (I recognize the trait )


Fourth he described Trump well from my observations.


I hope he is miserable and blames himself :)



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13 minutes ago, LD0506 said:


We could do worse, in fact we ARE doing worse


I don't have a clue where he stands politically but he does seem to come across as a genuinely decent and thoughtful guy.

...who had to really scrap and claw to get a chance.  He's funding a new boot-camp-like program to keep kids outta jail, iirc.

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8 hours ago, LD0506 said:


We could do worse, in fact we ARE doing worse


I don't have a clue where he stands politically but he does seem to come across as a genuinely decent and thoughtful guy.

From what I gather he is a neo-con.

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3 hours ago, nonniey said:

From what I gather he is a neo-con.


If you feel inclined, explain what that is to you. The term gets tossed around so much (usually as a perjorative) that it is many things to many people.


Doesn't scare me though, my inclinations are to look at a man for integrity and depth, the rest can flow from that.


You and I are (seemingly) far apart when scaled politically, but I'd be willing to wager that given the opportunity, we'd find more common ground than you might think. My biggest complaints with politicians are usually not politics, it is that so many are so willing to lie to serve their own ends (left-right-Dem-Rep-whatever), the only integrity you find in Washington is in a dictionary.

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