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Redskins.com - Trent Williams Suspended 4 Games


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12 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:

How did Cooley claim it's easy to pass a test?  Pot stays in your system for a long time.


Cooley talked about it many times even before Trent's suspension.   I don't recall the specific testing period, if I recall it was mid April to early June.  But if you can avoid pot leading to it, you can smoke to your hearts content afterward.  As for when you have to stop to get it out of your system?  you got me. If I recall its about 2 months?  but lets say you get tested April 20th.  You can likely smoke all the way to February of next year or thereabout.

Cooley did suggest that many players smoke pot as was suggested here but at the same time said they can stop when they need to stop for the stint before the testing. Adam Schefter talked about it a little too in one of his segments.  

The problem now with Trent from what I understand was after his previous suspension he was one more violation away from a 1 year suspension but the new NFL-player contract wiped that out -- which was good.  But now that he's been busted again, he is likely in protocol where he will be tested now more frequently.


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10 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:

How did Cooley claim it's easy to pass a test?  Pot stays in your system for a long time.


Unless things have changed I believe it can be detected for about 14 days with a urine test - a little longer for blood tests. It also depends on how much and how often you smoke. But if you are not in the advanced testing protocol for an initial failed/missed test, there is a pretty big window that you can get clean. It's still stupid considering what the rules and resulting consequences are.


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27 minutes ago, goskins10 said:


Ok, first if you have read any of my other comments on this - and not sure why I have to keep repeating this - but I am not defending Trent!!!! He is a ****ing idiot for even being in the protocol. But there is a lot of misinformation and about pot, it's medicinal purposes and there are real problems with rules themselves, especially considering the ever changing landscape of societies view of pot.

My bigger point was that you stated most of the other players found a way to manage their pain "without" pot. You are incorrect. the majority of players do in fact manage their pain with pot. I am sure they also use it for recreational purposes. That is the one and only point I was addressing.

As for culture - it's draconian and down right stupid that's it's still illegal. But that has nothing to do with Trent knowing the rules and having the responsibility to follow them since he signed a contract stating he would.


 You are suggesting I am misreading part of your point about you absolving him.  Got it, sorry.  Likewise, you are misreading part of my point, my point was not that other players don't do it.  I clarified my point on that and flat out said the opposite. The issue is not if but when.  My point is from what I understand for Trent to get into extra testing protocol -- he had to fail this test in the Spring at some point.  

Cooley wasn't the only one who said it, Adam Schefter said the same thing.      And clearly other football players are passing the test during the main window of testing when they are tested which is in the Spring.   It compares in my view to the players before the draft failing their drug tests -- they know its coming but can't help themselves anyway.  They can go at to their hearts content with pot after the NFL testing in the Spring.  And following this story some, unless people have the facts wrong which is possible.  Trent initially failed early in his career and failed the test multiple times to the extent that he was one violation from a 1 year suspension.  Then the slate was wiped clean.  Racing forward to now, likewise, this time he failed multiple times.  It's not a one strike you are out drill, initially.

I am not suggesting its easy to get off pot.  If I had to pick a main point here for myself it would be -- there is at least as many reasons to suggest Trent's issue with the drug could be in the Mathieu variety of addiction to the drug then the more sympathetic the poor dude is in pain argument.   And I get you aren't sympathetic to the dude but I am suggesting that the argument that its Trent doing what he can to avoid pain is in the more sympathetic mode -- then the other argument which is he likes to do the drug recreationally and likes it so much that he can't avoid it even if it hurts the team. And I am not landing hard on that point either.  I am just hard on the point that I see no evidence that this is slam dunk pain management versus recreational addiction.


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2 hours ago, Darrell Green Fan said:


So if it was Scherff, Compton or Garcon  your position is the team would have cut him when the news broke?  Don't be an idiot.

Scherff and probably Garcon fall into the 'etc.' portion of my statement.  My point was that had this been an average player, they wouldn't be putting up with or supporting over a half dozen failed drug tests all the while trying to game the system. 

I'm well aware they can't cut him nor does it make any sense to do so.  Just funny how when you're great at football - you need support, when you're middling - you need a bus ticket.


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4 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


 You are suggesting I am misreading part of your point about you absolving him.  Got it, sorry.  Likewise, you are misreading part of my point, my point was not that other players don't do it.  I clarified my point on that and flat out said the opposite. The issue is not if but when.  My point is from what I understand for Trent to get into extra testing protocol -- he had to fail this test in the Spring at some point.  


its Trent doing what he can to avoid pain is in the more sympathetic mode -- then the other argument which is he likes to do the drug recreationally and likes it so much that he can't avoid it even if it hurts the team. And I am not landing hard on that point either.  I am just hard on the point that I see no evidence that this is slam dunk pain management versus recreational addiction.



I must have missed where you clarified that you understood many used. So fair enough.

I think what you may still be missing from my comment is that I am saying it is a fact that he already been in the increased testing protocol. There is no question about this. That's why it was just not that easy for him to schedule around the testing. To me that makes it even dumber that he played with the system.

I will say I have even less respect for adam shefter. He is a total clown. That asshole lies and makes crap up all the time. I am virtually certain he was a shanny puppet. Since he is gone, all of a sudden shefter doesn't have nearly the amount of "breaking stories" from the redskins. Cause and effect. Glad both are out the Redskins business.

Yes, others that are not in the increased testing protocol can avoid testing with not a lot of effort. But again, trent was in the increased testing so he should just have stayed away! I believe we both agree there.


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21 hours ago, goskins10 said:


I am not defending Trent. He knew the rules. He tried to work them and got caught. But that has nothing to do with the pain killing value of marijuana. Just ask all the ex-players stating that 50% or more of the league smokes pot for pain relief. Also, ask all the cancer patients that there only relief from pain comes from marijuana.

They may also use it recreationally. But anyone who does not understand the medicinal value of marijuana has chosen to remain ignorant. There is more than enough information out there to support it.


I'm not saying that everyone who uses weed as a pain killer is lying. However, for current players it's a convenient excuse akin to "My twitter account was hacked".  The biggest reason why 20 year old's smoke weed is for fun.  On top of that, there are other, legal, pain killers that won't get you suspended.

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On 11/8/2016 at 6:57 AM, goskins10 said:


Unless things have changed I believe it can be detected for about 14 days with a urine test - a little longer for blood tests. It also depends on how much and how often you smoke. But if you are not in the advanced testing protocol for an initial failed/missed test, there is a pretty big window that you can get clean. It's still stupid considering what the rules and resulting consequences are.



Got it but that's not "cheating the test".  It's being clean when you know you will be tested.  To me cheating a test is passing when you should have failed.

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11 hours ago, Passepartout said:

You are a captain not just to represent your teammates on the field, but the team off it!

Can we stop with this? He is not a saint, he is just a man that likes to play football and apparently smoke some weed. It should not be the leagues, the teams, his teammates, or our business what he does in the privacy of his own home. **** is legal in DC where the guy plays for gods sake! Using marijuana is not immoral or wrong, it does not make Trent less of a captain and I am still proud of the way he represents this team. 

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17 minutes ago, bankonhank said:

Can we stop with this? He is not a saint, he is just a man that likes to play football and apparently smoke some weed. It should not be the leagues, the teams, his teammates, or our business what he does in the privacy of his own home. **** is legal in DC where the guy plays for gods sake! Using marijuana is not immoral or wrong, it does not make Trent less of a captain and I am still proud of the way he represents this team. 

1) Pretty sure when players sign a multi-million dollar contract, there's probably language in it about certain things they are not allowed to do "in the privacy of his own home". If there was and he signed it and had zero problem cashing the checks, then "privacy of his own home" is irrelevant (which, by the way, if Trent DID smoke some weed, how do you know he smoked it at home? lol)...

2) He doesn't play in D.C., he plays in Maryland and practices in Virginia...

3) Smoking weed when it can cost you games is irresponsible, period. Easy to see how his being irresponsible and costing himself games can be seen as unworthy of "Captain" status to fans.

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On 11/8/2016 at 5:43 AM, Darrell Green Fan said:

How did Cooley claim it's easy to pass a test?  Pot stays in your system for a long time.


Depends on many things. Such as what test is being done, if urine sample then it comes down to how much is used, frequency of use, body composition of the person taking it, if any diuretics are taken to disguise it, etc. I had a friend who used daily that would pass his tests after stopping for 3 days before his test with his parole officer because he masked his body with fluids and midol and did that for years and never once was caught. If blood sample much different test. NFL uses urine to test so Cooley's right, easy to pass

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I can't believe some are defending Trent. As someone that is Pro Marijuana (don't use it) I think what he did is indefensible and quite frankly, arrogant.

He wears the "C" on his jersey, but he deserves to have that patch ripped off his jersey. He let the organization and the fans down in a time where we are heading in the right direction and the culture is and has changed.

He's been in the program and he knew he could get tested at any point in time, but decided getting high was his first and foremost priority. 

Argue 'til your blue in the face, but again, there is no defending him.






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