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Do you believe we have been visited by aliens?


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I think we've been visited. What for I have no idea.

But it has crossed my mind that aliens see the development of the atomic bomb and have thought it's only a matter of time before we destroy each other........

then they could inhabit the earth.

But the really wierd thing.........my mother in law thinks she's was visited while a child in puertorico.

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I'm open to the possibility. To say "there's no possible way" is just ignorant. People thought we'd never walk on the moon, I'm sure there is much to be learned that is beyond our understanding.

I've never seen aliens, I've never met anyone that has seen aliens, but I've never seen god, atoms or that prehistoric fish they found off the coast of Madagascar either.

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1. Faster than light travel versus faster than light info: It doesn't matter whether you can get there faster than light, you can't learn where to go faster than light because that is the limit of information movement through space. An alien viewing us from afar is actually "seeing" an earth that existed many, many years ago.

2. Humans from the future are not aliens. But this theory involves accurate travel into the past, which may be prohibited by the laws of physics. In fact, Hawking has some pretty strong theories that travel into the past is prohibited.

There is an explanation that ties all of it together. Why they have come here, how they knew to come here, what they are doing, even the kidnappings.

If you believe in extraterrestrial life (which data from Hubbell has shown to be statistically probable), and you believe it has come here to see us (which requires a much greater leap than the first statement), then it almost requires you to believe that these Aliens put us here.

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Add one more worry to the computerized world of the 21st century. Could a signal from the stars broadcast by an alien intelligence also carry harmful information, in the spirit of a computer virus? Could star folk launch a "disinformation" campaign -- one that covers up aspects of their culture? Perhaps they might even mask the "real" intent of dispatching a message to other civilizations scattered throughout the Cosmos.

These are concerns that deserve attention explains Richard Carrigan, Jr., a physicist at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois. Those engaged in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), he contends, should think about decontaminating potential SETI signals.

The so-called "SETI Hacker" hypothesis, Carrigan argues, is an issue of interstellar discourse that should be taken seriously. We should exercise caution when handling SETI downloads, he said.

SETI downloads? What are these cats downloading that needs to be checked for alien hacker computer viruses?

On October 8, 1995 Vatican Priest Monsignor Corrada Balducci went on National Television in Italy and said Extraterrestrials do exist.

Here is the text of the interview :

Bruno Mobrici: Father Balducci, what would you answer to all of those who claim that the aliens are already among us?

Padre BALDUCCI: We can not longer think... is it true, is it not true, are they truth or are they lies, if we believe, or if we don´t! There are already many considerations which MAKES THE EXISTENCE OF THESE BEINGS INTO A CERTAINTY. WE CANNOT DOUBT. Even if we say that among a hundred of these phenomenon there are only... even if we said that 99 were false and that one was true, it´s that one that says that some phenomenon exist. Therefore this is the first problem... it’s not anymore... it doesn’t revert anymore to the ambit of human prudence... to doubt... because... the prudence says to be prudent, but not to deny.

Bruno Mobrici: What are the consequences to religion, to philosophy...

Padre BALDUCCI: There are no cons... there’s no negative consequence... all is contemplated, look at the Lord which as revealed everything to us, because of that we think very well, even in the human redemption, Christ remains allways the center of the Universe, but in the Universe there is... it’s all... that... not only the world, but also the thousands of stars, the thousands of galaxies, and there are... I don’t want to reveal any numbers, but we can without any doubt and rationally at this point... and we enter now on the second question, how do you explain, ...the existence of other inhabited worlds, in what manner inhabited, by whom inhabited? Let’s look at us... there is an old saying that exists for centuries that goes: "Natura non facit saltus" eh... "Nature does not leap" that is... no... there is the vegetal kingdom, the animal kingdom, the human kingdom... and the angelic kingdom, the only things, four kingdoms that we know. Three are natural and we can see them. Between the man, the human being and the angel, eh... there is a big gap. Here is why, with this argument, which is well demonstrated by San Tommaso, one of the biggest theologists, it’s probable, it’s likely... more than other... that between man, which has already a spirit inside him, but a poor one... it is incredibly subjected to matter, for instance at night we have the need to sleep, while the soul hasn’t. A small illness is enough... in short, it’s stuck, and the angel which is only spirit, it’s likely that there are other beings, who have a soul, that is less attached, less subordinated to the body and a soul of this kind can obviously accomplish progress that we, no matter how much we have progressed in this last decades, are not in the position to accomplish.

And now on with the story. It turns out the Vatican has two observatories and five telescopes. The observatories are outside of Rome and one in Arizona. Now why would the Vatican have a telescope in Arizona?

This very unusual gold sphere is at the Vatican. It's called "A Sphere Within A Sphere". What on earth could this mean?


There is another sphere at the United Nations building that looks exactly like the sphere at the Vatican!

It seems the Vatican thinks aliens are real. Have we been visited? I won't doubt it.

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And now on with the story. It turns out the Vatican has two observatories and five telescopes. The observatories are outside of Rome and one in Arizona. Now why would the Vatican have a telescope in Arizona?

There is another sphere at the United Nations building that looks exactly like the sphere at the Vatican!

It seems the Vatican thinks aliens are real. Have we been visited? I won't doubt it.

They are probably waiting for the False Messiah to come back on an Alien Spacecraft so they can embrace him as the Christ. :paranoid:

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Originally posted by SnydertheHun

If you believe in extraterrestrial life (which data from Hubbell has shown to be statistically probable), and you believe it has come here to see us (which requires a much greater leap than the first statement), then it almost requires you to believe that these Aliens put us here.

What about the evolutionary evidence? Did aliens deposit single-celled organisms and then accurately predict evolution into us? I would find that harder to believe than FTL travel.

I don't watch Star Trek, but wormholes are an actual physical possibility for "FTL" travel--we wouldn't travel faster than light, but rather take advantage of space-time's curvature to "jump" from one point in space-time to another.

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Originally posted by tex

Add one more worry to the computerized world of the 21st century. Could a signal from the stars broadcast by an alien intelligence also carry harmful information, in the spirit of a computer virus? Could star folk launch a "disinformation" campaign -- one that covers up aspects of their culture? Perhaps they might even mask the "real" intent of dispatching a message to other civilizations scattered throughout the Cosmos.

What, you mean Aliens would crash Windows for the kicks of it? Don't they got something better to do?

I have a little thought though.

Lets assume this is the only planet with life, and eventually, life on earth will have to find a new planet, (in 5 billion years, the sun will swallow the earth, or maybe an astroid will come before then) so by then we should have the tools to leave one planet to settle another, than as we spread throught the universe, we leave people behind, and move on to another planet.

We just keep on spreding to planets, thus giving them life.

It could be our evolutionary duty to spred life around the universe.

Probibly not, just a though running through my mind at 2:00am.

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Oh man .... I wish I had time to play today. :)

The Thumbnail Version:

Q: Is there life in the Universe other than on Earth?

A: Of course there is. See Drake's Equation (more on that below).


Q: Has the Earth been visited and/or earth life been affected by aliens?

A: No way to know as of 11/14/03.


Q: Is there any truth to the UFO, alien abduction, cow mutilation, crop circle, etc., phenomena that are such an integral part of pop culture?

A: Never say never ... but hold out for better evidence than supermarket tabloid reporting.

“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” – Carl Sagan

Not to be a shill, but ... anybody even remotely interested in this line of inquiry owes it to him/herself to read this masterpiece by Sagan:

The Demon Haunted World


As noted above, here’s something I posted long ago that I apologize for using again ... but it seems pretty germaine here, so what the heck:


Bard's Corner

Apologies for a little personal indulgence ...

Drake's Equation

Astronomer Frank Drake's famous "formula" is a tool for estimating the number of technological civilizations likely to occur within a given galaxy; ours, in particular. The site above has a calculator, for those interested in playing a bit ... and, if you're into this kind of thing, perhaps making your spine tingle. Even the most conservative estimates I've seen, within our own quite average galaxy, reach comfortably into the teens.

Keep in mind, Drake is talking galactic scale. Let's take it universal.

Next time you're out and about in town on a starry night, ask a friend to climb to the roof a 7-story building. Have him hold a dime up against the sky. Assuming you can see it from where you're standing (and please secure your wallet from passing pickpockets whilst you stare absently at the sky), the dime represents the size of the picture in the deep field image from Hubble.

The image contains roughly 1,500 galaxies. That's one dime, from 75 feet.

Today's science estimates the number of galaxies in the ‘known universe' to be, roughly, 125 billion. That's 125,000,000,000.

Our own quite average galaxy, by the way, contains roughly 400 billion stars. That's 400,000,000,000.

Now, I don't know what all of this says to my fellow human beings and board brethren, but to me, loud and clear, it says we need to lend a careful ear, cast a searching eye ... and stay tuned.


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One book that I would reccomend on the subject is "Alien Agenda" by Jim Marrs.

The book is written in a way that doesn't try to twist your arm into believing, it just gives you the facts and lets you make your own decisions.

It brings up some very interesting points including a chapter on "remote viewing" by the CIA.

The problem with the whole alien thing is that so many freako's and nuts looking for attention get involved and become the public face for all involved. There are many credible people including Judges, Military personnel, Airline pilots and Police officers that have experiences but they don't publically embarrass themselves.

Finally, the Bob Lazar story is a very interesting one. For those of you that don't know of it, Bob Lazar is a guy that claims to have worked in Area 51 in another secret base called S4. He claims that the US government has Alien UFO's in it's possesion and he worked on them. He is a physicist. He claimed to have worked at Los Alamos and was recruited by the Govt to work at S4 on the UFO engines. They were reverse engineering them, trying to see how they work.

Say what you want about the guy or the story, but here are the facts:

He claimed to have worked at Los Alamo, however, after he was caught bringing friends to a location to view tests on the UFO, he was fired. The record of his employment at Los Alamo was gone, he had no proof that he worked there... UNTIL, he produced his tax records... which proved he worked at Los Alamos as he stated. They also found an old Los Alamos employee phone book that had him listed in it.

His education records were deleted by someone. He is a physicist. This obviously requires a higher education, currently there is no proof of his college education. However, he can pass any test that confirms his knowlege of higher level topics that only a physicist would be able to do. Basically, he has proven that he is a physicist even though somehow, the record of his education is removed.

Finally, he builds complicated jet propulsion engines for use as drag racers.

The guy seems pretty credible and obviously, there has been an attempt to discredit him.

Why go to all that trouble if he's a nut.

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