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Do you believe we have been visited by aliens?


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Kilmer? Are you talking about the site? Its legit dude.

I met a person like this actually in college. She said "The flood from Noah's Arc is what killed the Dino's" This was an older woman who was just taking classes at IUP in Western PA. Then another guy said "What about the underwater Dino's?" and she nearly lost it.

These people exist........not like Aliens....but for real.

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Originally posted by Bufford 2.5

Kilmer? Are you talking about the site? Its legit dude.

I met a person like this actually in college. She said "The flood from Noah's Arc is what killed the Dino's" This was an older woman who was just taking classes at IUP in Western PA. Then another guy said "What about the underwater Dino's?" and she nearly lost it.

These people exist........not like Aliens....but for real.

I thought the meteor that hit the earth killed off the Dino's ??

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Originally posted by speedwagon20

jbooma, what do you mean by that?

Scientists believe that the dinosaurs were all killed from the fallout of a meator that hit the earth. The meteor was so big that ash and dust covered the skies for many years and created one of the ice ages.


here is some more interesting info


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Originally posted by Bufford 2.5

Kilmer? Are you talking about the site? Its legit dude.

This site is a fraud. It's been posted on here before. Go to the site store and you'll see how legite it really is. This Landover Baptist fake site, probably created this site to furthur make people belive this crap!

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Originally posted by Bufford 2.5

I always wondered how the Mamals survived the dark skys and ash then.

The smart ones might have lived in caves for a couple of year or the mamals then might have lived in the water, who knows?? This was I think 25 million years ago.

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Originally posted by skinsfanjoe

If you click on the online store it won't take you to anything for some reason. When this was posted on the board before, I clicked on it and they were selling lambuel thongs and other stupid stuff like that. This site is a very clever fraud.

This uncomfortable undergarment will be a daily reminder to unmarried women to find a husband and a emergency moral reminder to her would-be-suitor. (For use under traditional underwear only.)

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Originally posted by skinsfanjoe

If you click on the online store it won't take you to anything for some reason. When this was posted on the board before, I clicked on it and they were selling lambuel thongs and other stupid stuff like that. This site is a very clever fraud.

I think Skins is onto something here!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe it is the Thong Theory that killed off the dinos?? Think about it :cool:

They tried to change from boxes to briefs and went the thong, they were so embarrassed that they all just died of embarrassment :rotflmao:

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as for aliens..

Statistically speaking - there HAS to be life somewhere else. It is highly, highly improbable that there isn't.

We have no proof if they visited us or not. To me personally - early accounts of encounters are most puzzling. If aliens do visit from time to time, they simply cannot do it as openly anymore. It was much easier before, as humans had so many unexplained phenomena around them, they were like: "oh, space people.. okay..." Now it'd be more like "HOLY ****!!!" hehe

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Have we been visited by aliens? absolutely. But it depends on how loose you are willing to be with the definition of the word aliens.

As some of you may remember from our tailgate black hole discussions, I am a grad student in physics, so I get to see a little bit of how academia thinks about this stuff.

One of the most interesting areas of research right now in extraterestrial biology, for lack of a better term, is in the study of some of the meteors that have struck the earth in the past. Specifically, could micro-organisms have survived the traversal of intergalactic distances through space while embedded inside of these rocks. For a long time the answer seemed to be no, that either space was too cold or these rocks were too hot.

However, one of my colleagues at Caltech who just got his PhD did his thesis on this very subject and he found examples of meteors that struck the earth around the time of the origin of life that COULD have supported micro-organisms travelling intergalactic distances or greater. I don't know the specificsof the work, but he was awarded the most influential thesis in his graduating class, so this guy wasn't making this stuff up.

Ruling out extraterrestrial origins for life is no longer consistant. It could behow we got here.


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Originally posted by AlexRS

as for aliens..

Statistically speaking - there HAS to be life somewhere else. It is highly, highly improbable that there isn't.

That is incorrect. The correct statement would be something like this:

Statistically speaking, it would be incorrect for me to deny that life elsewhere cannot exists

This is very different from saying there HAS to be life. In statistics, the is no HAS only probability.

Okay, I'm being a little anal.

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The probability that a meteor that happened to hit the Earth carrying microorganisms is low.

The probability that life exists elsewhere in the universe is high. The probability that they travel in flying saucers and look like humans with antennae coming out of their heads is practically zero.

As Om pointed out, Easter Island rock was used to make the statues. In addition, Stonehenge was built from rock mined at quarries elsewhere on the island of Britain.

As for the Pyramids: first, the three great Pyramids are the ones we're talking about. They are supposed to mirror the stars in Orion's Belt. But if you look at them from above, then look up at Orion, the positions are reversed. The only way they match the stars of Orion's belt is if you're considering Orion on the horizon and viewing the Pyramids from a distance; then you can mentally "shift" the shape up to the sky and preserve the orientation. It's a bit nitpicky, but why would aliens, who could see the image from the sky, presumably, build a "mirror" that's accurate if viewed only from a ground-level perspective?

Also, the angle in the stars is different from that in Orion's belt by several tenths of a degree. Nitpicky again, but if a civilization has developed interstellar travel, it can probably get basic geometry right.

Finally, the Pyramids are built in the way they are for a pretty obvious and nomystical reason: they all lie along a layer of bedrock, and they follow its contours. They'd probably have built them in a straight line if they could, but the last one would have sunk into the desert (and THAT woulda been cool!).

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