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Do you believe we have been visited by aliens?


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I think the most recent stuff is shady.

But when you look at places like Easter Island where the statues are made from Rock not found on the Island.

To the Pyramids.....they are a perfect 90 degree angle with each other and the stars (at the time they were built), How hard is that to do without being able to view from above?

Either way, I find it hard to believe that in a Universe so huge, there isn't something else out there.

The book Contact which the movie is based is pretty good. No realistic....but makes you consider more options I think.

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Originally posted by Bufford 2.5

To the Pyramids.....they are a perfect 90 degree angle with each other and the stars (at the time they were built), How hard is that to do without being able to view from above?

The three great pyramids are perfectly aligned and perportioned to the constalletion Orion.

Contrary to popular belief, there are many that say the pyramids were not built as tombs for the pharoahs, but as ancient observatories.

The peaks were closed off after the pharoah died, but beforehand, they had the peaks left off (like the version on the back of the dollar with the eye) and the floors were angled so that when looking out through the opening, Orion could be seen. This part has been proven.

Not only that, think about the artwork in the pyramids that show men in silver suits with antennas coming out of thier heads and UFO looking things flying in the skys.

MANY famous paintings have UFO's in them in the back grounds (I will look and see if I can find a few to post) and american indians left many strange cave and rock drawings that show what looks like rocket ships, astronauts, electronic devices and such. You cant dismiss these to poor artistry, they sure could make a deer, buffalo, rabit and other animals look realistic.

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Originally posted by Hitman56

If there were humans from the future, wouldn't we hear about someone making tons of money betting on sports? They touched on this in Back to the Future II. Or maybe Bill Gates is from the future.

Well, the SEC recently arrested a guy for insider trading because he was making a killing. His defense was that he was a 'Time-Traveler' and was making his stock plays accordingly.

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Bufford that's what I was thinking too.

What if an extremely-advanced civilization took some single-cell organizms and put them on this "blue planet" far away and decided to come back and keep tabs on our development.

It would kind of remind Simpsons fans of that episode where Lisa's tooth experiment became a tiny civilization.

I think that is an interesting theory but I'm not sure how likely it is. From the artwork that Code provided though, it does seem like UFOs have been around (whether explained or not) for centuries.

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In regards to the 15th centruy artwork.. I would ask, why would artists put these UFO's into their art? There was no TV or movies or novels back then to give them a basis to go by. (many people now say that because of TV and Movies, more people will come up with similar descriptions of aliens and UFO's).

They didn't have pictures of UFO's on TV and in the movies and on the internet. These artists have depicted something that didn't exist and still don't exist but these images fit the descriptions that we've come to accept over time. Again, what possesed these artists to put these images in their art?

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Originally posted by Bufford 2.5

I think the most recent stuff is shady.

But when you look at places like Easter Island where the statues are made from Rock not found on the Island.

The evolving earth and it's land can explain that. Remember Australia was attached to India before.

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Originally posted by jbooma

The evolving earth and it's land can explain that. Remember Australia was attached to India before.

I thought all that happened before Humans weren't living in caves.

http://objective.jesussave.us/kidz.html according to this lovely site.....the earth is only like 4K years old.

Who posted this site again? I love it.

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The Easter Island statues WERE cut from rock found on the island. This is precisely the kind of “pseudo-science” that Sagan wrote so beautifully and compellingly on in the book I keep recommending. It’s stuff that gets into the culture via mis– and disinformation and simply takes root.

Happily, all it takes is just a little bit o’ research to debunk most of it.

It’s a deeply entrenched human quality, apparently, to apply the more fantastic and titillating explanations to things – the pyramids are amazing feats of engineering, therefore they must have been built of inspired by aliens. It’s not as sexy, granted, but it’s a far more grounded approach to posit that, maybe, just maybe, some of the educated people who lived 5000 years ago might actually have been able to observe and map certain stars and their shifting paths throughout the seasons, and over the generations, develop and design constructs like the pyramids and Stonehenge that accurately track them.

Occam’s Razor and all that.


By the way, what jbooma is talking about insofar as Australia and India being once conjoined is Pangea ... based the scientific theory on continental drift that proposes that 250 million years ago all the continental plates were joined together.

But I’m sure we all knew that already. :)

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Originally posted by Om

By the way, what jbooma is talking about insofar as Australia and India being once conjoined is Pangea ... based the scientific theory on continental drift that proposes that 250 million years ago all the continental plates were joined together.

Thanks OM I forgot the name of the land. This all has to do with the Tetonic Plates that are under the surface. In the future part of Cali will be and Island, Hawaii will be even bigger, and more fun things will happen, now the question is will us or the aliens be here ;)

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Originally posted by codeorama

Om brings up a great point about the Easter Island heads. There are so many things that are accepted as fact that have since been disproved or explained. You'll get no argument from me there.

That is why some of those 15th century paintings I don't believe completely. Untill I see the actual prints no one would ever know. With technology now you can manipulate things to prove your point.

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Originally posted by jbooma

That is why some of those 15th century paintings I don't believe completely. Untill I see the actual prints no one would ever know. With technology now you can manipulate things to prove your point.

The history channel and discovery channel have both run specials showing the actual prints. There is no "manipulation". The first one shown is an extremely famous print that has been in books for many years.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

I watched a discovery channel program where they recreated the building of stonehenge. The blocks came from another part of England, but they proved they could be brought there and raised.

If humans built the pyramids then we can build stonehendge.

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