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Do you believe we have been visited by aliens?


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why do you say that "The probability that a meteor that happened to hit the Earth carrying microorganisms is low?"

Is this based on any actual info, or are you just speculating, because the way things are shaping up in the scientific community, most are at least prepared to say that they have no idea how likely this scenario is.


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Originally posted by DrunkenBoxer


why do you say that "The probability that a meteor that happened to hit the Earth carrying microorganisms is low?"


The problem is the our atmoshphere is so strong most of the meteor would vaporize and anthing living on it most likely won't be able to take that much heat since space is very cold not hot.

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Originally posted by jbooma

The problem is the our atmoshphere is so strong most of the meteor would vaporize and anthing living on it most likely won't be able to take that much heat since space is very cold not hot.

There are bacteria right here on Earth that survive at the bottom of the ocean near volcanic vents that thrive at temperatures considered incompatible with life. Don't be so sure.

Until I'm personally abducted and probed, I'm pretty skeptical regarding alien visitation. Anyone else think its somewhat improbable that an advanced lifeform travels light years to reach us, then spends its vacation compressing wheat into interesting shapes, performing unauthorized proctology exams, and meeting secretly with government officials on old Army bases?

I think we see what we want to see. You can convince yourself of nearly anything if you harbor a passionate desire for a certain 'truth' to be proven. I hope that if an advanced alien civilization does one day appear, they show our species more respect than humans show our 'lessers'. I mean, just look at ants. We're either stomping on them, or spraying them with Raid.


Finally, I always knew the 70's were going to come back. Dreaded it, but knew it. We've got bell-bottoms, clogs, frilly shirts, Vietnam-references, hippies running for the White House, and now....Chariots of the Gods.

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I hope that if an advanced alien civilization does one day appear, they show our species more respect than humans show our 'lessers'. I mean, just look at ants. We're either stomping on them, or spraying them with Raid.

Would you rather have us let ants run all over the house, or have us worship them as gods?

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DB, I can't provide a link for the information because I did something silly like read it in a book or a newspaper. :) However, the analysis I read (which I think was developed to refute the research you're citing) used a segment of Drake's Equation to point out the very low probability of a meteor happening to hit Earth with surviving remnants of life. Of course, there are two sides to most arguments. Could you point me to further information on the research you're talking about?

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