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Assorted Militia/SovCit news,(formerly Bundy thread)


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BURNS – And then there were five.

With arrests and voluntary departures, the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge last night was left in the hands of just five people, according to a live video by one of the remaining occupiers.

David Fry, 27, of Ohio said in his video feed posted after midnight Wednesday the group has been negotiating with the FBI to finally end the occupation.

Law enforcement officials couldn't be reached early Thursday to confirm Fry's statements.

"We're willing to leave," Fry said. "Out of five people left here, four of us are allowed to leave and one of them, he's charged with a felony."

Fry said an FBI negotiator told them the fifth man has a warrant for his arrest for the federal charge of conspiracy to interfere with federal employees. Federal authorities have used that charge to arrest 11 occupiers in the past two days.

Fry identified the man as "Sean," a possible reference to Sean Anderson, a militiaman from Idaho.


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Of course there is this. Will be interesting to see if anyone answers this one. So far,it appears no idiots have tried to get there. However,PPN still taking a beating from some of its own members and others for non action when things went down on Tuesday. 




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Of course there is this. Will be interesting to see if anyone answers this one. So far,it appears no idiots have tried to get there. However,PPN still taking a beating from some of its own members and others for non action when things went down on Tuesday.


Oh that's adorable. He still thinks they're a big deal.
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They are now down to 4 and those 4 are just about ready to leave too. 




Spoke with the 4 by phone a few minutes ago. They say they want to leave, but fear arrest.


At least 1 of those 4 has the same charges as the other 11 facing him if he gives up. 


In my prior post,I posted a response from a guy who's a member of the PPN. All fired up. Looks like higher ups fired back. 






In reading comments at some of these Patriot,Militia,dumbasses  sites,it's pretty easy to see that while there are some decent numbers of people "registered" as members,most aren't willing to stand up and be counted at times like this.  Some of the excuses they come up with are classic and filled with irony,(waiting for that disability or welfare check).  That is not to say there isn't plenty to be worried about. There are enough of the psychos around to cause some serious issues should they decide to follow through with some of their threats.  That much has been obvious by the number that showed up in town armed to the teeth. 

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Wait, so these are internet tough guys?

Go figure huh?  :lol: No surprise there. 


Latest update from the 4 left. 








3 militants in camo with guns and knives just sat down at the truck stop restaurant. They ordered coffee. #Oregonstandoff

9:47 AM - 28 Jan 2016
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They are now down to 4 and those 4 are just about ready to leave too. 



At least 1 of those 4 has the same charges as the other 11 facing him if he gives up. 


In my prior post,I posted a response from a guy who's a member of the PPN. All fired up. Looks like higher ups fired back. 






In reading comments at some of these Patriot,Militia,dumbasses  sites,it's pretty easy to see that while there are some decent numbers of people "registered" as members,most aren't willing to stand up and be counted at times like this.  Some of the excuses they come up with are classic and filled with irony,(waiting for that disability or welfare check).  That is not to say there isn't plenty to be worried about. There are enough of the psychos around to cause some serious issues should they decide to follow through with some of their threats.  That much has been obvious by the number that showed up in town armed to the teeth. 



For some reason that reminds me of this:



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More from Gordon about the guys he saw.  



The militants wear patches reading "Southern Oregon Constitutional Guard"



They wouldn't tell me why they're there, but referred me to their public info officer, which they apparently have

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Where was the FBI during the armed standoff in Oregon? Out of sight, but listening and watching
As the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon dragged on for most of January, local law enforcement was spread thin and federal agents were nowhere to be seen.


Behind the quiet facade, however, the FBI was running surveillance on the occupation and recording the activists’ public statements, mostly drawn from media reports and the activists' use of social media, while FBI agents encouraged locals to report their experiences with the new strangers in town.

According to the allegations in an indictment and supporting affidavit, the FBI was collecting information that confirmed the occupiers were armed, angry and willing to die.

The court documents detail how a source told a Harney County sheriff’s officer that the protesters “had explosives, night vision goggles, and weapons and that if they didn't get the fight they wanted out there they would bring the fight to town.” The documents show that authorities grew concerned as the occupiers used increasingly heated rhetoric when discussing their plans and the occupation.





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I wonder if this is going to come up in the Republican debate. I'd be curious how the candidates would answer as to their views on it.


Good point. Though you know the answer who change to something about ISIS. So, whatever.


End game is that the guys arrested need to impacted now that doesn't motivate others to do the same thing down the road. A slap on the wrist isn't enough. Serious jail time. 


They aren't heroes standing for something great. They are welfare queens with guns and cowboy hats who want more cheap and free stuff from the gov't.

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Some soft "stand down" requests if I recall. 

And Trump apparently responded with his usual nuanced and detailed policy:


"I think what I'd do, as president, is I would make a phone call to whoever, to the group," he said, adding later, "I'd talk to the leader. I would talk to him and I would say, 'You gotta get out — come see me, but you gotta get out.'"

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If memory serves, Cruz and Rubio both have condemned the occupation of the Refuge. I think I linked to comments from Rubio earlier in the thread. 



I think they both said: we have to maintain law and order ... BUT I FULLY SUPPORT YOUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHT TO TAKE GUNS WHEREVER THE **** YOU WANT FOR ANY REASON.


Also, Mike Huckabee is planning a rally to call these folks heroes for standing up for what they think is right, even though it is outrageously wrong.  Like this, but with more camo:



Edited by PleaseBlitz
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I really can't believe it's taken this long to take out these people. And now there's only 5 left. Why not just round em up and call it a day?



Because someone else might get shot and killed.   Maybe a LEO, maybe one of the clowns.  Either way, why push it to that if you don't have to? 


(especially if you are winning, and it is clear that the FBI is winning)

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