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Florida....? oh yeah, Florida.


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Report: Man died of asphyxiation after girlfriend locked him in suitcase for ‘up to 11 hours'


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. – A medical examiner has determined a Florida man died of asphyxiation, citing the manner of death as a homicide, after his girlfriend locked him in a suitcase, according to a report released Wednesday.


Sarah Boone was arrested on charges of second-degree murder in February after she was accused of zipping her boyfriend inside a suitcase during a game of hide-n-seek and leaving him to die as he called out her name and told her he couldn’t breathe.


A post-mortem examination of Boone’s boyfriend, 42-year-old Jorge Torres Jr., revealed that he died of positional asphyxia with environmental suffocation consistent with prolonged confinement.


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While looking for his Frisbee, a Tampa Bay man was bit in the face by an alligator, says police


Local wildlife officials are searching for an alligator that bit a man directly in the face.


Largo Police Department spokesman Lt. Scott Gore told Creative Loafing Tampa Bay that Travis Spitzer was in waist-deep water at Taylor Lake on Friday, June 12, at around 5 a.m. looking for Frisbees when the gator bit him in the face. 


“He used his left hand to pry himself free and as a result had lacerations to his face and hand, said Gore. “He was transported for medical care and is expected to recover. FWC is responding for the gator.” 


The incident comes as Florida is at the peak of alligator mating season, which often runs from May to July depending on temperatures. 


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58-year-old arrested on child porn charges after purchasing, eating soiled underwear, police say


LAKELAND, Fla. (WFLA) — A Florida man arrested on allegations of possessing and distributing child pornography is also accused of “ingesting” underwear.


Investigators learned Jose Araza, 58, purchased and ate soiled underwear, according to Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd.


“[Araza] was buying these things and ingesting them. Did you hear me?” Judd said. “He was munching on them. This guy’s got a problem.”


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"Uhh, Waiter...why does my ice-water taste like iguana ???"


Dead 80-pound iguana found in freezer at Florida pizza joint




"File it under pizza toppings only offered in Florida.

Pizza Mambo in West Palm Beach was forced to close for a day last week following the inspection by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. "

Edited by Malapropismic Depository
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  • 3 weeks later...

'It came from her (hindquarters)' in St. Lucie County


A woman told St. Lucie County sheriff’s deputies she forgot about a drug pipe that an X-ray apparently determined was in her anus, an affidavit states.


The case of the 34-year-old lady with an apparent crack pipe sequestered in her hindquarters happened June 12 after 3 a.m.




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HELL OF A TAN Horrifically sunburnt man branded ‘Hellboy’ after emerging from water looking redder than movie devil character


A HORRIFICALLY sunburnt man was branded ‘Hellboy’ after emerging from the sea looking redder than the devil movie character.


The scorched swimmer was spotted in a video of stingrays at a beach in Florida.



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Hi all. I own a place in NJ, born and raised here for 70 years. Guy across the street is a slob. His house and family look like s--t. Someone hit his house with a egg and the slob never bothered to clean it. It now is a black stain right in the middle of his 2nd floor wood siding. He never cuts the grass or weeds his beds. He parks junk cars and trucks and small trailers on his front yard. Of course he has a pony tail and a pit bull and he swears at his small children. His wife is fat and ugly. His wife had a car accident and now the junk sits in his driveway for over a month, of course facing out.  Cops in our small town, and there are over 50 of them, average 150k a year for 4 days a week 10 hrs a day, and they can retire after 20 yrs with over 80% of their pay and bennies for life. They can save up their sick pay and take it as a lump sum when they retire at the current yearly rate, not at the rate when they saved the time over 20 years ago.They call it their boat fund and it is usually is over 150k payoff. Our taxes are sky high and our wonderful Dem Gov just informed us that because of the pandemic he has to stop out homestead rebates and our senior freeze payments, which were not that much anyway. The weather stinks most of the time, yes summer is nice but most days of the year are cold damp and gray. Beach badges cost $45 a season per person.   I also have a place in sunny Florida. I have the Indian river in my back yard and the Atlantic Ocean in my front yard. The government owns approx 2 miles of land to the north so nothing can be built there. It is possible to walk on the awesome beach for miles, 9 months a year without seeing anyone else. Ocean water is always warm. Like the song the sun even shines through the rain. Beaches are free. You can catch fish all the time. We had a storm a while ago and some of my siding blew off. My neighbor across the street went and collected the siding and nailed it back on for me. His place looks like the botanical gardens with beautiful flowers and trees. Opposite of my NJ neighbor. Food costs the same but taxes and real estate are less. I have a free marina, tennis courts, clubhouse and heated pool in our community. This would cost a fortune in NJ. Vero Beach is to our north and the homes and land scrapping there make Loveladies NJ look like a slum.  Only thing that keep us here is our kids and grandkids are here otherwise I would be out of here.  Jags and Fins or tv. Far as I can see this is a no brainer, Florida blows away the north east.

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Florida now has more Covid-19 cases than any other state. Here’s what went wrong.





Florida now has the worst ongoing coronavirus outbreak in the country.


Since the beginning of July, Covid-19 cases in the state have gone up nearly 60 percent, with hospitalizations and deaths rapidly rising as well. Florida now has 20 percent more daily new Covid-19 cases than Arizona, 70 percent more than Texas, and more than double California. Florida drew headlines on Sunday for surpassing the record for the highest number of new cases reported in one day, previously held by New York (though that was driven largely by Florida having much more testing than New York did at the peak of its outbreak).


The percentage of positive tests is now nearly 19 percent, which is almost four times the recommended maximum of 5 percent. The high rate — an indicator of how widespread infection is, as well as whether an area is conducting enough testing — suggests Florida still doesn’t have enough testing to match its Covid-19 outbreak. As bad as things are in Florida, the state is likely undercounting the number of cases.

It wasn’t always going this way. Just weeks ago, Gov. Ron DeSantis made media rounds boasting about Florida’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, rebuking those who had criticized the state’s actions, and bragging that his state had managed to keep Covid-19 cases low despite a slower, less-aggressive lockdown and a quicker reopening than other places.


In a May article from the conservative National Review — titled “Where Does Ron DeSantis Go to Get His Apology?” — DeSantis said he “was doing a good job,” spending much of the article arguing that his critics were wrong and that he’d been purportedly driven by the data and science in his response.


DeSantis bragged about how quickly the state was able to reopen due to his great response to the pandemic, saying that “what we did in March and April is the equivalent of what New York will be or California, when they go to phase three” — in reference to California’s slower-moving phased plan for reopening.



A chart of Florida’s coronavirus cases, which started to surge in June.

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2 hours ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Imagine a life where you actually spend your mental energy weighing the pros and cons of either living in Jersey swamps or Florida swamps.


Sending sympathy, I guess.

Where did you get that I live in a swamp? I live in the pine barrens of Jersey. Woods and lakes, bay down the street, ocean 15 min away, hunting and fishing, boating, jet skis, 4 wheeling, dirt biking etc. My place in Florida is on a barrier island. Ocean in front river in back, no swamps just beauty.  Cheers.

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Wife Erupts Upon Interrupting Husband's Tryst


Upon returning to her home at 11 PM, a Florida Woman last week discovered her husband “engaged in sexual intercourse” with another woman, a circumstance that allegedly prompted a domestic pummeling and the wife’s arrest by police, records show.


According to cops, Nicole Denison, a 29-year-old flight attendant, interrupted the marital infidelity when she arrived Wednesday at her family’s residence in Safety Harbor, a city in the Tampa Bay area.




Denison, police allege, punched her 34-year-old spouse “in his left eye causing a ‘black eye.’” Denison’s husband also sustained scratches to his forehead and a bruise on his right arm “at the hands of the defendant.”


Then, in a move straight out of “Animal House,” Denison allegedly took her husband’s acoustic guitar and smashed it against the wall, destroying the instrument and “leaving a gaping hole in the wall.”


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Man Jailed For Alleged Felony Slurpee Battery


A Florida Man was jailed yesterday on a felony Slurpee battery charge, records show.


Investigators allege that Brian Duffy, 40, last month doused a 7-Eleven employee with the frozen treat during a 9:20 AM argument about the drink’s price inside a store in Pinellas Park.


According to an arrest affidavit, a surveillance camera recorded Duffy “back handing the cup full of a Slurpee drink” out of the female victim’s hand. The Slurpee “flew onto the victim’s person,” a cop reported.


During police questioning, Duffy recalled there previously was “an incident” in which he “was being charged too much for a drink.” But Duffy did not recall knocking the Slurpee out of the worker’s hand.


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Florida man with prior DUIs caught driving lawnmower on highway while drunk, deputies say


A man in northern Florida is in jail for driving a lawnmower on a highway while drunk, deputies say.


According to the Marion County Sheriff's Office, Paul Burke has three prior DUIs and has had his license suspended three times and then revoked four times, all for DUIs and failing to submit a breath sample.


Last week, Burke was spotted riding a lawnmower down the middle of HWY 316, where the speed limit is 55 mph, by a Marion County deputy who says he could smell the alcohol coming from his breath and his speech was slurred.


When the deputy tried to conduct a file sobriety check, Burke told him he couldn't do it because he'd been drinking too much, according to the sheriff's office.


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Colombia arrests Florida men accused of selling fake COVID cure that allegedly killed 7 people


Colombian officials say they have arrested two Florida men wanted in the U.S. on charges they illegally sold a bleachlike chemical as a miracle cure for the new coronavirus and other diseases. The Colombian prosecutor's office said Tuesday that Mark and Joseph Grenon were arrested in the beach town of Santa Marta, and were shipping their "Miracle Mineral Solution" — chlorine dioxide — from there to clients in the United States, Colombia and Africa.


It said seven Americans had died from using the substance.


Mark Grenon is the archbishop of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, based in Bradenton, Florida. The church is centered on use of the toxic chemical as a supposed sacrament it claims can cure a vast variety of illnesses ranging from cancer to autism to malaria and now COVID-19.


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Homeless man lived in Al Lang Stadium luxury suite for two weeks, police say


A homeless man somehow got into Al Lang Stadium and lived in a luxury suite for nearly two weeks, police said.


Daniel Albert Neja, 39, was arrested Sunday after a cleaning crew entered the room where he was staying and found razors, opened shaving cream containers and blankets, St. Petersburg police spokesperson Yolanda Fernandez said.


Fernandez said the cleaning crew had not been in the room for some time because the space was supposed to be empty and cleaning activity was limited due to COVID-19.


Stadium security reviewed surveillance video and found that Neja had been entering the merchandise store and food area. He was wearing Rowdies clothing and eating the food that he had found, Fernandez said.


Surveillance footage showed that he had been in the facility since July 26.


Officers do not know how Neja entered the stadium, but suspect that he was able to blend in with the cleaning crew, Fernandez said.


The value of the clothing he took was $1,043 and he also consumed $250 in drinks, arrest reports state.


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